Fluent Fiction - Portuguese (Brazil) 🇧🇷

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Brazilian Portuguese listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Brazilian Portuguese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Portuguese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, or Salvador? Maybe you want to speak Portuguese with your grandparents from Brasília?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Portuguese-speaking regions like Brazil, Portugal, and Mozambique. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Portuguese listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Aprimore sua compreensão auditiva com nossas histórias em português hoje!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • The Enigma of Shadows: A Treasure Hunt at the Book Fair
    Jun 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇧🇷: The Enigma of Shadows: A Treasure Hunt at the Book Fair Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/the-enigma-of-shadows-a-treasure-hunt-at-the-book-fair Story Transcript:Pt: O sol brilhava intensamente na feira do livro.En: The sun was shining brightly at the book fair.Pt: Entre as tendas coloridas e o cheiro de páginas novas, Tomás estava sentado em uma mesa com uma pilha de livros à sua frente.En: Among the colorful tents and the smell of new pages, Tomás was sitting at a table with a stack of books in front of him.Pt: Seus olhos brilhavam de expectativa.En: His eyes sparkled with anticipation.Pt: Seu novo livro, "O Enigma das Sombras", tinha sido lançado recentemente.En: His new book, "The Enigma of Shadows," had been recently released.Pt: Ele esteve ali o dia inteiro, mas poucos curtiam a obra.En: He had been there all day, but few seemed interested in his work.Pt: Beatriz e Luana andavam pela feira, rindo e conversando sobre suas leituras favoritas.En: Beatriz and Luana were walking through the fair, laughing and talking about their favorite reads.Pt: As duas amigas amavam a literatura e frequentavam todas as feiras de livro da cidade.En: The two friends loved literature and attended every book fair in the city.Pt: — Olha lá, Bea!En: "Look over there, Bea!"Pt: — disse Luana de repente, apontando para a tenda onde Tomás estava.En: Luana suddenly said, pointing to the tent where Tomás was.Pt: — Aquele é Tomás, o autor de "O Enigma das Sombras"!En: "That's Tomás, the author of 'The Enigma of Shadows!'"Pt: — Sério?En: "Really?Pt: Tenho ouvido falar muito deste livro.En: I’ve heard a lot about this book.Pt: Vamos lá!En: Let’s go see!"Pt: — respondeu Beatriz, animada.En: Beatriz responded, excited.Pt: Elas se aproximaram e foram recepcionadas pelo sorriso caloroso de Tomás.En: They approached and were greeted by Tomás’s warm smile.Pt: — Olá!En: "Hello!Pt: Sou Tomás.En: I’m Tomás.Pt: Posso ajudá-las a encontrar algo interessante?En: Can I help you find something interesting?"Pt: — disse ele.En: he said.Pt: — Oi!En: "Hi!Pt: Somos Beatriz e Luana.En: We’re Beatriz and Luana.Pt: Adoramos livros de mistério.En: We love mystery books.Pt: Pode nos contar mais sobre "O Enigma das Sombras"?En: Can you tell us more about 'The Enigma of Shadows'?"Pt: — perguntou Luana, curiosa.En: Luana asked, curious.Pt: Tomás sorriu.En: Tomás smiled.Pt: Começou a falar sobre o livro.En: He began talking about the book.Pt: Ele falava com paixão, descrevia os personagens e a trama misteriosa que envolvia um segredo há muito tempo escondido.En: He spoke with passion, describing the characters and the mysterious plot that involved a long-hidden secret.Pt: Mas então, seus