FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava
    Oct 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-freedom-an-architects-journey-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: Jana sa prechádzala po uliciach Bratislavy, každým krokom bližšie k svojmu cieľu.En: Jana walked through the streets of Bratislava, with each step bringing her closer to her destination.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, ale svieži, a lístie žiarilo farbami jesene.En: The air was cold but fresh, and the leaves shone with the colors of autumn.Sk: Obloha bola zamračená, no pod nohami jej škrípali suché lístie.En: The sky was overcast, yet the dry leaves crunched under her feet.Sk: V hlave mala chaos.En: Her mind was in chaos.Sk: Bola architektkou, ale čoraz viac cítila neistotu ohľadom svojej budúcnosti.En: She was an architect, but increasingly felt uncertain about her future.Sk: Nechcela sa sklamať ani sklamať ostatných.En: She didn't want to disappoint herself or others.Sk: Matej a Andrej, jej priatelia a kolegovia, kráčali vedľa nej.En: Matej and Andrej, her friends and colleagues, walked beside her.Sk: Chápali Janu viac, než by si priala priznať.En: They understood Jana more than she would care to admit.Sk: Zdieľali jej túžbu objavovať a chápať krásu moderných stavieb.En: They shared her desire to discover and appreciate the beauty of modern structures.Sk: Na dnešok plánovali návštevu jedného z najznámejších symbolov mesta – Mosta SNP, známeho ako UFO most.En: Today, they planned to visit one of the city's most renowned symbols – the SNP Bridge, known as the UFO bridge.Sk: UFO most sa týčil nad riekou Dunaj.En: The UFO bridge loomed over the Danube River.Sk: Jeho elegantný dizajn a jedinečný tvar priťahovali pohľady.En: Its elegant design and unique shape drew attention.Sk: Keď sa traja priatelia priblížili, Jana pocítila vzrušenie.En: As the three friends approached, Jana felt excitement.Sk: Na vrchol mosta viedol výťah.En: An elevator led to the top of the bridge.Sk: Rozhodne vstúpila dovnútra, nasledovaná Matejom a Andrejom.En: She decisively stepped inside, followed by Matej and Andrej.Sk: Výťah ich vyviezol do panoramatickej kaviarne.En: The elevator took them up to a panoramic café.Sk: Z výšky bolo vidieť celé mesto.En: From that height, the entire city was visible.Sk: Bratislava sa rozprestierala v celej svojej nádhere, údolia a kopce boli prikryté kobercom farebného lístia.En: Bratislava stretched out in all its splendor, valleys and hills covered with a carpet of colorful leaves.Sk: Jana sa krátko zastavila a pohľadom objala celú tú krásu.En: Jana paused briefly and embraced all that beauty with her gaze.Sk: „Pozri sa, aké úžasné,“ povedal Andrej, ukazujúc na mesto pod nimi.En: “Look, how amazing,” said Andrej, pointing to the city below them.Sk: Janin pohľad sa pohrával s obzormi a bola uchvátená.En: Jana's eyes played with the horizons, and she was captivated.Sk: Tu, v tejto výške, mala pocit slobody.En: Here, at this height, she felt a sense of freedom.Sk: Okamihy ticha ju naplnili inšpiráciou.En: Moments of silence filled her with inspiration.Sk: Hľadela na mesto, odborne navrhnuté, plné premyslených detailov.En: She gazed at the city, expertly designed, full of thoughtful details.Sk: Táto architektúra bola skutočné umenie.En: This architecture was true art.Sk: „Máš pravdu,“ odpovedala Andrejovi s úsmevom, „je to úžasné.“En: "You're right," she replied to Andrej with a smile, "it's amazing."Sk: Matej, ktorý stál vedľa nej, sa opýtal: „Tak čo, našla si tu niečo, čo ti pomôže?