
  • Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava
    Oct 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-freedom-an-architects-journey-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: Jana sa prechádzala po uliciach Bratislavy, každým krokom bližšie k svojmu cieľu.En: Jana walked through the streets of Bratislava, with each step bringing her closer to her destination.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, ale svieži, a lístie žiarilo farbami jesene.En: The air was cold but fresh, and the leaves shone with the colors of autumn.Sk: Obloha bola zamračená, no pod nohami jej škrípali suché lístie.En: The sky was overcast, yet the dry leaves crunched under her feet.Sk: V hlave mala chaos.En: Her mind was in chaos.Sk: Bola architektkou, ale čoraz viac cítila neistotu ohľadom svojej budúcnosti.En: She was an architect, but increasingly felt uncertain about her future.Sk: Nechcela sa sklamať ani sklamať ostatných.En: She didn't want to disappoint herself or others.Sk: Matej a Andrej, jej priatelia a kolegovia, kráčali vedľa nej.En: Matej and Andrej, her friends and colleagues, walked beside her.Sk: Chápali Janu viac, než by si priala priznať.En: They understood Jana more than she would care to admit.Sk: Zdieľali jej túžbu objavovať a chápať krásu moderných stavieb.En: They shared her desire to discover and appreciate the beauty of modern structures.Sk: Na dnešok plánovali návštevu jedného z najznámejších symbolov mesta – Mosta SNP, známeho ako UFO most.En: Today, they planned to visit one of the city's most renowned symbols – the SNP Bridge, known as the UFO bridge.Sk: UFO most sa týčil nad riekou Dunaj.En: The UFO bridge loomed over the Danube River.Sk: Jeho elegantný dizajn a jedinečný tvar priťahovali pohľady.En: Its elegant design and unique shape drew attention.Sk: Keď sa traja priatelia priblížili, Jana pocítila vzrušenie.En: As the three friends approached, Jana felt excitement.Sk: Na vrchol mosta viedol výťah.En: An elevator led to the top of the bridge.Sk: Rozhodne vstúpila dovnútra, nasledovaná Matejom a Andrejom.En: She decisively stepped inside, followed by Matej and Andrej.Sk: Výťah ich vyviezol do panoramatickej kaviarne.En: The elevator took them up to a panoramic café.Sk: Z výšky bolo vidieť celé mesto.En: From that height, the entire city was visible.Sk: Bratislava sa rozprestierala v celej svojej nádhere, údolia a kopce boli prikryté kobercom farebného lístia.En: Bratislava stretched out in all its splendor, valleys and hills covered with a carpet of colorful leaves.Sk: Jana sa krátko zastavila a pohľadom objala celú tú krásu.En: Jana paused briefly and embraced all that beauty with her gaze.Sk: „Pozri sa, aké úžasné,“ povedal Andrej, ukazujúc na mesto pod nimi.En: “Look, how amazing,” said Andrej, pointing to the city below them.Sk: Janin pohľad sa pohrával s obzormi a bola uchvátená.En: Jana's eyes played with the horizons, and she was captivated.Sk: Tu, v tejto výške, mala pocit slobody.En: Here, at this height, she felt a sense of freedom.Sk: Okamihy ticha ju naplnili inšpiráciou.En: Moments of silence filled her with inspiration.Sk: Hľadela na mesto, odborne navrhnuté, plné premyslených detailov.En: She gazed at the city, expertly designed, full of thoughtful details.Sk: Táto architektúra bola skutočné umenie.En: This architecture was true art.Sk: „Máš pravdu,“ odpovedala Andrejovi s úsmevom, „je to úžasné.“En: "You're right," she replied to Andrej with a smile, "it's amazing."Sk: Matej, ktorý stál vedľa nej, sa opýtal: „Tak čo, našla si tu niečo, čo ti pomôže?“En: Matej, standing next to her, asked, “So, did you find anything here that helps you?”Sk: Jana sa zamyslela.En: Jana pondered.Sk: Na krátku chvíľu zatvorila oči, vnímajúc jemný vietor a šepot svojich myšlienok.En: For a brief moment, she closed her eyes, feeling the gentle wind and the whisper of her thoughts.Sk: „Áno,“ odpovedala, otvorila oči a pozrela na svojich priateľov, „to áno.En: “Yes,” she answered, opened her eyes, and looked at her friends, “indeed, I have.Sk: Táto cesta mi otvorila oči.En: This journey has opened my eyes.Sk: Architektúra nemusí byť len o stavbách.En: Architecture doesn't have to be just about buildings.Sk: Je o emóciách, ktoré vyvoláva.En: It's about the emotions it evokes.Sk: O tom, ako premieňa priestor.“En: About how it transforms space.”Sk: Jana pocítila, ako jej srdce naplňuje nový elán.En: Jana felt a new vigor filling her heart.Sk: V tej chvíli sa jej pochybnosti rozplynuli.En: In that moment, her doubts vanished.Sk: Vedela, že chce tvoriť budovy, ktoré budú mať zmysel.En: She knew she wanted to create buildings that have meaning.Sk: Chce pracovať s vášňou, nech už bude kdekoľvek.En: She wanted to work with passion, no matter where she would be.Sk: Spolu s Matejom a...
