With the emergence of electric vehicles, fire safety and dynamics have entered a new domain, raising crucial questions about existing protocols, design fires and data gaps. Today, our Wojciech Wegrzyński welcomes Zahir, Associate Prof. at University Putra Malaysia, to discuss the findings from their latest papers, compare methodologies, and highlight the differences between traditional combustion engines and electric vehicles.
The conversation covers various topics, from the nuances of fire dynamics to the importance of context in risk assessment. Zahir shares his extensive experience studying vehicle fires, including the evolution of electric vehicle dynamics that users should never ignore. With thought-provoking insights, this episode emphasises the increasing need for robust, comprehensive data regarding car fires and the unique challenges posed by electric vehicles.
Join us in this engaging exploration of fire safety science, and don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review!
Papers! PAPERS:
Miechówka & Węgrzyński: Systematic Literature Review on Passenger Car Fire Experiments for Car Park Safety Design
Zahir & César Martín-Gómez: Evaluating Fire Severity in Electric Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles: A Statistical Approach to Heat Release Rates
Podcast episode 135 - Contemplating a car park design fire
(and the paper by J. Hodges from last year is here)
Badania przedstawione w odcinku podcastu omawiane przez dr Wojciecha Węgrzyńskiego przeprowadzono w projekcie realizowanym an podstawie umowy UMO-2020/37/B/ST8/03839 do projektu badawczego nr 2020/37/B/ST8/03839 pt. Skutki oddziaływania wiatru na pożary budynków w wieloparametrycznej ocenie ryzyka z wykorzystaniem metod numerycznych.
The Fire Science Show is produced by the Fire Science Media in collaboration with OFR Consultants. Thank you to the podcast sponsor for their continuous support towards our mission.