olhos se iluminaram mais ainda.En: Then, his eyes lit up even more.Pt: — Há algo mais... — sussurrou ele, olhando ao redor antes de se inclinar para mais perto delas.En: "There’s something more..." he whispered, looking around before leaning closer to them.Pt: — Este livro é especial.En: "This book is special.Pt: Contém um enigma que leva a um tesouro verdadeiro.En: It contains an enigma that leads to a real treasure.Pt: Vocês perceberam o código nas primeiras páginas?En: Did you notice the code in the first pages?"Pt: Beatriz e Luana se entreolharam, intrigadas.En: Beatriz and Luana looked at each other, intrigued.Pt: — O quê?En: "What?Pt: Um tesouro?En: A treasure?"Pt: — perguntou Beatriz, com um brilho nos olhos.En: Beatriz asked, with a sparkle in her eyes.Pt: — Não, não tínhamos ideia.En: "No, we had no idea."Pt: Tomás assentiu.En: Tomás nodded.Pt: — Sim, um tesouro.En: "Yes, a treasure.Pt: E posso ver que vocês duas têm curiosidade suficiente para descobri-lo.En: And I can see that both of you have enough curiosity to discover it."Pt: — Ele entregou um exemplar autografado para cada uma delas.En: He handed an autographed copy to each of them.Pt: — Boa sorte.En: "Good luck.Pt: Estarei por aqui, se precisarem de ajuda.En: I’ll be around if you need help."Pt: As amigas saíram da tenda, obcecadas pelo livro.En: The friends left the tent, obsessed with the book.Pt: Elas se sentaram em um canto tranquilo da feira e começaram a analisar as primeiras páginas.En: They sat in a quiet corner of the fair and began analyzing the first pages.Pt: — Veja, Bea, aqui tem números estranhos — disse Luana, apontando para algumas linhas aparentemente aleatórias.En: "Look, Bea, there are strange numbers here," Luana said, pointing to some seemingly random lines.Pt: — Talvez seja um código.En: "Maybe it’s a code.Pt: Precisamos decifrar — concordou Beatriz, tirando um caderno da bolsa.En: We need to decipher it," Beatriz agreed, pulling a notebook from her bag.Pt: Por horas, Beatriz e Luana trabalharam juntas.En: For hours, Beatriz and Luana worked together.Pt: Elas acharam padrões e pistas que levavam a ...
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    20 mins
  • Old Flames Reignite: A Festival Reunion Sparks New Beginnings
    Jun 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇧🇷: Old Flames Reignite: A Festival Reunion Sparks New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/old-flames-reignite-a-festival-reunion-sparks-new-beginnings Story Transcript:Pt: Era uma tarde ensolarada e o som da música enchia o ar.En: It was a sunny afternoon and the sound of music filled the air.Pt: O festival de música ao ar livre estava no seu auge, com gente dançando e cantando por todos os lugares.En: The outdoor music festival was at its peak, with people dancing and singing everywhere.Pt: Luzia caminhava entre as barracas de comida, procurando por algum lanche.En: Luzia walked among the food stalls, looking for a snack.Pt: Seu coração batia forte, não somente por causa da música, mas também pela expectativa.En: Her heart was pounding, not just because of the music, but also from the anticipation.Pt: Fazia anos que não via Mateus.En: It had been years since she had seen Mateus.Pt: De repente, do outro lado da multidão, seus olhos encontraram um rosto familiar.En: Suddenly, across the crowd, her eyes found a familiar face.Pt: Era Mateus, mais maduro, mas com o mesmo sorriso que ela lembrava.En: It was Mateus, more mature, but with the same smile she remembered.Pt: Ele também a viu e acenou, tímido, com um misto de