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    17 mins
  • Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity
    Oct 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/chaos-and-charm-the-squirrel-that-sparked-creativity Story Transcript:Sk: V strede jesene sa v jednej strednej škole v Bratislave konala súťaž o najlepšiu jesennú výzdobu triedy.En: In the middle of autumn, a competition for the best autumn classroom decoration was held at a middle school in Bratislava.Sk: Marek, Jana a Lukáš sa rozhodli, že ich trieda musí zvíťaziť.En: Marek, Jana, and Lukáš decided that their classroom had to win.Sk: Chceli vytvoriť krásne prostredie plné jesenných farieb, listov a malých svetielok.En: They wanted to create a beautiful environment full of autumn colors, leaves, and small lights.Sk: Marek bol nadšený.En: Marek was enthusiastic.Sk: Miloval zdobenie a chcel, aby všetko bolo perfektné.En: He loved decorating and wanted everything to be perfect.Sk: Jana priniesla kopy farebných listov, ktoré nazbierala v parku.En: Jana brought heaps of colorful leaves she had gathered in the park.Sk: Lukáš, aj keď trochu lenivý, pomáhal, keď videl, aké dôležité to je pre Mareka.En: Lukáš, although a bit lazy, helped when he saw how important it was to Marek.Sk: Ich dekorácie však mali iného kritika. Malú, prefíkanú veveričku.En: However, their decorations had another critic — a small, cunning squirrel.Sk: Veverička si obľúbila skákať cez otvorené okno a odnášať úlomky ich dekorácií.En: The squirrel enjoyed jumping through the open window and taking bits of their decorations.Sk: Listy, orechy, dokonca aj malé svetielka.En: Leaves, nuts, even small lights.Sk: „Pozri, aká je rozkošná!“ usmiala sa Jana, keď veverička s plnými lícami utekala preč.En: “Look how cute it is!” Jana smiled as the squirrel ran away with full cheeks.Sk: Marek však nebol spokojný.En: However, Marek was not pleased.Sk: „Musíme ju zastaviť, inak nič nedokončíme!“En: “We have to stop it, or we won’t finish anything!”Sk: Lukáš navrhol, že by mohli zatvoriť okno, ale Marek chcel radšej vyjsť na veveričku s inou taktikou.En: Lukáš suggested they could close the window, but Marek preferred to approach the squirrel with a different tactic.Sk: Vytvoril malý kútik s orieškami a dúfal, že veverička bude zaneprázdnená.En: He created a small corner with nuts and hoped the squirrel would be kept busy.Sk: Jana si zatiaľ pridala nové svetielka okolo okna, dúfajúc, že veveričku tak zastraší.En: Meanwhile, Jana added new lights around the window, hoping to scare the squirrel away.Sk: V tom sa stalo niečo nečakané.En: Then something unexpected happened.Sk: Veverička sa zamotala do svetielok a v panike začala skákať po celej triede.En: The squirrel got entangled in the lights and, in panic, began to jump all over the classroom.Sk: Odhodila listy, roztočila oriešky a Marek sa zúfalo snažil zachrániť, čo sa dalo.En: It scattered leaves, spun nuts around, and Marek desperately tried to save what he could.Sk: Lukáš sa nemohol prestať smiať, Jana nadšene tlieskala.En: Lukáš couldn’t stop laughing, and Jana clapped excitedly.Sk: Keď sa veverička konečne oslobodila a utekala preč, trieda bola v chaose.En: When the squirrel finally freed itself and ran away, the class was in chaos.Sk: Avšak niektoré kombinácie listov a svetiel vytvorili krásne, náhodné usporiadanie.En: However, some combinations of leaves and lights created beautifully random arrangements.Sk: Vyzeralo to úžasne inak.En: It looked amazingly different.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že niekedy nedokonalosti môžu byť krásne.En: Marek realized that sometimes imperfections can be beautiful.Sk: Nasledujúce ráno bola ich trieda veselšia než kedykoľvek predtým. Všetko vďaka malej, nezbednej veveričke.En: The next morning, their classroom was more cheerful than ever before, all thanks to the little, mischievous squirrel.Sk: Keď prišli ostatní spolužiaci, nemohli sa prestať smiať a obdivovať ich netradičnú výzdobu.En: When the other classmates arrived, they couldn’t stop laughing and admiring their unconventional decoration.Sk: Ich trieda vyhrala súťaž za najzábavnejšiu a najkreatívnejšiu výzdobu.En: Their class won the competition for the most entertaining and creative decoration.Sk: Marek sa naučil, že občas je dobré nechať veci tak, ako sú.En: Marek learned that sometimes it's good to leave things as they are.Sk: Možno sa nedokonalosť môže stať najväčšou ozdobou.En: Maybe imperfection can become the greatest ornament. Vocabulary Words:competition: súťaždecoration: výzdobaenthusiastic: nadšenýheaps: kopycunning: prefíkanýcritic: kritikbits: úlomkypleased: spokojnýtactic: taktikaentangled: zamotalapanic: panikascattered: odhodiladesperately: zúfalochaos: chaoscombinations: kombináciearrangements: usporiadanieimperfections: ...
