FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • How Rugby Sparked Gwen's Empowering Journey
    Oct 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: How Rugby Sparked Gwen's Empowering Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/how-rugby-sparked-gwens-empowering-journey Story Transcript:Cy: Roedd hi'n fore clir, ond oer, wrth i blant ysgol Gerddi Haul waith eu ffordd i Stadwm y Mileniwm, Caerdydd.En: It was a clear but cold morning as the schoolchildren of Gerddi Haul made their way to the Stadwm y Mileniwm, Caerdydd.Cy: Roedd y coed ar eu gwaethaf awst, gyda lliwiau aur, coch a brown yn cwympo ar hyd y strydoedd, gan ddawnsio yn y gwynt ysgafn.En: The trees were in their worst of August, with golden, red, and brown leaves falling along the streets, dancing in the light breeze.Cy: Gwen, merch swil ond frwdfrydig, oedd yn rhan o'r grŵp hwnnw.En: Gwen, a shy but enthusiastic girl, was part of that group.Cy: Er bod ei chalon yn cario cyfrinach, ei angerdd tuag at rygbi oedd y gyfrinach honno.En: Although her heart carried a secret, her passion for rugby was that very secret.Cy: Yr oedd Gwen yn dyheu i gyfarfod chwaraewr rygbi proffesiynol.En: Gwen longed to meet a professional rugby player.Cy: Ei breuddwydywodd oedd bod yn newyddiadurwr chwaraeon, ond roedd hi'n ofni siarad gyda'r eraill am ei chariad at chwaraeon.En: Her dream was to become a sports journalist, but she feared speaking with others about her love for sports.Cy: Roedd ei chyd-ddisgyblion yn aml yn gwneud hwyl arni am ddim fforddio cwtogi eu sgwrsiaethau diddiwedd am bethau nad oedd Gwen yn eu deall.En: Her classmates often made fun of her for not being able to join in their endless conversations about things Gwen didn't understand.Cy: Roedd tu mewn y stadiwm yn orlawn â disgyblion ac athrawon yn gafael ar sticeri lliwgar a phamffledi llenwi eu pocedi.En: Inside the stadium, it was packed with pupils and teachers holding colorful stickers and leaflets filling their pockets.Cy: Roedd y sŵn yn drydanol, gyda chwerthin a sibrwd cyfnewid yn gymysg â'r arogl o sgrychian esgidiau playingwr ar y caet.En: The noise was electric, with laughter and whispered exchanges mixed with the smell of squeaking players' shoes on the field.Cy: Gwen, yn sownd wrth ochr Dylan, hyfforddwr cymwynasgar, oedd yn edrych ar bopeth gyda llygaid mawr.En: Gwen, stuck by the side of Dylan, a friendly coach, was looking at everything with wide eyes.Cy: Doedd Gwen ddim yn siŵr sut i ofyn am gyfweliad gyda chwaraewr.En: Gwen wasn't sure how to ask for an interview with a player.Cy: Roedd ei dwylaw yn chwysu yn erbyn ei phocedi cot.En: Her hands were sweating against her coat pockets.Cy: Ond roedd Dylan wedi sylwi ar ei brwdfrydedd, a phan wnaeth Gwen dechrau goglais ei hyder, aeth ar draws yr ochr arall i Dylan.En: But Dylan noticed her enthusiasm, and when Gwen began to tickle her confidence, she went across to the other side of Dylan.Cy: “Os hoffech chi gyfweliad, Gwen,” meddai Dylan yn gynnil, “dweud eich bod chi eisiau gwybod mwy am eu hanes.”En: “If you'd like an interview, Gwen,” Dylan said subtly, “say you want to know more about their history.”Cy: Roedd y sylw hwnnw yn symbylu rhywbeth y tu mewn i Gwen.En: That comment sparked something inside Gwen.Cy: Eraill oedd ei hofn, ond roedd ei breuddwyd yn bwysicach.En: Her fear was there, but her dream was more important.Cy: Gafaelodd yn ei anadl dyfnach, a cherddodd tuag at Rhys, un o chwaraewyr mwyaf medrus y tîm.En: She took a deep breath and walked towards Rhys, one of the team's most skilled players.