Today, we’re diving into a topic that can feel a little intimidating, even for the most experienced business owners—sales pages. If the idea of writing one makes you break out in a cold sweat, you’re not alone.
Many of us associate sales pages with pushy, over-the-top tactics, but the truth is, when done well, a sales page is simply another way to have an honest, structured conversation with potential customers.
And to help us demystify sales pages, I’m joined by Angela Pickett, an experienced and highly approachable sales page and website copywriter. Angela’s background is fascinating;before she became a copywriter, she spent 15 years working as a diplomat in Australia, China, and Vietnam.
It turns out that the same skills that made her a great diplomat;clear communication, attention to detail, and the ability to connect with people,also make her an incredible copywriter.
Now, she helps business owners, government organizations, and not-for-profits craft clear, compelling copy that actually works.
In today’s episode, we’ll be covering:
- What a sales page really is (and isn’t).
- Who actually needs one—and why.
- How a sales page differs from a regular website page.
- The key elements that make a sales page effective.
- Why some sales pages give the whole concept a bad name.
- A step-by-step breakdown of a high-converting sales page.
- And why design is just as important as the words on the page.
So tune in, pull up your website and let Angela take you through what you have got right,and what you may be missing.
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