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    15 mins
  • Secrets of Bratislava Castle: A Historian's Courageous Quest
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of Bratislava Castle: A Historian's Courageous Quest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/secrets-of-bratislava-castle-a-historians-courageous-quest Story Transcript:Sk: Bratislava hrad stál majestátne nad mestom, jeho biele steny a červené strechy žiarili medzi farebnými stromami.En: The Bratislava castle stood majestically above the city, its white walls and red roofs shining among the colorful trees.Sk: Jesenné lístie v odtieňoch žltej, oranžovej a hnedej tancovalo vo vetre.En: Autumn leaves in shades of yellow, orange, and brown danced in the wind.Sk: V tento krásny deň stál Ladislav pri hrade spolu s Evou a Jozefom.En: On this beautiful day, Ladislav stood by the castle along with Eva and Jozef.Sk: Všetci traja obdivovali krásu prírody, keďže slnko zalievalo okolie teplým svetlom.En: All three admired the beauty of nature as the sun bathed the surroundings in warm light.Sk: Ladislav bol historiograf s vášňou pre Slovenskú minulosť.En: Ladislav was a historiographer with a passion for Slovakia's past.Sk: Často premýšľal o tajomstvách skrytých v útrobách tohto starého hradu.En: He often pondered the secrets hidden within the depths of this old castle.Sk: I keď ho trápili pochybnosti jeho kolegov, mal odhodlanie, o ktorom nikto z nich nevedel.En: Even though he was troubled by his colleagues' doubts, he had a determination unknown to them.Sk: Chcel nájsť niečo, čo nikto pred ním neobjavil.En: He wanted to find something that no one before him had discovered.Sk: S nádejou sledoval nenápadné dvere na zadnom nádvorí, ktoré boli väčšinou času ignorované.En: He watched with hope the inconspicuous door in the back courtyard, which was mostly ignored.Sk: V jedno poobedie sa rozhodol, že sa tajne preskúma zakázanú časť hradu.En: One afternoon, he decided to secretly explore the forbidden part of the castle.Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlo, keď sa ticho prikrádal k dverám, ktoré podľa povestí viedli k skrytým komnatám.En: His heart beat quickly as he quietly sneaked toward the door, which, according to legends, led to hidden chambers.Sk: Eva a Jozef boli zaneprázdnení rozhovorom, takže Ladislav mohol nepozorovane vkročiť dovnútra.En: Eva and Jozef were engrossed in conversation, so Ladislav could enter unnoticed.Sk: Chodba bola temná a úzka.En: The corridor was dark and narrow.Sk: Ladislav zápasil so strachom, ale túžba po náleze ho hnala ďalej.En: Ladislav wrestled with fear, but the desire for discovery drove him further.Sk: A potom to zbadal.En: And then he saw it.Sk: Malé dvere vedúce do komnaty, ktorá sa zdala byť zabudnutá celými stáročiami.En: A small door leading to a chamber that seemed forgotten for centuries.Sk: Keď vojdením do miestnosti zapálil svetlo, objavil artefakt – zlatý pohár s vyrytým symbolom, ktorý nepoznal.En: Upon entering the room and lighting it, he discovered an artifact—a golden cup with an engraved symbol he did not recognize.Sk: Práve vtedy sa ozvali hlasy.En: Just then, voices echoed.Sk: Z ochranky.En: From the security guards.Sk: Ladislav vedel, že musí konať rýchlo.En: Ladislav knew he had to act quickly.Sk: Napriek strachu zostal pokojný a odhodlaný.En: Despite his fear, he remained calm and determined.Sk: Keď ho našli, bol pripravený vysvetliť význam nálezu.En: When found, he was ready to explain the significance of the discovery.Sk: S nadšením hovoril o jeho dôsledkoch pre pochopenie dejín.En: He spoke enthusiastically about its implications for understanding history.Sk: Prekvapene ho vypočuli.En: They listened to him, surprised.Sk: Po dlhých rozhovoroch sa oficiáli rozhodli, že Ladislav môže pod regulovanými podmienkami skúmať artefakt.En: After long discussions, the officials decided that Ladislav could examine the artifact under regulated conditions.Sk: Uznať jeho význam bola pre všetkých dôležitá lekcia.En: Acknowledging its significance was an important lesson for everyone.Sk: Ladislavova odvaha, a teraz aj potvrdená vášeň pre históriu, mu priniesla rešpekt a pocit naplnenia.En: Ladislav's courage, now confirmed by his passion for history, won him respect and a sense of fulfillment.Sk: V ten večer stáli Ladislav, Eva a Jozef opäť na nádvorí, sledujúc západ slnka.En: That evening, Ladislav, Eva, and Jozef stood again in the courtyard, watching the sunset.Sk: Ladislav už nebol tichým snílkom.En: Ladislav was no longer a quiet dreamer.Sk: Stal sa niekým, kto dokázal, že sny, hoci na prvý pohľad nesplniteľné, môžu odhaliť neobyčajné pravdy, ak sú podložené odhodlaním a dôverou v seba samého.En: He had become someone who proved that dreams, even seemingly unattainable ones, can reveal extraordinary truths when backed by determination and self-belief. Vocabulary Words:castle: hradmajestic: majestátnecourtyard: nádvoríartifact: ...
