• 113| How Self-Care Helps You Manage Your Emotions During Hard Times
    Jun 25 2024

    Self-care is important for managing stress during hard times. You might not realize that it’s also essential to managing your emotions well. It’s not always easy to make time for it and sometimes there are some mindset hurdles to overcome. In this episode, I’m sharing why self-care is vital to your emotional health, why it’s not selfish or unbiblical, plus 7 things that you can start doing today to take better care of yourself.

    45| Breath Prayers: How to Calm Your Anxious Heart
    83| Struggling to Hear God’s Voice? 7 Simple Ways to Practice Stillness in God’s Presence
    102| 6 Practical Ideas to Renew Your Mind During Times of Stress

    Resources Mentioned: Let's Make Art


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    23 mins
  • 112 | Don't Be Like Job's Friends: Misunderstanding God's Role in Suffering
    Jun 18 2024

    During hard times it can be really hard to reconcile a loving God with the pain and suffering you're walking through. Misunderstanding God's role in suffering makes it difficult to manage your emotions and trust God.

    In this episode, I’m wrapping up our series on spiritual bypassing with a look at understanding the relationship between faith and suffering, what to do with your doubts and questions, and finding God in a season when nothing seems to make sense.

    Related Episodes:
    36 | How to Grow Closer to God in Your Grief
    90 | Feel like your life is falling apart? The Truth Behind God's Restoration Plan
    107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    32 mins
  • 111 | The Secret to Ending the Avoidance Cycle So You Can Find Peace
    Jun 11 2024

    Avoiding your problems never works, not even for Scarlett O'Hara. The mindset of "I'll think about it tomorrow" just creates bigger problems and more emotional distress. It's normal to feel overwhelmed when walking through hard times, you just need the right tools to help you manage and process those emotions.

    In this episode, I'm talking about why you feel overwhelmed, the consequences of avoiding your problems and emotions, and how to break the avoidance cycle once and for all so you can have peace in your life no matter what.

    Join the Peace-Filled Mind group coaching program here: https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    Related Episodes:
    107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions
    109 | The Hidden Problem of Ignoring and Suppression Your Emotions
    110 | Why Quick Fixes Won't Help When You Feel Overwhelmed


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    23 mins
  • 110 | Why Quick Fixes Won't Help When You Feel Overwhelmed
    Jun 4 2024

    We've been talking about spiritual bypassing and how it keeps you from learning to manage your emotions well. Quick fixes are something that doesn't help either. (Sometimes we use spiritual bypassing as a quick fix)

    In this episode, I'm talking about why we gravitate towards quick fixes, why they don't work and what to do instead so that you can embrace the process of self-awareness and growth needed for emotional well-being.

    Join the Peace-Filled Mind group coaching program here: https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    Related Episode:
    107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions
    108 | The Perfection Trap: How Trying to Be the Perfect Christian Keeps You From Managing Your Emotions
    109 | The Hidden Problem of Ignoring and Suppression Your Emotions


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    21 mins
  • 109 | The Hidden Problem of Ignoring and Suppressing Your Emotions
    May 28 2024

    When things get really difficult ignoring it or flat out denying the struggle seems like an easy way to cope. It may work ... temporarily. The truth is that ignoring or suppress your emotions will lead to more distress and issues down the line.

    In this episode, I'm talking about the root problems that come from ignoring/denying your emotions, the impact is has on all aspects of your life, the importance of learning to embrace all of your emotions, and practical tips to help you overcome the poor habit.

    Join the Peace-Filled Mind group coaching program here: https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    Related Episodes:
    107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions
    108 | The Perfection Trap: How Trying to Be the Perfect Christian Keeps You From Managing Your Emotions
    103 | 3 Steps to a Peace-Filled Mind


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    22 mins
  • 108 | The Perfection Trap: How Trying to Be the Perfect Christian Keeps You From Managing Your Emotions
    May 21 2024

    Let's talk about the trap of trying to be the perfect Christian. Striving to be more like Jesus is a great thing until it isn't. When you fall into the perfection trap it's no longer about sanctification it's about chasing the impossible.

    In this episode, I'm talking about how the perfection trap stems from spiritual bypassing, why it's dangerous, the problem with the way some Christians view emotions, plus the importance of authentic faith.

    Join the Peace-Filled Mind group coaching program here: https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    Related Episodes:
    79 | 5 Ways to Know You're Saved
    72 | Why You May Be Doing All The "Right Things" But Aren't Growing Any Closer to God
    66 | How to Have Hope When You Feel Forgotten By God


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    23 mins
  • 107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions
    May 14 2024

    Today I want to talk about something that is very important -- spiritual bypassing. It's something that harms many Christians and you may not even know it. The tendancy to offer faith and spiritual practices as the end all be all solution to emotional distress does more harm than good. I know it did for me.

    In this episode we are going to take a look at understanding what spiritual bypassing is, how to spot it when it's happening, why it's not a good thing and steps you can take to move past it and learn how to manage your emotions in a healthy way.

    Join the Peace-Filled Mind group coaching program here: https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    Related Episodes
    84 | 5 Ways to Cope as an Overwhelmed Christian Empath
    95 | The Key to Understanding and Overcoming Emotional Numbness
    37 | 5 Ways to Grow Your Faith During Hard Times


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    28 mins
  • 106 | How Mapping Your Emotions Can Help You Calm Down When Your Emotions Feel Too Big
    Apr 30 2024

    Do your emotions seem to get the better of you and control your actions? Learning how to manage your emotions and calm your mind is exactly what you need. Emotion mapping is a tool that I use with my coaching clients to help them get started on understanding their emotions and making positive and lasting changes. Listen in as I walk you through the basics of mapping your emotion so you can find peace.

    Related Episode:
    103 | Emotions Feel too Big and Overwhelming? 3 Steps to a Peace-Filled Mind
    105 | 7 Ways Working with a Mindset Coach Can Help Highly Sensitive Introverts Find Peace
    102 | 6 Practical Ideas to Renew Your Mind During Times of Stress


    Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth! https://latoyaedwards.net/group

    🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down https://latoyaedwards.net/guide

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    14 mins