• Power, Parenting, and Passion: Inside the Mind of a HV Man
    Feb 28 2025

    In this conversation, Dorothy Diana speaks with "Cubby" Christopher Bice, wealth advisor, business developer, devoted dad, divorcee, and philanthropist, delving into personal experiences surrounding parenting, relationships, and the complexities of modern dating. They explore the impact of upbringing on personal development, the importance of resilience in children, and the dynamics of gender roles in parenting. The discussion also touches on the significance of intimacy, the challenges faced in dating today, and the role of spirituality in personal growth. Ultimately, the speakers reflect on their aspirations for the future and the legacy they wish to leave behind.

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • The Keys to BDE: masculinity, health and relationships, with MMA prizefighter Tommy Debo
    Feb 6 2025

    In this episode Dorothy Diana interviews the epic Tommy Debernado, aka "Tommy Debo", MMA prize fighter, successful business owner, and masculinity coach for health and relationships. In this engaging conversation, Tommy shares his journey from being a professional fighter to a men's coach, emphasizing the importance of physical health, emotional well-being, and effective communication in relationships.

    He shares what a healed masculine man REALLY wants from women, how men can step into their optimum health and power even if overweight or over 40, and then... we role play! (No, not like that, you cheeky thing!) Tommy role plays what a discussion can look like when a woman is unhappy or has a need, in relationship with the healthy masculine. Dorothy enacts the 2 different ways a woman can EXPRESS that need that might get two VERY different results from men.

    Also, Tommy vulnerably shares a shocking and devastating event in his young life that sent him in a dark downwward spiral, until getting involved in martial arts turned him around, to lead him to a successful fighting caeer, and into becoming the service-to-others, faithful, fit and sexy, emotionally connected man he is today, Tommy Debo shows us that the divine masculine is alive and well, and shares how men can move toward that, and how women can show up in a way that draws him in for partnership, chemistry, and commitment.

    The discussion covers various themes including parenting, the impact of testosterone on masculinity, and the significance of trust and respect in romantic partnerships. Tommy also provides insights on navigating emotional conversations and the importance of self-love and personal growth.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • "Why Women Don't Come", or "Exploring Trauma, Sensuality, Sisterhood and Art" with Christen Renee
    Jan 17 2025

    In this conversation, Dorothy Diana, RN, MSN and somatic sexual educator speaks with Christen Renee, myofascial trauma therapist and womb healer, discussing the profound disconnection many women experience from their own pleasure and sexuality. She explores how trauma, both physical and emotional, can restrict women's ability to connect with their bodies and experience intimacy. T
    hrough specialized massage, self-love, and somatic healing practices, women can begin to heal these traumas, reconnect with their bodies, and reclaim their pleasure.
    The discussion explores how releasing trauma both physical and emotional and stepping into more feminine energy can be a great conduit for better orgasms.
    The importance of communication in intimate relationships is also emphasized, as a real-life story of dating after 40 and a bad first kiss highlights how having a supportive sisterhood and understanding and expressing one's needs can lead to happier women, and deeper connections and fulfillment.

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    38 mins