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    15 mins
  • Pumpkin Chaos: The Lab That Turned Halloween Magic
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Pumpkin Chaos: The Lab That Turned Halloween Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/pumpkin-chaos-the-lab-that-turned-halloween-magic Story Transcript:Sk: V tmavom, mierne zaprášene osvetlenom laboratóriu, plnom bublajúcich elixírov a vedeckého vybavenia, sa šírila vôňa škorice a muškátového orieška.En: In the dark, slightly dust-lit laboratory full of bubbling elixirs and scientific equipment, the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg filled the air.Sk: Jesenné lístie jemne šumelo za oknom a Halloween bol už za rohom.En: Autumn leaves rustled gently outside the window, and Halloween was just around the corner.Sk: Marek, trochu šialený vedec s veľkou láskou k tekvicovému koreniu, mal veľký plán.En: Marek, a slightly mad scientist with a great love for pumpkin spice, had a big plan.Sk: Chcel pripraviť tajnú prekvapujúcu zmes na Halloween, ktorá by nadchla všetkých.En: He wanted to prepare a secret surprise mixture for Halloween that would captivate everyone.Sk: Petra, Marekova skeptická kolegyňa, sledovala jeho pokusy z diaľky.En: Petra, Marek's skeptical colleague, watched his experiments from afar.Sk: “Marek, opatrne s tými prísadami,” upozornila ho.En: “Marek, be careful with those ingredients,” she warned him.Sk: Nenápadná Jana, stážistka s iskrou v oku, sa potmehúdsky usmiala v kúte laboratória.En: Unassuming Jana, the intern with a spark in her eye, mischievously smiled from the corner of the laboratory.Sk: Marek bol odhodlaný.En: Marek was determined.Sk: Zmiešal rôzne tekutiny a korenia, jeho oči svietili nadšením.En: He mixed various liquids and spices, his eyes glowing with excitement.Sk: Ale, keď pridal poslednú kvapku, elixír sa náhle rozjasnil a začal sa žiarivo trepotať.En: But when he added the last drop, the elixir suddenly brightened and began to shimmer brightly.Sk: "Podarilo sa!" zvolal Marek.En: "It worked!" exclaimed Marek.Sk: No, než si to poriadne povedal, zmes sa vyliala na stôl.En: However, before he could fully appreciate it, the mixture spilled onto the table.Sk: Všetko, čo sa zmesi dotklo, sa menilo na tekvice.En: Everything the mixture touched turned into pumpkins.Sk: Stolný počítač, mikroskop, dokonca aj Jana sa musela uhýbať tekvicovej lavíne.En: The desktop computer, microscope, even Jana had to dodge the pumpkin avalanche.Sk: “Pomôžte mi!” kričal Marek, zatiaľ čo tekvice po celej miestnosti veselo vyskakovali.En: “Help me!” cried Marek, while pumpkins happily bounced around the room.Sk: Petra sa priblížila s obavami.En: Petra approached with concern.Sk: “Musíš požiadať o pomoc, Marek,” trvala na svojom.En: “You need to ask for help, Marek,” she insisted.Sk: Ale Marek bol tvrdohlavý, nechcel priznať, že potrebuje pomoc.En: But Marek was stubborn; he didn't want to admit he needed help.Sk: Skúšal zastaviť elixír, hádzal do neho rôzne proti-opatrenia, ale iba to zhoršoval.En: He tried to stop the elixir, throwing various countermeasures at it, but it only made things worse.Sk: Celé laboratórium sa zmenilo na tekvicovú ríši.En: The entire laboratory turned into a pumpkin realm.Sk: Na vrchole chaosu, keď už to vyzeralo beznádejne, sa Marek zastavil.En: At the peak of the chaos, when it seemed hopeless, Marek paused.Sk: Rozhliadol sa okolo seba a uvedomil si, že laboratórium vyzerá ako čarovná tekvicová krajina.En: He looked around and realized the laboratory looked like a magical pumpkin land.Sk: Usmial sa.En: He smiled.Sk: “Možno to nemusí byť zlý koniec,” povedal nahlas.En: “Maybe this doesn't have to be a bad ending,” he said aloud.Sk: S pomocou Petry a Jany zmenili laboratórium na originálnu halloweensku atrakciu.En: With the help of Petra and Jana, they transformed the laboratory into an original Halloween attraction.Sk: Marek nakoniec prišiel na to, že zdieľať svoje nápady a spolupracovať je lepšie, ako sa pokúšať všetko zvládnuť sám.En: Marek ultimately realized that sharing his ideas and collaborating was better than trying to handle everything alone.Sk: Každý návštevník na Halloween fascinuje šťastné tekvicové čaro, a Marekovo laboratórium sa stáva vaňou smiechu a radosti.En: Every visitor on Halloween was fascinated by the joyful pumpkin magic, and Marek's laboratory became a haven of laughter and happiness.Sk: Príbeh sa skončil s úsmevom na tvári každého z účastníkov laboratória.En: The story ended with a smile on each participant's face in the laboratory.Sk: Marek sa naučil, že niekedy malý chaos môže priniesť veľké veci.En: Marek learned that sometimes a little chaos can bring great things.Sk: A ponaučenie z toho všetkého bolo, že spolupráca môže byť najsilnejšou ingredienciou zo všetkých.En: And the lesson from all of this was that collaboration can be the strongest ingredient of all. Vocabulary Words:...