alegria e surpresa em seu olhar.En: He saw her too and waved, shyly, with a mix of joy and surprise in his eyes.Pt: Clara, amiga de ambos, estava próxima, observando a cena.En: Clara, a mutual friend, was nearby, observing the scene.Pt: Clara sabia que havia uma história inacabada entre Luzia e Mateus.En: Clara knew there was an unfinished story between Luzia and Mateus.Pt: Ela decidiu agir.En: She decided to act.Pt: Se aproximou de Mateus, o puxou pelo braço e caminhou em direção a Luzia.En: She approached Mateus, grabbed him by the arm, and walked towards Luzia.Pt: Quando chegaram perto, Clara sorriu e disse: — Vamos, vocês dois precisam conversar.En: When they got close, Clara smiled and said: — Come on, you two need to talk.Pt: Luzia e Mateus se olharam, um tanto nervosos.En: Luzia and Mateus looked at each other, somewhat nervous.Pt: As palavras, por um momento, pareceram difíceis de encontrar.En: Words, for a moment, seemed hard to find.Pt: Mas então Mateus, quebrando o silêncio, falou: — Luzia, que coincidência te encontrar aqui.En: But then Mateus, breaking the silence, spoke: — Luzia, what a coincidence to see you here.Pt: Como você está?En: How are you?Pt: Luzia sorriu, encorajada pela pergunta amigável.En: Luzia smiled, encouraged by the friendly question.Pt: — Estou bem, e você?En: — I’m good, and you?Pt: Faz tanto tempo.En: It’s been so long.Pt: O que você tem feito?En: What have you been up to?Pt: Antes que a conversa pudesse desandar em trivialidades, Clara interveio: — Amigos, acho que vocês têm muito mais para dizer um ao outro.En: Before the conversation could devolve into trivialities, Clara intervened: — Friends, I think you have much more to say to each other.Pt: Por que não andamos um pouco?En: Why don’t we walk a bit?Pt: Há um lugar tranquilo ali perto.En: There’s a quiet place nearby.Pt: Concordando, os três se afastaram da multidão barulhenta e foram até um jardim perto do palco principal.En: Agreeing, the three withdrew from the noisy crowd and went to a garden near the main stage.Pt: Sentaram-se em um banco, rodeados pelas flores e pelo som distante da música.En: They sat on a bench, surrounded by flowers and the distant sound of music.Pt: Então, Mateus começou a falar sobre os anos que passaram.En: Then, Mateus began to talk about the years that had passed.Pt: Contou sobre seus estudos, seus empregos e suas viagens.En: He spoke about his studies, his jobs, and his travels.Pt: Luzia também compartilhou suas experiências, mas ambos sabiam que havia algo mais profundo a ser discutido.En: Luzia also shared her experiences, but both knew there was something deeper to discuss.Pt: Clara, percebendo a tensão, se desculpou e se afastou por alguns minutos, dando espaço para os dois.En: Clara, sensing the tension, excused herself and stepped away for a few minutes, giving them space.Pt: — Mateus — Luzia começou, os olhos cheios de emoção —, eu sempre quis te dizer que senti muito nossa separação.En: — Mateus — Luzia began, her eyes filled with emotion —, I have always wanted to tell you that I felt deeply about our separation.Pt: Mateus olhou para Luzia, seu rosto sério, mas com uma suavidade nos olhos.En: Mateus looked at Luzia, his face serious but with a softness in his eyes.Pt: — Eu também, Luzia.En: — I did too, Luzia.Pt: Foi um erro não termos nos falado mais.En: It was a mistake not to keep in touch more.Pt: Eu ainda penso em você.En: I still think about you.Pt: Houve um momento de silêncio, mas desta vez, era um silêncio confortante.En: There was a moment of silence, but this time, it was ...