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn dyst i'r fro-hyder o Gwen.En: Rhys witnessed Gwen's boldness.Cy: “Sut allaf i helpu, Gwen?” gofynnodd ef, gwenu yn gynnes.En: “How can I help, Gwen?” he asked, smiling warmly.Cy: “A allwn ni wneud cyfweliad?” sibrydodd Gwen, ei henau sych a'i chalon yn curo fel drwm.En: “Could we do an interview?” Gwen whispered, her mouth dry and her heart pounding like a drum.Cy: “Wrth gwrs,” atebodd Rhys. “Dwi wrth fy modd yn siarad am rygbi.”En: “Of course,” replied Rhys. “I love talking about rugby.”Cy: Yn dilyn y cyfarfod arbennig hwnnw, ysgrifennodd Gwen yn awchus ei thraethawd cyntaf i bapur newydd yr ysgol.En: Following that special meeting, Gwen eagerly wrote her first essay for the school newspaper.Cy: Bydde ei chyd-ddisgyblion yn ei darllen ac ni fyddent ond yn derbyn cynnes.En: Her classmates would read it and would only receive it warmly.Cy: Roedd trosolwg Rhys wedi cynnig yr ysbrydoliaeth oedd angen arni, a chanlyniad hynny, roedd y dosbarth yn llawn edmygedd.En: Rhys's overview provided the inspiration she needed, and as a result, the class was filled with admiration.Cy: Dechreuodd ei chyfeillion weld Gwen mewn golau newydd, fel rhywun oedd nid yn unig wedi'i chyflwyno ei hangerdd yn ddewr, ond wedi dod a'r drefn newydd i'w chalon.En: Her friends began to see Gwen in a new light, as someone who not only presented her passion boldly but brought a new order to her heart.Cy: Ile roedd Gwen unwaith yn cuddio ei hobi, nawr roedd hi'n dal yn...
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    17 mins
  • Rhys and the Enchanted Lab: The Ultimate Halloween Transformation
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rhys and the Enchanted Lab: The Ultimate Halloween Transformation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/rhys-and-the-enchanted-lab-the-ultimate-halloween-transformation Story Transcript:Cy: Wrth i'r gwynt hydref olchi drwy'r strydoedd, roedd Rhys yn crwydro heibio'r cyrtiau colliabrig wrth chwilio am syniadau.En: As the autumn wind washed through the streets, Rhys wandered past the overgrown courtyards searching for ideas.Cy: Un peth oedd yn sicr, roedd Halloween ar y gorwel, ac roedd angen ysbrydoli.En: One thing was certain, Halloween was on the horizon, and he needed inspiration.Cy: Roedd y parti'n addo bod yn fawreddog, ac roedd y cyfle perffaith ar y gweill i Rhys ddod yn arwr o'i sioe sci-fi hoff.En: The party promised to be magnificent, and it was the perfect opportunity for Rhys to become the hero of his favorite sci-fi show.Cy: Ond roedd un broblem mawr.En: But there was one big problem.Cy: Ni allai Rhys benderfynu: prynu cotwm ffodus wedi'i baratoi, neu greu rhywbeth rhyfeddol ei hun?En: Rhys couldn't decide: buy a ready-made lucky costume, or create something extraordinary himself?Cy: Yr ateb am fod yn glir, roedd e eisiau rhywbeth eithriadol.En: The answer seemed clear, he wanted something exceptional.Cy: Roedd ganddo ddechreuad o syniadau, ond dim digon o amser na adnoddau.En: He had a beginning of ideas but not enough time or resources.Cy: Roedd y si yn dweud bod Gareth, gyda'i wyddoniaeth a'i gweithio ym maes technoleg, wedi sefydlu labordy cudd yn hen warws.En: The rumor was that Gareth, with his expertise in science and working in the field of technology, had established a