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    16 mins
  • Harmony in the Market: A Tale of Art and Culinary Romance
    Sep 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Harmony in the Market: A Tale of Art and Culinary Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/harmony-in-the-market-a-tale-of-art-and-culinary-romance Story Transcript:Sk: Petra chodila po trhu a premýšľala.En: Petra walked through the market, deep in thought.Sk: Všade okolo nej sa rozprestierala farebná jeseň.En: All around her, the colors of autumn were spread out like a tapestry.Sk: Zlato, oranžovo a hnedo sa miešali, až z toho oči prechádzali.En: Gold, orange, and brown blended together in such a way that it was a feast for the eyes.Sk: Na trhu sa šírili vône čerstvých jabĺk a korenia, ktoré viezli predavači s úsmevom.En: The market was filled with the scents of fresh apples and spices carried by cheerful vendors.Sk: Petra hľadala niečo, čo by zachytila na svojom plátne.En: Petra was searching for something to capture on her canvas.Sk: Už dlho nenamaľovala nič, čo by ju skutočne nadchlo.En: It had been a while since she painted anything that truly excited her.Sk: Marek, mladý šéfkuchár, kráčal medzi stánkami.En: Marek, a young chef, strolled among the stalls.Sk: Jeho nový podnik mal čoskoro otvoriť a on chcel vytvoriť jedinečné jesenné jedlo.En: His new restaurant was about to open, and he wanted to create a unique autumn dish.Sk: Potreboval čerstvé a zaujímavé ingrediencie.En: He needed fresh and interesting ingredients.Sk: Hovoril s predavačmi, pýtal sa na najlepšie produkty sezóny.En: He chatted with vendors, asking about the best seasonal produce.Sk: Cítil tlak.En: He felt the pressure.Sk: Nebolo ľahké pripraviť niečo, čo by vyniklo.En: It wasn’t easy to come up with something that would stand out.Sk: Našli sa náhodou pri jednom stánku.En: They met by chance at one stall.Sk: Obidvaja si všimli krásnu, žiarivú tekvicu naraz.En: They both noticed a beautiful, vibrant pumpkin at the same time.Sk: Petra sa zasmiala a Marek jej úsmev opätoval.En: Petra laughed, and Marek returned her smile.Sk: "Asi máme podobný vkus," povedal Marek.En: "We seem to have similar taste," Marek said.Sk: Kvôli tej tekvici sa dali do reči.En: This shared interest sparked a conversation.Sk: Petra sa Marekovi zverila, že hľadá inšpiráciu pre nový obraz.En: Petra confided in Marek that she was searching for inspiration for a new painting.Sk: Povedal jej o svojom úsilí nájsť dokonalé ingrediencie.En: He told her about his efforts to find the perfect ingredients.Sk: Rozhovor sa rozvinul a obaja si uvedomili, že sa môžu navzájom inšpirovať.En: The conversation evolved, and both realized they could inspire each other.Sk: Petra videla v Marekovom nadšení krásu a Marek oceniť Petru ako zdroj nových nápadov.En: Petra saw beauty in Marek’s enthusiasm, and Marek appreciated Petra as a source of new ideas.Sk: Rozhodli sa skúsiť spolu niečo nové.En: They decided to try something new together.Sk: Marek pripravoval jedlo a Petra pozorovala, ako varil.En: Marek prepared a dish while Petra observed his cooking.Sk: Videla umenie v jeho pohyboch a farbách jedla.En: She saw art in his movements and the colors of the food.Sk: Naopak, Marek sa inšpiroval Petrou a jej pohľadmi na organické tvary a kombinácie.En: Conversely, Marek was inspired by Petra and her perspective on organic shapes and combinations.Sk: Ich spolupráca bola úspešná.En: Their collaboration was successful.Sk: Marek vytvoril jedlo, ktoré oslavovalo jeseň, a Petra namaľovala obraz, ktorý zachytil ten istý pocit.En: Marek created a dish that celebrated autumn, and Petra painted a picture that captured the same feeling.Sk: Jedlo i obraz sa stali symbolom ich novej spolupráce a vzťahu.En: Both the dish and the painting became symbols of their new collaboration and relationship.Sk: Petra prekonala svoj tvorivý blok.En: Petra overcame her creative block.Sk: Marek našiel novú dôveru a kreatívny smer pre svoje menu.En: Marek found new confidence and a creative direction for his menu.Sk: Spoločná práca im priniesla viac čoho si obaja vážili – nové priateľstvo a súzvuk v tom, čo robili.En: Their joint work brought them what both valued most—a new friendship and harmony in what they did.Sk: Trh bol pre nich nielen miestom nákupov, ale aj miestom, kde začala nová kapitola ich životov.En: The market became more than just a place to shop; it was where a new chapter of their lives began.Sk: Petra a Marek pokračovali v spolupráci, prinášajúc ľuďom radosť z dobrého jedla a krásneho umenia.En: Petra and Marek continued to collaborate, bringing people joy through good food and beautiful art. Vocabulary Words:tapestry: gobelínblended: miešalifeast: hodyscents: vônecanvas: plátnovendors: predavačicapture: zachytiťstall: stánokvibrant: žiarivýsparked: iskriloconfided: zverilaperspective: pohľadyorganic: organickéenthusiasm: nadšenieevolved: rozvinulsymbols: symbolycreative...