“En: Matej, standing next to her, asked, “So, did you find anything here that helps you?”Sk: Jana sa zamyslela.En: Jana pondered.Sk: Na krátku chvíľu zatvorila oči, vnímajúc jemný vietor a šepot svojich myšlienok.En: For a brief moment, she closed her eyes, feeling the gentle wind and the whisper of her thoughts.Sk: „Áno,“ odpovedala, otvorila oči a pozrela na svojich priateľov, „to áno.En: “Yes,” she answered, opened her eyes, and looked at her friends, “indeed, I have.Sk: Táto cesta mi otvorila oči.En: This journey has opened my eyes.Sk: Architektúra nemusí byť len o stavbách.En: Architecture doesn't have to be just about buildings.Sk: Je o emóciách, ktoré vyvoláva.En: It's about the emotions it evokes.Sk: O tom, ako premieňa priestor.“En: About how it transforms space.”Sk: Jana pocítila, ako jej srdce naplňuje nový elán.En: Jana felt a new vigor filling her heart.Sk: V tej chvíli sa jej pochybnosti rozplynuli.En: In that moment, her doubts vanished.Sk: Vedela, že chce tvoriť budovy, ktoré budú mať zmysel.En: She knew she wanted to create buildings that have meaning.Sk: Chce pracovať s vášňou, nech už bude kdekoľvek.En: She wanted to work with passion, no matter where she would be.Sk: Spolu s Matejom a...
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    17 mins
  • Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity
    Oct 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/chaos-and-charm-the-squirrel-that-sparked-creativity Story Transcript:Sk: V strede jesene sa v jednej strednej škole v Bratislave konala súťaž o najlepšiu jesennú výzdobu triedy.En: In the middle of autumn, a competition for the best autumn classroom decoration was held at a middle school in Bratislava.Sk: Marek, Jana a Lukáš sa rozhodli, že ich trieda musí zvíťaziť.En: Marek, Jana, and Lukáš decided that their classroom had to win.Sk: Chceli vytvoriť krásne prostredie plné jesenných farieb, listov a malých svetielok.En: They wanted to create a beautiful environment full of autumn colors, leaves, and small lights.Sk: Marek bol nadšený.En: Marek was enthusiastic.Sk: Miloval zdobenie a chcel, aby všetko bolo perfektné.En: He loved decorating and wanted everything to be perfect.Sk: Jana priniesla kopy farebných listov, ktoré nazbierala v parku.En: Jana brought heaps of colorful leaves she had gathered in the park.Sk: Lukáš, aj keď trochu lenivý, pomáhal, keď videl, aké dôležité to je pre Mareka.En: Lukáš, although a bit lazy, helped when he saw how important it was to Marek.Sk: Ich dekorácie však mali iného kritika. Malú, prefíkanú veveričku.En: However, their decorations had another critic — a small, cunning squirrel.Sk: Veverička si obľúbila skákať cez otvorené okno a odnášať úlomky ich dekorácií.En: The squirrel enjoyed jumping through the open window and taking bits of their decorations.Sk: Listy, orechy, dokonca aj malé svetielka.En: Leaves, nuts, even small lights.Sk: „Pozri, aká je rozkošná!“ usmiala sa Jana, keď veverička s plnými lícami utekala preč.En: “Look how cute it is!” Jana smiled as the squirrel ran away with full cheeks.Sk: Marek však nebol spokojný.En: However, Marek was not pleased.Sk: „Musíme ju zastaviť, inak nič nedokončíme!“En: “We have to stop it, or we won’t finish anything!”Sk: Lukáš navrhol, že by mohli zatvoriť okno, ale Marek chcel radšej vyjsť na veveričku s inou taktikou.En: Lukáš suggested they could close the window, but Marek preferred to approach the squirrel with a different tactic.Sk: Vytvoril malý kútik s orieškami a dúfal, že veverička bude zaneprázdnená.En: He created a small corner with nuts and hoped the squirrel would be kept busy.Sk: Jana si zatiaľ pridala nové svetielka okolo okna, dúfajúc, že veveričku tak zastraší.En: Meanwhile, Jana added new lights around the window, hoping to scare the