• Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Briony Gunson 🧘‍♀️ - Focus Podcast With Danny Denhard
    Dec 7 2021

    This episodes guest Briony Gunson (https://brionygunson.com/) is a business + mindset coach, meditation teacher + trauma-informed breathwork trainer, Briony helps individuals and businesses to improve. 

    Follow Briony across social - LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube. 

    The Links: 

    • Briony's Introduction Video On YouTube
    • Podcast: Aubrey Marcus - not about the world of work but psychology, spirituality, human potential + behaviour
    • Book: Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art  by James Nestor
    • Newsletter: Brain pickings AKA The Marginalian has a free Sunday digest of the week’s most mind-broadening and hear
    • Sign up to Briony's Friday Feels newsletter: https://bit.ly/3AiEOv9 - Briony archives them on her blog. 
    • Listen to Briony's guided meditations on Insight Timer, e.g. this is a popular one: https://insighttimer.com/brionyg/guided-meditations/letting-go-meditation-12-minutes
    • Briony also recommended Kirsty Hulse's work (Kirsty is great and gets my co-approval)

    Briony takes us on a journey of:

    • Mental health and why it is so important to be aware of
    • How mental health is evolving
    • How your mental health can help to transform physical health
    • Why early morning open-air swims have been so important
    • Therapy and therapists role in peoples lives
    • Why breathwork is so important
    • Why our bodies are driven by our breath and controlling our breath
    • Why Yoga is vital to so many of us
    • Personal development starts with you
    • Everyone is facing similar challenges - it's how you find the best course of action
    • Why retreats are going to so popular and a necessary part of life and work
    • You are the expert of yourself - why starting to listen to yourself and your body is so important

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    49 mins
  • Fixing the broken world of work podcast with Colin Newlyn 🏴‍☠️
    Sep 16 2021

    Fixing the broken world of work podcast with Colin Newlyn & Danny Denhard 

    Thanks for listening today! This is a great conversation with Colin, you will want to listen if you are looking to improve your workplace, making positive change with yourself and how to challenge the status quo by thinking like a pirate. 

    The Conversation includes:

    • Decrapyifying work
    • The top tips to decrapify work
    • How leadership is about leading
    • Why we should be more pirate
    • Should we rethink the whole work week, should we even have a commute?
    • Policing from managers
    • Why politics and proximity still dictate success
    • And how to rethink and realign our people, heart first leadership

    Newsletter - https://decrapifywork.substack.com/


    Popular LinkedIn Share 

    The Intro To Decrapifying Work

    The TLDR to the article 

    • Too many work environments are toxic and harming the people in them, which is why
    • Stress, anxiety and depression are at record levels and rising
    • People are dying from work-induced stress-related illnesses
    • Burnout is commonplace (and now a recognised illness)
    • Suicide levels are increasing (especially amongst men)

    Mary Parker Follett Quote

    “While leadership depends on depth of conviction and the power coming therefrom, there must also be the ability to share that conviction with others.” -- Mary Parker Follett

    Person to follow - https://twitter.com/MarkCCrowley

    Video To Watch - https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en

    Podcast To Listen To: Bruce Daisley’s - Eat Sleep Work Repeat 

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    49 mins
  • Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Peter Hopwood
    Sep 5 2021

    This episode of fixing the broken world of work is with Peter Hopwood, Peter is an executive coach, TEDx Coach & Global Public Speaker

    What Peter and I discuss:

    • How to step up as a leader
    • Why leadership is often the smaller unspoken steps we take, such as mental nods, gestures and the tone we use when speaking
    • Why storytelling is more than a buzzword and will take leaders up many steps
    • Bias - how we can overcome bias in our team's minds
    • How to rebuild trust when may have lost trust from your team
    • How to tackle remote and hybrid work leadership differently

    Connect With Peter on LinkedIn or watch his TED X talk 

    Connect with me (host) Danny Denhard on the fixing the broken world of work site, LinkedIn, or twitter  

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    47 mins
  • Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Andy Reid
    Aug 4 2021

    Having helped some of the biggest names in business Andy will help you understand that business is about people and why workshops are so powerful for businesses that want to succeed.

    What Andy and I discuss:

    • Leadership and the challenges of leadership
    • The lack of joy in work and bringing it back
    • The science of how the mind works
    • The power of storytelling
    • The art of running brilliant workshops for executives
    • Facilitating the right environment for the best ideas to flourish
    • Creating voices for everyone, not just the HiPPO
    • Why leaders have to inspire

    Andy Reid - Founder @ Genius Box

    Connect With Andy On:

    • LinkedIn
    • Website

    Thanks for listening today! 