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    15 mins
  • Building Trust in the Classroom: Marek's First Parent Meeting
    Sep 29 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Building Trust in the Classroom: Marek's First Parent Meeting Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/building-trust-in-the-classroom-mareks-first-parent-meeting Story Transcript:Sk: Je jemné chladné ráno v Bratislave.En: It is a gentle, cool morning in Bratislava.Sk: Lístie na stromoch hýri farbami jesene.En: The leaves on the trees are bursting with autumn colors.Sk: Vzduch je ostrý a vonia zemito.En: The air is crisp and smells earthy.Sk: Marek kráča po chodníku. V hlave má zmiešané pocity.En: Marek walks along the sidewalk, feeling a mix of emotions.Sk: Prvé stretnutie s rodičmi bude náročné.En: His first meeting with the parents will be challenging.Sk: Pracuje na novej škole ako učiteľ a chce ukázať rodičom, že ich deti sú v dobrých rukách.En: He works at a new school as a teacher and wants to show the parents that their children are in good hands.Sk: Vo veľkej sále školy už stoja stoly a stoličky pripravené na stretnutie.En: In the school's large hall, tables and chairs are already set up for the meeting.Sk: Jana, Marekova kolegyňa, sa s úsmevom blíži.En: Jana, Marek's colleague, approaches with a smile.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek," hovorí.En: "Don't worry, Marek," she says.Sk: "Rodičia sú priateľskí. Stačí, ak budeš sám sebou."En: "The parents are friendly. Just be yourself."Sk: "Ďakujem, Jana. Len mám trochu obavy. Chcem byť dobrý učiteľ," odpovedá Marek.En: "Thank you, Jana. I'm just a bit nervous. I want to be a good teacher," Marek replies.Sk: Do miestnosti vstúpi Zuzana.En: Zuzana enters the room.Sk: Je nesmelá, vždy sa stará o najlepšie pre svoje dieťa.En: She is shy, always looking out for the best for her child.Sk: Má otázky a chce odpovede.En: She has questions and wants answers.Sk: Pozdraví sa a posadí sa medzi rodičmi.En: She greets everyone and sits among the parents.Sk: Stretnutie začína.En: The meeting begins.Sk: V miestnosti to šumí, keď Marek pozdraví rodičov a predstaví sa.En: The room buzzes as Marek greets the parents and introduces himself.Sk: Rozpráva o svojich skúsenostiach, o tom, prečo sa stal učiteľom.En: He talks about his experiences and why he became a teacher.Sk: Hovorí jednoduchým jazykom, snaží sa byť úprimný.En: He uses simple language, trying to be sincere.Sk: Rodičia sa usmievajú, sú zvedaví.En: The parents smile and are curious.Sk: Potom prichádza otázka od Zuzany.En: Then a question comes from Zuzana.Sk: "Ako plánujete zapojiť deti do učenia? Môj syn potrebuje veľa pozornosti."En: "How do you plan to engage the children in learning? My son needs a lot of attention."Sk: Jej hlas je pre niekoho náročný.En: Her voice is challenging for some.Sk: Marek na chvíľu zaváha.En: Marek hesitates for a moment.Sk: Spomenie si na svoje školské časy.En: He remembers his school days.Sk: "Keď som bol malý, bol som tiež plný energie," hovorí Marek.En: "When I was little, I was full of energy too," Marek says.Sk: "Môj učiteľ mi dal šancu vyniknúť v tom, čo ma bavilo.En: "My teacher gave me a chance to excel at what I loved.Sk: Chcem, aby deti v mojej triede cítili to isté.En: I want the children in my class to feel the same.Sk: Budeme sa učiť pomocou hier a tímovej práce."En: We'll learn through games and teamwork."Sk: Zuzana sa pousmeje.En: Zuzana smiles slightly.Sk: Jeho odpoveď ju prekvapí.En: His answer surprises her.Sk: Vidí, že Marek myslí na deti a ich rozvoj.En: She sees that Marek thinks about the children and their development.Sk: V miestnosti zavládne pokoj.En: A sense of calm fills the room.Sk: Rodičia prikyvujú.En: Parents nod in agreement.Sk: Stretnutie končí teplým potleskom.En: The meeting ends with warm applause.Sk: Rodičia odchádzajú s Marekom v novinové dôverné vzťahy.En: The parents leave, feeling they have built new, trusting relationships with Marek.Sk: Jana pristúpi k Marekovi a potľapká ho po ramene.En: Jana steps up to Marek and pats him on the shoulder.Sk: "Vidíš? Stačí, ak budeš sám sebou," hovorí s úsmevom.En: "See? Just be yourself," she says with a smile.Sk: A Marek si uvedomuje, že poctivosť a autenticita sú kľúčové.En: And Marek realizes that honesty and authenticity are key.Sk: Vyjde von, prejdúc pod jesennými stromami, a cítim, že urobil prvý krok k budovaniu dôvery.En: He steps outside, walking under the autumn trees, and feels he has taken the first step toward building trust.Sk: Jesenné lístie pod jeho nohami šuští a Marek sa teší na budúci deň.En: The autumn leaves rustle under his feet, and Marek looks forward to the next day.Sk: Koniec.En: The end. Vocabulary Words:gentle: jemnébursting: hýricrisp: ostrýearthy: zemitoemotions: pocitychallenging: náročnéapproaches: sa blížinervous: obavysincere: úprimnýcurious: zvedavíengage: zapojiťhesitates: zaváhaexcel: vyniknúťteamwork: tímová prácadevelopment:...