squirrel away.Sk: V tom sa stalo niečo nečakané.En: Then something unexpected happened.Sk: Veverička sa zamotala do svetielok a v panike začala skákať po celej triede.En: The squirrel got entangled in the lights and, in panic, began to jump all over the classroom.Sk: Odhodila listy, roztočila oriešky a Marek sa zúfalo snažil zachrániť, čo sa dalo.En: It scattered leaves, spun nuts around, and Marek desperately tried to save what he could.Sk: Lukáš sa nemohol prestať smiať, Jana nadšene tlieskala.En: Lukáš couldn’t stop laughing, and Jana clapped excitedly.Sk: Keď sa veverička konečne oslobodila a utekala preč, trieda bola v chaose.En: When the squirrel finally freed itself and ran away, the class was in chaos.Sk: Avšak niektoré kombinácie listov a svetiel vytvorili krásne, náhodné usporiadanie.En: However, some combinations of leaves and lights created beautifully random arrangements.Sk: Vyzeralo to úžasne inak.En: It looked amazingly different.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že niekedy nedokonalosti môžu byť krásne.En: Marek realized that sometimes imperfections can be beautiful.Sk: Nasledujúce ráno bola ich trieda veselšia než kedykoľvek predtým. Všetko vďaka malej, nezbednej veveričke.En: The next morning, their classroom was more cheerful than ever before, all thanks to the little, mischievous squirrel.Sk: Keď prišli ostatní spolužiaci, nemohli sa prestať smiať a obdivovať ich netradičnú výzdobu.En: When the other classmates arrived, they couldn’t stop laughing and admiring their unconventional decoration.Sk: Ich trieda vyhrala súťaž za najzábavnejšiu a najkreatívnejšiu výzdobu.En: Their class won the competition for the most entertaining and creative decoration.Sk: Marek sa naučil, že občas je dobré nechať veci tak, ako sú.En: Marek learned that sometimes it's good to leave things as they are.Sk: Možno sa nedokonalosť môže stať najväčšou ozdobou.En: Maybe imperfection can become the greatest ornament. Vocabulary Words:competition: súťaždecoration: výzdobaenthusiastic: nadšenýheaps: kopycunning: prefíkanýcritic: kritikbits: úlomkypleased: spokojnýtactic: taktikaentangled: zamotalapanic: panikascattered: odhodiladesperately: zúfalochaos: chaoscombinations: kombináciearrangements: usporiadanieimperfections: ...
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    15 mins
  • Secrets of Bratislava Castle: A Historian's Courageous Quest
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of Bratislava Castle: A Historian's Courageous Quest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/secrets-of-bratislava-castle-a-historians-courageous-quest Story Transcript:Sk: Bratislava hrad stál majestátne nad mestom, jeho biele steny a červené strechy žiarili medzi farebnými stromami.En: The Bratislava castle stood majestically above the city, its white walls and red roofs shining among the colorful trees.Sk: Jesenné lístie v odtieňoch žltej, oranžovej a hnedej tancovalo vo vetre.En: Autumn leaves in shades of yellow, orange, and brown danced in the wind.Sk: V tento krásny deň stál Ladislav pri hrade spolu s Evou a Jozefom.En: On this beautiful day, Ladislav stood by the castle along with Eva and Jozef.Sk: Všetci traja obdivovali krásu prírody, keďže slnko zalievalo okolie teplým svetlom.En: All three admired the beauty of nature as the sun bathed the surroundings in warm light.Sk: Ladislav bol historiograf s vášňou pre Slovenskú minulosť.En: Ladislav was a historiographer with a passion for Slovakia's past.Sk: Často premýšľal o tajomstvách skrytých v útrobách tohto starého hradu.En: He often pondered the secrets hidden within the depths of this old castle.Sk: I keď ho trápili pochybnosti jeho