    The Host: Danny Denhard (The Focus founder)

    Listen to the full season on focus.business/podcast

    Find out more about the company culture and company strategy services on www.focus.business

    Connect with Danny on LinkedIn - Twitter

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    51 mins
  • Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Jo Twiselton
    Aug 2 2021

    Jo has over twenty years in helping to transform businesses and business leaders. Listen to hear how to help shape organisations and make businesses more successful.

    What Jo and I discuss:

    • Why client that actually wants to do change better are the best clients
    • Why coaching and mentoring is invaluable
    • Why the next phase of return to the office is so important to set company culture
    • What leaders need to remember - leveraging other people's skills when they are better at things than they are
    • Why there is rarely a stupid question
    • Time management & reducing meeting culture
    • If you nail collaboration you win business
    • When team responses are so important

    Jo Twistleton - Director @ Twist Consultants

    Connect with Jo On: 

    • LinkedIn
    • Website

    Thanks for listening today!

    The Host: Danny Denhard (The Focus founder)

    Listen to the full season on focus.business/podcast

    Find out more about the company culture and company strategy services on www.focus.business

    Connect with Danny on LinkedIn - Twitter

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Sharon Aneja
    Aug 2 2021

    Sharon takes us on her incredible journey and why being a Positive Psychology coach is so important to her and for any workforce. Sharon shares a couple of brilliant frameworks and practices to improve any business.

    What Sharon and I discuss:

    • The importance of mental health and wellbeing
    • Why psychological flexibility is so important
    • Why command and control management fails their people and their business
    • Why businesses and managers wait for people to get stressed and burnt out rather than proactively addressing such important topics
    • The awakening businesses require
    • Why gamification can be negative
    • the opportunity to be able to partner with organizations who are courageous enough to want to get to the heart of issues
    • How a routine operation changed Sharon's life completely
    • And why every "leader" should have therapy

    Sharon Aneja - Founder @ Humanity Works Consultancy

    Connected on:

    • LinkedIn
    • On Email
    • On Her Website

    Thanks for listening today!

    The Host: Danny Denhard (The Focus founder)

    Listen to the full season on focus.business/podcast

    Find out more about the company culture and company strategy services on www.focus.business

    Connect with Danny on LinkedIn - Twitter

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Luke Kyte
    Aug 2 2021

    Luke has helped to transform his agency Reddico company culture from struggling to hire to becoming one of the best places to work in the UK and why company culture and self-management is so important.

    What Luke and I discuss:

    • How company culture should be shaped
    • Why self-management system can and does improve agencies and businesses
    • What it took to get to a world-class 96 NPS score
    • Empowering individual's to do a really amazing job is a key factor to success
    • Why circles (like SWARM's) helps to get the best work done
    • Company culture is the marketing tool, not a PR tool
    • How word of mouth can be the best hiring tool
    • How to win the Hybrid workplace

    Luke Kyte - Head of Culture @ Reddico.

    Connect with Luke On: 

    • LinkedIn
    • Website
    • Email

    Thanks for listening today!

    The Host: Danny Denhard (The Focus founder)

    Listen to the full season on focus.business/podcast

    Find out more about the company culture and company strategy services on www.focus.business

    Connect with Danny on LinkedIn - Twitter

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Fixing The Broken World Of Work With Matt Roberts
    Aug 2 2021

    As a multi-time business builder, Matt provides unique insights into how his leadership in the software space can help to improve conversations and goal setting not just through software but a combination between software and people.

    What Matt and I discuss:

    • The power of the conversation
    • Importance of communications and priorities
    • Setting people up to have the right conversation with the right frameworks
    • Structured conversations having better organisation outcomes
    • Building software to empower teams to have the most important conversations and the resistance when software tells you what you should prioritize
    • Workplace safety "where people feel in a safe place to say what needs to be said to share their ideas, to disagree, to, problem solve, to innovate, to share ideas"
    • The best managers and teachers lead with trust
    • Why transparency should build confidence

    Matt Roberts - CEO @ Zokri

    Connect On:

    • LinkedIn 
    • Website
    • Email

    Thanks for listening today!

    The Host: Danny Denhard (The Focus founder)

    Listen to the full season on focus.business/podcast

    Find out more about the company culture and company strategy services on www.focus.business

    Connect with Danny on LinkedIn - Twitter

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    37 mins