• Your Vibe...what is is and how to raise it!
    Feb 20 2023

    Happy Monday beautiful! 

    Todays episode covers a topic that may be one of the most important...how your vibe is affecting you and the world around you. 

    We all have been there you feel weird energy when you walk into a room and aren't sure what that is. Well its your energy picking up on another energy. There is so much reasurch coming out about all things vibration and what it is. 

    In this episode we will dive into:

    • What your energy is
    • Why its important to pay attention to and protect it
    • How to raise it when your feeling off
    • How is is affecting the world around you 

    Let's dive in so you can raise your vibe to show up feeling AMAZING in the world. 

    Links for the show:

    • Coach Kathryn on Instagram and Facebook
    • Visit our website to learn more about Coach K and the Show
    • Join our community of like minded ladies looking to raise their vibe and show up as their best selves! 
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    18 mins
  • The Point of No Return
    Feb 14 2023

    We all go through hard things. The things we know are meant for us but MAN its hard to keep going and learning all the lessons are the hardest sometimes. Then when you do keep going you reach this point, this beautiful and scary point where quitting no longer feels like an option.

    Now how to we get through the HARD to get to that point? Let me tell you about my experience and how you too CAN do this.


    Links for the show:

    • Follow Coach Kathryn K on Facebook and Instagram
    • To learn more, check out our website; and even get on our weekly email pop in list. You'll be first to know about live workshops and events! 
    • Need a space for community and motivational moments? Click HERE to join our free Facebook group!

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    17 mins
  • Why is it so hard to be happy sometimes?
    Feb 6 2023

    I was asked a HARD question that I have been thinking so much about. To be honest I still don't know where I am on the answer. "Are you happy?"... It hit me like a two by four. Am I happy? I really don't know sometimes if I'm being honest. We hear about happiness and we KNOW what to do and how we want to feel yet its still so hard sometimes.

    Let's dive into happiness and how we can make shifts to truly start to change that answer to a YES in our lives.

    **Disclaimer: I am a certified life coach, not a mental health professional. I can only speak from my experience and own growth. If you are truly having trouble in life and feel like you need help, please talk to your doctor. No shame love. You deserve to feel amazing!

    Links for the show:

    • Follow Coach K on Instagram and Facebook
    • Check out our website to learn more and find ways to connect
    • Join our Radiant life community on Facebook for daily inspiration and connection!
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    22 mins
  • Three Shifts You Can Make Today For YOU
    Jan 30 2023

    I think we can all agree that there is SO much noise around what our health and wellness "should" look like and its EXHAUSTING. So I wanted to bring you an episode top help you in your journey to your best self. To be clear again, you dont have to make ANY changes, you are amazing exactly where you are. But iff you know you want to make change to feel better and live your best life, then this is for you.

    These shifts are easy to incorporate and anyone can do them no matter where you are. I can honestly also say, if I would have had these when I began my journey it would have saved me a lot of trauma and pain...good times lol.

    So lets' go mama, THREE shifts you can make today to feel amazing and change your life.

    Links for the show:
    Coach Kathryn K and the show on Instagram and Facebook
    - Learn more about what we do and offer on our website
    -Need more inspiration and tips, join our amazing free Facebook community of ladies who are all on the same journey of discovery and growth. 

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    19 mins
  • Triggered? Listen in Mama...
    Jan 23 2023

    Here we are again. Your girl was MAJORLY triggered today. So of course I had to talk to you about it because I want to share what they are, what you can do and what helps me.

    In this episode I talk about
    - How I was triggered 
    -What a trigger is
    - The best thing I have learned to do to move through them.
    - Why we need to learn about them and ourselves

    *Disclaimer: I am a health/lifestyle coach. I can only speak to what I know and have learned in my life as a coach. I am not a physician or mental health provider. If you are dealing with an eating disorder, illness, or mental health issues please contact your doctor to work out a plan that is best for you.

    Need help now? Here is a helpline for eating disorders if you need them. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline

    Links for the show:
    - Coach Kathryn K on Instagram and Facebook
    - Our website is where you can learn more get a free gift from Coach K.
    - Need more positive people in your life? We have a Radiant life community just for you free on Facebook! 

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    17 mins
  • A quickie for ya...The idea of RADICAL SELF LOVE
    Jan 17 2023

    Who thinks the term self love ands feels all the feels? I NEVER thought of loving myself. I thought no, you love yourself when you're "there".

    When you do all the things, reach all the things etc. Not knowing I would NEVER really get there, because "there" dosent exist really. We have to BE THE CHANGE and love ourselves radically now, as we are. Thats when we change ourselves, our families, and the world.

    Trigger warning: I do discus my battle with an eating disorder and negative body shame. If you feel like that may trigger you where you are mama, go ahead and skip this one. LOVE YA.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a therapist. I can only talk about things from my story and what I know. If you are struggling with an eating disorder PLEASE seek help from a professional You deserve to feel better mama.

    Links for the show:

    • Coach Kathryn on Instagram and Facebook
    • Our website
    • Want to join a community on Facebook full of positivity and woman looking to change their lives? Check us out here! 

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    20 mins
  • Letting Go of Control and Trusting with Raileigh Duschen
    Jan 9 2023

    In this season of goals, revamping, and dreaming it is so easy to get trapped in the outcome and the expectation of how we think something should turn out (your girl is guilty too trust me). What is we found a way to do the work, follow our passions, show up, yet simultaneously found a way to let go?!

    Sound crazy? Then you also need this episode in your life right now to mama. Let's dive in with Transformational Coach Raileigh and see how we can make this happen.

    Links from the episode:

    • Follow Raileigh on social and get more inspiring content
    • Follow Coach Kathryn on Instagram and Facebook
    • Learn more about that we do on our website
    • Need more inspiring woman in your life? Join our free community on Facebook of like minded ladies you need in your life. 
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    37 mins
  • New Year Momentum...How do we make this stick?
    Jan 2 2023

    SEASON 2:

    Here we are! It is another amazing new year, and I don't know about you but I'm really feeling some AMAZING energy coming off of this year. Now the fun part, how do we make this different than another time and actually use the momentum to make things happen in our lives?

    I want to fill you in on a secret, the key isn't what you think it is at all! Who needs support taking some pressure and stress off of the New Year Resolutions? We all know most people quit their resolutions by February. How do we make that not us and not this year? Let's dive into how you can make things happen for yourself this year!

    Links for this show:

    • Follow Coach Kathryn on Instagram and Facebook
    • Check out our website and get on the email list to stay in the loop and get more amazing support
    • Join our free community of ladies looking to bring more love and radiance into their lives this year on Facebook! 
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    18 mins