secret lab in an old warehouse.Cy: Labordy llawn swyn, os yw straeon Rhys yn ddilys.En: A lab full of magic, if Rhys's stories were to be believed.Cy: Ei ffrind Anwen oedd yr un a ddisgleiriodd yn ôl wrth ddarparu'r wybodaeth hon.En: His friend Anwen was the one who shone by providing this information.Cy: "Beth am roi cynnig?En: "How about giving it a try?"Cy: " awgrymodd Anwen.En: suggested Anwen.Cy: Felly ymlaen â Rhys gyda'i fynd, droed yn ofnus ond llawn cyffro.En: So on went Rhys with his journey, foot hesitant but full of excitement.Cy: Dyma'r lle.En: Here it was.Cy: Labordy cudd Gareth.En: Gareth's secret lab.Cy: Roedd yn ddychmygus iawn.En: It was very imaginative.Cy: Tŷ o fframiau haearn, llenfur di-ri ac ordoedd o ddarnau mecanyddol anhrefnus - oherwydd wrth yr oriel oedd offer addawol a syniad sicr - cyfle i Rhys gyflwyno ei sioe.En: A house of iron frames, countless wall hangings, and heaps of disorganized mechanical parts—because by the gallery were promising tools and a certain idea—a chance for Rhys to present his show.Cy: Wrth weithio, llithrodd yr amser.En: While working, time slipped away.Cy: Aelod newydd o'r ddinas fenter, defnyddiodd Rhys pob offeryn y gallai ei ddifetha.En: As a new member of the enterprise city, Rhys used every tool he could manage.Cy: Ac mewn camgwthio, cyffyrddodd â'r botwm anghywir.En: And, in a blunder, he touched the wrong button.Cy: Yn sydyn, cynnai'r holl labordy, gan symud a'r peiriannau mewn clyw a lolfa llawn chwerthin.En: Suddenly, the entire lab came to life, with machines moving and a lounge full of laughter.Cy: Esboniodd Gareth wedyn fod hwn yn declyn enwog iddo.En: Gareth then explained that this was his famous gadget.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn ei gweld ar y sgriniau sci-fi, ac eto, roedd hyn yn addewid newydd iddo.En: Rhys had seen it on sci-fi screens, and yet, this was a new promise for him.Cy: Roedd yr holl hwyl di dwymgalon yn digwydd dros dro, ac felly ddigwyddodd fod y labordy wedi cynnig i Rhys ei ddymuniad pennaf — cotwm hollol unigryw.En: All the cheerful fun happened momentarily, and so it happened that the lab offered Rhys his ultimate wish—a completely unique costume.Cy: Roedd yn rhyfeddu gyda phob manylyn.En: He marveled at every detail.Cy: Rhys aeth i'r parti'n llawn hyder, gan disgleirio'n glir mewn cotwm nad oedd neb arall yn ei feddu.En: Rhys went to the party full of confidence, shining brightly in a costume no one else possessed.Cy: Yn y pen draw, sylweddolodd Rhys nad oes rhaid iddo ofni creu.En: In the end, Rhys realized that he didn't have to fear creating.Cy: Rhoddodd y dewrder a'r syniadau i ddatgelu nad yw arwrolwch yn dod o'r tramor, ond o'i hun gyntaf.En: It gave him the courage and ideas to reveal that heroism doesn't come from afar but from within himself first.Cy: Roedd yn dysgu'n derfynol bod ei ddychymyg a'i farn ei hun yn fwy gwerthfawr nag unrhyw gotwm wedi'i phrynu.En: He learned, finally, that his imagination and opinion were more valuable than any store-bought costume.Cy: Roedd y noson hon, o waith cwbl gynhyrchiol, yn flwyddyn i gofio.En: This night, from a completely productive effort, was a year to remember. Vocabulary Words:autumn: hydrefovergrown: colliabrighorizon: gorwelinspiration: ysbrydolimagnificent: mawreddogextraordinary: rhyfeddolwarehouse: ...
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    16 mins

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