• Love Will Never Leave You....It's True
    Nov 29 2024

    This episode will tell you how God is faithful. Faithful love who can know it? YOU CAN. No matter what is going on in your life, no matter who is walking in and out of your life receiving Jesus you will receive an everlasting love.

    God is Love, Lover Never Fails, God Never Fails.

    Love, God, CHOSE YOU!

    Verses covered and for you to concentrate on this week:

    Psalm 52:8, Psalm 33:22, Psalm 32:10, Psalm 107:8-9, Exodus 107:8-9

    1 Chronicles 16:34 , Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:35-39

    Most important thing to know is that NO ONE, or NOTHING can separate you from the love of God. Hear this episode, soak it in, let God's love cover you and know Jesus the name above all names makes the love above all loves possible!

    The Prescription for Love is our first chapter in the JesusRx prescription for life workbook. Being in this chapter daily, over 30 days will allow you to see God's love and experience it for yourself if you have not already. It will reinforce how faithful and true God's word is and how He is for you.

    The workbook can be found at my website evapopek.com

    If you have the workbook and would like to schedule a 4 week free session over any of the prescriptions shoot me an email at evapopekJesusrx@gmail and we can get you scheduled.

    Be blessed, may your health be renewed daily as you stay in God's Love.

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    11 mins
  • Starting Over--It's all about LOVE. The remedy for love is found here.
    Nov 25 2024

    Do you ever feel unloved? When life has us "start over" it could leave us feeling unloved. In this episode we will go over reasons you may not feel loved, and show you the remedy.

    JesusRx Prescripiton for life workbook is available at evapopek.com and chapter one, the Prescription for love shows you how unfailing the love of God is. People fail us, God does not.

    Scripture references : 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, Psalm 57:10, Romans 5:8

    Free Offer to those receiving the workbook : four sessions covering any of the prescriptions in the workbook. to schedule email me at evapopekjesusrx@gmail

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    14 mins
  • Differences and similarites between the Great Physican, His presriptions and other physicians
    Nov 16 2024

    What are your reasons for taking prescription medication? In this episode you will see differences and similarities between the Great Physician and your physician and their prescriptions. After hearing this podcast you may rethink making appointments with the Great Physician to find optimal health.

    The verses to follow up with on the wisdom of the all knowing Great Physician : Psalm 139:1-6 , 1 Samuel10:2, 1 Kings 13:1-4, Psalm 147:5, John 21:17, Hebrews 4:12-13, and 1 John 3:20 and 1 Corinthians 1:25

    Wisdom is Gods ability to apply His knowledge in perfect measure which always has goodness and His glory in mind.

    The JesusRx Workbook contains a note from the pharmacist on how to become a member of God's family. See my website evapopek.com for information on where to purchase the book.

    Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, why we need the "blood work".

    Sign up for monthly emails to get notified who and when our guests will be on" Find out About it Fridays" : evapopekjesusrx@gmail

    Please leave a review if anything you heard today will help you and or share this podcast with others you know it may help. The more of God's prescriptions we can get out into this world, the better off we will all be!

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    20 mins
  • Getting to know me and why I'm doing this podcast episode one
    Nov 16 2024

    to This episode is so you get to know a little more about me. It's important to know my background since I am going to talk about Jesus.

    You will learn how I came to know Jesus. I hope it wasn't the same for you. I was raised in Baptist churches and later attended non denominational Bible teaching churches as an adult. I have been "damaged" by churches so I understand if you don't go to church but still want to stay close to Jesus. I have taken over 100 Bible study classes through different churches ranging from salvation, finance, children, marriage and covering each book of the Bible. This has not made me an expert, just someone who then desired to keep learning more and that is my desire for you. God's love is indescribable. I have worked with children in Vacation Bilbe Schools and Sunday School. I held Bible studies in my home with 12 to 15 women from different churches and have facilitated other group studies.

    I have seen God work through His Word and know how it will help others looking for health, mind, body, and spirit.

    I have authored a workbook : JesusRx the Prescription for life covering 12 life issues . Each "prescription" is a 4 week study giving you simple daily questions to answer and after 30 days you should see changes in your life. Check out my website Evapopek.com to see where you can purchase the book. Over the next year I will be going over those prescriptions to help you grow and come to know God more through His word. You will come to understand what role medication should play in your life.

    Our mission is to lead people first and foremost to the Great Physician for all of lives circumstances through His Word, not denying medication plays a role while we are here.

    Our theme passages are Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-16

    To keep updated on our guests sign up for monthly emails at evapopekjesusrx@gmail

    We have a JesusRx facebook page you can see a verse of the day and keep up on our guests. https://www.facebook.com/jesusrxnh/

    my webisite : evapopek.com where you will see where you can order the workbook and another book, the story behing JesusRx prescription for life will be available sometime in 2025.

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    20 mins
  • trailer for the JesusRx prescription for life podcast
    Nov 14 2024

    Do you take prescription medication or vitamins on a daily basis to stay healthy? What about the prescriptions from Gods Word? Do you take that in daily? After practicing pharmacy for 23 years I was called out to dispense God's Word. I have written a workbook, JesusRx the Prescription for life containing 12 four week "prescriptions" from the Great Physician addressing 12 different life issues. A link where to purchase can be found at my website evapopek.com

    If you have questions please send an email to evapopekjesusrx@gmail.com

    I would love to connect with you and send out emails about our upcoming episodes and guests who can help us understand ways of healing that may lesson ones need for prescription medications or avoid needing medications, especially as we age.

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    5 mins