• Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family

  • Jun 27 2024
  • Length: 19 mins
  • Podcast

Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-hope-lukas-journey-to-a-loving-family Story Transcript:Sl: Poletni veter je nežno pihal skozi okna velike, stare sirotišnice.En: The summer breeze gently blew through the windows of the large, old orphanage.Sl: Zidovi so bili obrabljeni, a čisti in okrašeni s pisanimi risbami otrok.En: The walls were worn but clean, decorated with colorful drawings by the children.Sl: Luka je počasi hodil po hodniku, z glavo sklonjeno, in sanjal o dnevu, ko bi našel ljubečo družino.En: Luka walked slowly down the hallway, his head bowed, dreaming of the day he would find a loving family.Sl: Bil je tih fant, ki se je pogosto skrival v senci, vendar je imel veliko srce.En: He was a quiet boy who often hid in the shadows, but he had a big heart.Sl: Ana, prijazna vzgojiteljica, je bila v središču dogajanja.En: Ana, the kind caretaker, was at the center of it all.Sl: Imela je veliko nalog in pogosto je bila preobremenjena.En: She had many tasks and was often overwhelmed.Sl: Toda nikoli ni pozabila na otroške potrebe.En: But she never forgot the children's needs.Sl: Poleti je bil čas, ko so morali nakupiti šolske potrebščine.En: Summer was the time when they had to buy school supplies.Sl: Proračun je bil omejen in vsak otrok je potreboval nekaj posebnega.En: The budget was limited, and each child needed something special.Sl: "Tako, Luka, greva po nakupih," je rekla Ana z nasmehom, ko je prišel k njej.En: "So, Luka, let's go shopping," Ana said with a smile when he came to her.Sl: "Potrebujemo zvezke, barvice in šolske torbe.En: "We need notebooks, crayons, and school bags."Sl: "Luka je pokimal in sledil Ani do majhne trgovinice v bližini sirotišnice.En: Luka nodded and followed Ana to a small shop near the orphanage.Sl: Trgovina je bila polna ljudi, polic pa so bile obložene s pisalnimi potrebščinami v živih barvah.En: The store was crowded, and the shelves were filled with brightly colored school supplies.Sl: Luka je previdno opazoval, kako Ana izbira zvezke in barvice.En: Luka watched carefully as Ana picked out notebooks and crayons.Sl: Bil je preveč sramežljiv, da bi izrazil svoje želje.En: He was too shy to express his preferences.Sl: "Luka, bi mi pomagal izbrati barvice?En: "Luka, would you help me choose the crayons?"Sl: " je vprašala Ana, ko je opazila njegovo zaskrbljenost.En: Ana asked when she noticed his concern.Sl: Luka je pokimal in skupaj sta začela izbirati potrebščine.En: Luka nodded, and together they started selecting the supplies.Sl: Ana je videla, da Luka zelo zavzeto pomaga.En: Ana saw that Luka was very diligent in helping.Sl: Njegova natančnost in skrbnost sta ji padli v oči.En: His precision and care stood out to her.Sl: Medtem ko sta se vračala v sirotišnico, je pred vrati stalo par.En: As they returned to the orphanage, a couple stood at the door.Sl: Izgledala sta zainteresirana in radovedna.En: They looked interested and curious.Sl: Ana je vedela, da iščeta otroka za posvojitev.En: Ana knew they were looking to adopt a child.Sl: Luka je nesel torbo s potrebščinami in opazil, da sta ga opazovala.En: Luka carried the bag of supplies and noticed they were watching him.Sl: Bil je živčen, a je zbral pogum in se približal Ani.En: He was nervous, but he gathered his courage and approached Ana.Sl: "Ana, lahko jaz pomagam razdeliti potrebščine?En: "Ana, can I help distribute the supplies?"Sl: " je vprašal Luka.En: Luka asked.Sl: Ana je zaznala iskro upanja v njegovih očeh in se odločila, da mu da posebno pozornost.En: Ana noticed a spark of hope in his eyes and decided to give him special attention.Sl: "Seveda, Luka.En: "Of course, Luka.Sl: Računam nate," je rekla z nasmehom.En: I'm counting on you," she said with a smile.Sl: Skupaj sta razdeljevala zvezke in barvice drugim otrokom.En: Together, they distributed the notebooks and crayons to the other children.Sl: Par je ves čas opazoval.En: The couple watched the whole time.Sl: Luka je zbral vso svojo moč in se potrudil pokazati svojo najboljšo plat.En: Luka gathered all his strength and tried to show his best side.Sl: Njegova ljubeznivost in marljivost sta bila očitni.En: His kindness and diligence were obvious.Sl: Ko je dan mineval, sta par stopila k Ani.En: As the day went on, the couple approached Ana.Sl: "Tale fant je zelo poseben," je rekel moški.En: "This boy is very special," the man said.Sl: "Bi lahko izvedela več o njem?En: "Could we learn more about him?"Sl: "Ana je čutila mešanico čustev – sreče, ponosa in tudi žalosti.En: Ana felt a mixture of emotions – happiness, pride, and also sadness.Sl: "Seveda," je rekla in se trudila zadržati solze.En: "Of course," she said, trying to hold back tears.Sl: "Luka je res poseben fant.En: "Luka is indeed a special boy.Sl: Vedno je pripravljen pomagati.En: He is always ready to help."...
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