kolegov, mal odhodlanie, o ktorom nikto z nich nevedel.En: Even though he was troubled by his colleagues' doubts, he had a determination unknown to them.Sk: Chcel nájsť niečo, čo nikto pred ním neobjavil.En: He wanted to find something that no one before him had discovered.Sk: S nádejou sledoval nenápadné dvere na zadnom nádvorí, ktoré boli väčšinou času ignorované.En: He watched with hope the inconspicuous door in the back courtyard, which was mostly ignored.Sk: V jedno poobedie sa rozhodol, že sa tajne preskúma zakázanú časť hradu.En: One afternoon, he decided to secretly explore the forbidden part of the castle.Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlo, keď sa ticho prikrádal k dverám, ktoré podľa povestí viedli k skrytým komnatám.En: His heart beat quickly as he quietly sneaked toward the door, which, according to legends, led to hidden chambers.Sk: Eva a Jozef boli zaneprázdnení rozhovorom, takže Ladislav mohol nepozorovane vkročiť dovnútra.En: Eva and Jozef were engrossed in conversation, so Ladislav could enter unnoticed.Sk: Chodba bola temná a úzka.En: The corridor was dark and narrow.Sk: Ladislav zápasil so strachom, ale túžba po náleze ho hnala ďalej.En: Ladislav wrestled with fear, but the desire for discovery drove him further.Sk: A potom to zbadal.En: And then he saw it.Sk: Malé dvere vedúce do komnaty, ktorá sa zdala byť zabudnutá celými stáročiami.En: A small door leading to a chamber that seemed forgotten for centuries.Sk: Keď vojdením do miestnosti zapálil svetlo, objavil artefakt – zlatý pohár s vyrytým symbolom, ktorý nepoznal.En: Upon entering the room and lighting it, he discovered an artifact—a golden cup with an engraved symbol he did not recognize.Sk: Práve vtedy sa ozvali hlasy.En: Just then, voices echoed.Sk: Z ochranky.En: From the security guards.Sk: Ladislav vedel, že musí konať rýchlo.En: Ladislav knew he had to act quickly.Sk: Napriek strachu zostal pokojný a odhodlaný.En: Despite his fear, he remained calm and determined.Sk: Keď ho našli, bol pripravený vysvetliť význam nálezu.En: When found, he was ready to explain the significance of the discovery.Sk: S nadšením hovoril o jeho dôsledkoch pre pochopenie dejín.En: He spoke enthusiastically about its implications for understanding history.Sk: Prekvapene ho vypočuli.En: They listened to him, surprised.Sk: Po dlhých rozhovoroch sa oficiáli rozhodli, že Ladislav môže pod regulovanými podmienkami skúmať artefakt.En: After long discussions, the officials decided that Ladislav could examine the artifact under regulated conditions.Sk: Uznať jeho význam bola pre všetkých dôležitá lekcia.En: Acknowledging its significance was an important lesson for everyone.Sk: Ladislavova odvaha, a teraz aj potvrdená vášeň pre históriu, mu priniesla rešpekt a pocit naplnenia.En: Ladislav's courage, now confirmed by his passion for history, won him respect and a sense of fulfillment.Sk: V ten večer stáli Ladislav, Eva a Jozef opäť na nádvorí, sledujúc západ slnka.En: That evening, Ladislav, Eva, and Jozef stood again in the courtyard, watching the sunset.Sk: Ladislav už nebol tichým snílkom.En: Ladislav was no longer a quiet dreamer.Sk: Stal sa niekým, kto dokázal, že sny, hoci na prvý pohľad nesplniteľné, môžu odhaliť neobyčajné pravdy, ak sú podložené odhodlaním a dôverou v seba samého.En: He had become someone who proved that dreams, even seemingly unattainable ones, can reveal extraordinary truths when backed by determination and self-belief. Vocabulary Words:castle: hradmajestic: majestátnecourtyard: nádvoríartifact: ...
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    15 mins

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