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    16 mins
  • Bratislava Cafe: Where Art, Words, and Community Flourish
    Sep 28 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Bratislava Cafe: Where Art, Words, and Community Flourish Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/bratislava-cafe-where-art-words-and-community-flourish Story Transcript:Sk: Mesto Bratislava je veľmi pekné na jeseň.En: The city of Bratislava is very beautiful in the fall.Sk: V Starom Meste sú farebné stromy a lístie padá na kamenné chodníky.En: In the Old Town, the trees are colorful, and leaves fall onto the stone walkways.Sk: V jednom malom kaviarni je rušno.En: In one small café, it's bustling.Sk: V oknách sa mieša teplé svetlo a rôzni ľudia sa zastavujú na kávu.En: Warm light mixes in the windows, and various people stop by for coffee.Sk: Lukáš pracuje tu ako barista.En: Lukáš works here as a barista.Sk: Je mladý a plný nádejí, raz chce byť spisovateľ.En: He is young and full of hopes, dreaming of becoming a writer one day.Sk: Každý deň sleduje ľudí, počúva ich príbehy a rozmýšľa, ako ich použiť vo svojej knihe.En: Every day, he observes people, listens to their stories, and thinks about how to use them in his book.Sk: Ale je to ťažké.En: But it's difficult.Sk: Toľko rozruchu a on nevie, kde začať písať.En: There's so much hustle and bustle, and he doesn't know where to start writing.Sk: Hana sedí pri stole blízko okna.En: Hana sits at a table near the window.Sk: Má na stole fotoaparát.En: She has a camera on the table.Sk: Je profesionálna fotografka.En: She is a professional photographer.Sk: Chce zachytiť krásu Bratislavy na jeseň.En: She wants to capture the beauty of Bratislava in the fall.Sk: Ale niečo jej chýba.En: But something is missing.Sk: Na jej fotkách chýba emócia.En: She feels that her photos lack emotion.Sk: Marek je manažér kaviarne.En: Marek is the manager of the café.Sk: Chce, aby kaviareň bola úspešná.En: He wants the café to be successful.Sk: Každý deň rozmýšľa, ako prilákať viac zákazníkov.En: Every day, he thinks about how to attract more customers.Sk: Má nápad.En: He has an idea.Sk: Chce zorganizovať malú výstavu umenia v kaviarni.En: He wants to organize a small art exhibition in the café.Sk: No jeho obchodný partner nesúhlasí.En: But his business partner disagrees.Sk: Lukáš sa rozhodne hovoriť s ľuďmi.En: Lukáš decides to talk to people.Sk: Pýta sa ich na ich príbehy, životy a túžby.En: He asks them about their stories, lives, and desires.Sk: Spozná Hanu a rozprávajú sa.En: He meets Hana, and they talk.Sk: Hana pochopí, že by mala fotiť ľudí, ich vzťahy, nie len listy na zemi.En: Hana realizes that she should photograph people and their relationships, not just the leaves on the ground.Sk: „Mohol by si mi pomôcť?“ spýta sa Hana.En: "Could you help me?" Hana asks.Sk: Lukáš jej rád pomôže.En: Lukáš is happy to help her.Sk: Marek sa rozhodne konať.En: Marek decides to take action.Sk: Naplánuje večer, kde Lukáš číta svoju rozpracovanú knihu a Hana vystaví svoje fotografie.En: He plans an evening where Lukáš reads from his unfinished book and Hana exhibits her photographs.Sk: Ten večer je magický.En: That evening is magical.Sk: Kaviareň je plná a ľudia sú nadšení.En: The café is full, and people are thrilled.Sk: Lukáš číta kapitolu po kapitole a Hana ukazuje krásne fotografie.En: Lukáš reads chapter after chapter, and Hana shows her beautiful photos.Sk: Marek je šťastný, kaviareň len prekvitá.En: Marek is happy; the café is flourishing.Sk: Lukáš našiel inšpiráciu pre svoju knihu.En: Lukáš found inspiration for his book.Sk: Pochopil, že príbehy sú všade okolo neho.En: He understood that stories are all around him.Sk: Hana spravila fotografiu večera, ktorá ukazuje teplé a srdečné momenty.En: Hana took a photograph of the evening that shows warm and heartfelt moments.Sk: Marek sa naučil, že komunita je silná vec.En: Marek learned that community is a powerful thing.Sk: Kaviareň získala nových pravidelných zákazníkov.En: The café gained new regular customers.Sk: Lukášove písanie napreduje, Hana má krásne fotografie a Marek vie, že jeho kaviareň je viac než len miesto na kávu.En: Lukáš's writing progresses, Hana has beautiful photos, and Marek knows that his café is more than just a place for coffee.Sk: Jeseň v Bratislave je naozaj magická.En: Fall in Bratislava is truly magical. Vocabulary Words:beautiful: peknécolorful: farebnébustling: rušnobarista: baristahopes: nádejídreaming: chceobserves: sledujehustle: rozruchucapture: zachytiťemotion: emóciaphotographer: fotografkasuccessful: úspešnáorganize: zorganizovaťexhibition: výstavuagrees: súhlasídecides: rozhodnedesires: túžbyachieves: dosiahneinspiration: inšpiráciurelationships: vzťahyflourishing: prekvitáregular: pravidelnýchprogresses: napredujecommunity: komunitapowerful: silnáunfinished: rozpracovanúcaptures: zachytiťcreates: vytváraexhibits: ...