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    19 mins
  • Unlocking Hidden Treasures: An Adventure in Chapada Diamantina
    Jun 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇧🇷: Unlocking Hidden Treasures: An Adventure in Chapada Diamantina Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlocking-hidden-treasures-an-adventure-in-chapada-diamantina Story Transcript:Pt: Era um dia ensolarado no Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina.En: It was a sunny day in Chapada Diamantina National Park.Pt: As montanhas, vales e cachoeiras brilhavam com a luz do sol.En: The mountains, valleys, and waterfalls glistened in the sunlight.Pt: Aparecida estava animada para explorar as cavernas com seus amigos Joaquim e Letícia.En: Aparecida was excited to explore the caves with her friends Joaquim and Letícia.Pt: Eles começaram a caminhar cedo.En: They started walking early.Pt: O ar estava fresco, e o cheiro de terra molhada enchia o ar.En: The air was fresh, and the smell of wet earth filled the air.Pt: Joaquim levava uma lanterna e Letícia carregava uma mochila com lanches e água.En: Joaquim carried a flashlight and Letícia carried a backpack with snacks and water.Pt: Aparecida estava com seu caderno de esboços, pronta para desenhar qualquer coisa interessante.En: Aparecida had her sketchbook, ready to draw anything interesting.Pt: Depois de uma hora de caminhada, chegaram à entrada de uma grande caverna.En: After an hour of walking, they arrived at the entrance of a large cave.Pt: As pedras eram enormes e a entrada era escura e misteriosa.En: The rocks were enormous, and the entrance was dark and mysterious.Pt: Joaquim ligou a lanterna e eles começaram a descer.En: Joaquim turned on the flashlight, and they began to descend.Pt: Dentro da caverna, as paredes estavam cobertas de musgo.En: Inside the cave, the walls were covered with moss.Pt: O som de gotas de água ecoava ao redor.En: The sound of dripping water echoed around.Pt: Letícia apontou para um túnel à esquerda.En: Letícia pointed to a tunnel on the left.Pt: "Vamos por aqui!En: "Let's go this way!"Pt: ", ela disse animada.En: she said excitedly.Pt: No fundo do túnel, Aparecida notou algo brilhante no chão.En: At the end of the tunnel, Aparecida noticed something shiny on the ground.Pt: Ela se abaixou e viu um baú de madeira pequeno.En: She knelt down and saw a small wooden chest.Pt: Estava trancado, mas parecia velho e frágil.En: It was locked but looked old and fragile.Pt: Joaquim encontrou uma pedra pontuda e começou a bater na fechadura até que ela quebrou.En: Joaquim found a sharp stone and started hitting the lock until it broke.Pt: Dentro do baú, havia papéis antigos.En: Inside the chest, there were old papers.Pt: Aparecida pegou um deles e começou a ler.En: Aparecida picked one up and began to read.Pt: Seus olhos se arregalaram quando reconheceu os nomes.En: Her eyes widened when she recognized the names.Pt: Esses documentos eram da família dela!En: These documents were from her family!Pt: Havia cartas e mapas antigos que falavam sobre uma fortuna escondida.En: There were letters and old maps speaking of a hidden fortune.Pt: "Isso pode mudar tudo!En: "This could change everything!"Pt: ", disse Aparecida, sua voz tremendo de emoção.En: said Aparecida, her voice trembling with excitement.Pt: Joaquim e Letícia se aproximaram e olharam os documentos.En: Joaquim and Letícia came closer and looked at the documents.Pt: "Seu avô escondeu isso aqui?En: "Your grandfather hid this here?"Pt: ", perguntou Letícia.En: Letícia asked.Pt: "Sim", disse Aparecida.En: "Yes," said Aparecida.Pt: "Eu ouvi histórias, mas nunca acreditei.En: "I had heard stories, but I never believed them.Pt: Agora entendo que é verdade!"En: Now I understand that it's true!"Pt: Eles voltaram para a superfície e foram direto para a casa de Aparecida.En: They went back to the surface and headed straight to Aparecida's house.Pt: Ela mostrou os documentos para seus pais, que ficaram surpresos.En: She showed the documents to her parents, who were surprised.Pt: Explicaram que seu avô havia escondido os papéis para proteger a família.En: They explained that her grandfather had hidden the papers to protect the family.Pt: Com os mapas, a família de Aparecida encontrou o local onde estava a fortuna.En: With the maps, Aparecida's family found the location of the fortune.Pt: Era uma grande quantidade de moedas antigas e joias.En: It was a large quantity of old coins and jewels.Pt: A vida deles mudou para melhor.En: Their lives changed for the better.Pt: Eles puderam restaurar a casa da família e ajudar a comunidade local.En: They were able to restore the family home and help the local community.Pt: Aparecida nunca se esqueceu daquele dia na caverna.En: Aparecida never forgot that day in the cave.Pt: Foi o começo de uma nova vida para sua família, uma vida cheia de descobertas e aventuras.En: It was the beginning of a new life for her family, a life full of discoveries and adventures.Pt: E tudo graças à curiosidade e à coragem de explorar o desconhecido.En: And it was all ...
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    16 mins

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In the spirit of reconciliation, Audible acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.