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    15 mins
  • Healing Autumn: A Sibling's Journey Through Silence and Renewal
    Sep 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Healing Autumn: A Sibling's Journey Through Silence and Renewal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/healing-autumn-a-siblings-journey-through-silence-and-renewal Story Transcript:Sk: Listy stromov sa pomaly snášali na zem ako jemné farebné prikrývky.En: The leaves of the trees gently drifted to the ground like delicate, colorful blankets.Sk: V izbe psychiatrickej liečebne bolo ticho, iba sem-tam sa ozval tlmený zvuk dverí.En: In the room of the psychiatric facility, it was quiet, with only the occasional muffled sound of doors opening.Sk: Marek sedel na posteli, pozoroval štíhle vetvičky za oknom, zatiaľ čo sa okolo neho rozliehalo ticho.En: Marek sat on the bed, watching the slender branches outside the window, while silence enveloped him.Sk: Myslel na to, ako dlho tu už bol.En: He thought about how long he had been there.Sk: Dni splynuli do týždňov a týždne do mesiacov.En: Days blended into weeks, and weeks into months.Sk: Život vonku sa hýbal bez neho.En: Life outside moved on without him.Sk: Dvere na izbe sa otvorili.En: The room's door opened.Sk: Vošla Petra, Marekova sestra, a jej oči hľadali jeho tieň.En: Petra, Marek's sister, entered, her eyes searching for his shadow.Sk: V srdci mala obavy a strach.En: Her heart filled with worry and fear.Sk: "Ahoj, Marek," povedala nesmelo.En: "Hi, Marek," she said hesitantly.Sk: Necítila sa pohodlne.En: She felt uncomfortable.Sk: Nevedela, čo presne povedať po takej dlhej dobe.En: She didn't know exactly what to say after such a long time.Sk: Marek sa otočil, ale nepriateľské oči neopustili jeho tvár.En: Marek turned, but the unfriendly look didn't leave his face.Sk: Odpovedal len kývnutím hlavy.En: He responded with just a nod.Sk: Petra zacítila, ako ju prepadá vlna viny.En: Petra felt a wave of guilt washing over her.Sk: "Musíme začať.En: "We have to begin.Sk: Nesmím to vzdať," pomyslela si.En: I can't give up," she thought.Sk: Sadla si na stoličku blízko postele.En: She sat on a chair close to the bed.Sk: Cítila, že jej brat znovu potrebuje jej prítomnosť, aj keď sa tomu bránil.En: She sensed that her brother needed her presence again, even though he resisted.Sk: Pokúšala sa preklenúť vzdialenosť medzi nimi rozhovorom o svojom živote - práci, každodenných starostiach.En: She tried to bridge the distance between them with talk about her life—work, everyday concerns.Sk: Marek len zdvorilo prikyvoval, ale zostal uzavretý.En: Marek nodded politely but remained closed off.Sk: Petra vedela, že na hranie hier nemajú čas.En: Petra knew there wasn't time for games.Sk: Musela byť úprimná.En: She had to be honest.Sk: "Marek," začala, nesmelo sa usmievajúc, "pamätáš si, keď sme boli malí?En: "Marek," she began, smiling awkwardly, "do you remember when we were little?Sk: Ako sme sa báli tých strašidelných príbehov, ktoré sme si vymýšľali v podkroví?En: How scared we were of those spooky stories we made up in the attic?"Sk: " Jeho oči sa na chvíľu oživili, ale potom sa znovu zatiahli.En: His eyes lit up momentarily, but then they closed again.Sk: "Poviem ti niečo, čo som nikdy nikomu nepovedala," pokračovala Petra, s vážnosťou, ktorú nikdy predtým neprejavila.En: "I'll tell you something I've never told anyone," Petra continued, with a seriousness she had never shown before.Sk: "Tie príbehy ma niekedy prenasledujú doteraz.En: "Those stories sometimes still haunt me.Sk: Nebolo to len zábavné.En: It wasn't just fun.Sk: Myslela som si, že tý záhady nám pomôžu byť blízko.En: I thought those mysteries helped us feel close."Sk: "Marek sa zachvel, jeho uzavretosť sa začala drobiť.En: Marek shivered, his closed-off demeanor beginning to crumble.Sk: Petrove slová v ňom rozvírili niečo staré, ale známe.En: Petra's words stirred something old but familiar within him.Sk: "Nikdy som nevedel, že cítiš tak ako ja.En: "I never knew you felt that way too."Sk: "Petra sa zhlboka nadýchla.En: Petra took a deep breath.Sk: Mala pocit, že sa medzi nimi stena pomaly mení.En: She felt as though the wall between them was slowly changing.Sk: "Možno sme boli od seba vzdialení, ale vždy som tu pre teba, Marek.En: "We may have been distant, but I've always been here for you, Marek.Sk: Musíš vedieť, že budem prichádzať častejšie.En: You need to know I'm going to visit more often.Sk: Sme rodina.En: We're family."Sk: "To, čo nasledovalo, nebolo jednoduché.En: What followed wasn’t easy.Sk: Obaja mlčali, premýšľajúc nad vlastnými životmi.En: They both sat quietly, contemplating their own lives.Sk: V tom tichu ale bola sľubovaná nová začiatok.En: But in that silence was the promise of a new beginning.Sk: Marek sa po prvýkrát obrátil k sestre s nádejou v očiach.En: Marek, for the first time, turned to his sister with hope in his eyes.Sk: "Možno to môžem skúsiť ešte raz.En: "Maybe...
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    18 mins