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FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/into-the-shadows-a-historians-quest-for-a-hidden-artifact Story Transcript:Sl: Vroč poletni zrak je lebdil nad starodavnimi ruševinami blizu Ljubljane.En: The hot summer air hovered over the ancient ruins near Ljubljana.Sl: Stari zidovi so bili prepleteni z vinsko trto in divjim rastjem.En: The old walls were intertwined with grapevines and wild vegetation.Sl: Matej, mlad zgodovinar poln odločnosti, je šel po ozki poti med ruševinami.En: Matej, a young historian full of determination, walked along the narrow path between the ruins.Sl: Vedel je, da je tu nekje skrit redek artefakt.En: He knew that a rare artifact was hidden somewhere here.Sl: Ta artefakt bi lahko rešil njegove finančne težave.En: This artifact could solve his financial problems.Sl: Lara, njegova stara prijateljica, je nenadoma stopila izza enega od zidov.En: Lara, his old friend, suddenly stepped out from behind one of the walls.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!"Sl: " je zaklicala.En: she called out.Sl: "Kaj počneš tukaj?En: "What are you doing here?"Sl: "Matej se je obotavljal, nato pa se je nasmehnil.En: Matej hesitated, then smiled.Sl: "Lara, iščem star artefakt.En: "Lara, I'm looking for an old artifact.Sl: Mogoče bo vreden veliko denarja.En: Maybe it will be worth a lot of money."Sl: "Lara je stisnila ustnice.En: Lara pressed her lips together.Sl: "To je nevarno, Matej.En: "This is dangerous, Matej.Sl: Oblasti so prepovedale vstop sem.En: The authorities have forbidden entry here."Sl: "Matej se je obrnil na petah in odločeno odkorakal globlje v ruševine.En: Matej turned on his heel and resolutely walked deeper into the ruins.Sl: Lara je zavzdihnila in mu sledila.En: Lara sighed and followed him.Sl: Vse do zdaj ni vedela za njegove finančne težave.En: Until now, she hadn't known about his financial troubles.Sl: Koraki so odmevali po kamnitih hodnikih.En: Their footsteps echoed through the stone corridors.Sl: Vodi jih je vedno več sumljivih senc.En: More and more suspicious shadows guided them.Sl: Matej je bil odločen, da pride do artefakta.En: Matej was determined to find the artifact.Sl: Z vsakim korakom pa je bil bližje nevarnosti.En: With each step, however, he was closer to danger.Sl: Matej in Lara sta prišla do velike dvorane, kjer je bilo svetlobe malo.En: Matej and Lara reached a large hall with little light.Sl: Na sredini je bila starodavna skrinja.En: In the middle was an ancient chest.Sl: Matej je pohitel k njej, a Lara ga je prijela za roko.En: Matej hurried to it, but Lara grabbed his arm.Sl: "Kaj, če je past?En: "What if it's a trap?"Sl: "Matej se je zdrznil.En: Matej flinched.Sl: Njegove misli so bile razdvojene med iskanjem artefakta in varnostjo.En: His thoughts were torn between finding the artifact and safety.Sl: Toda lakota po rešitvi njegovih težav je premagala strah.En: But the hunger to solve his problems outweighed his fear.Sl: "Mora biti tukaj," je rekel.En: "It has to be here," he said.Sl: Približal se je skrinji in jo previdno odprl.En: He approached the chest and cautiously opened it.Sl: V njej je bil star artefakt, čudovita zlata maska.En: Inside was an ancient artifact, a beautiful golden mask.Sl: Toda nenadoma je iz sence skočil velik pajek, stražar artefakta.En: But suddenly, a large spider, the guardian of the artifact, jumped out from the shadows.Sl: Matej je nagonsko zgrabil artefakt in poskušal uiti, a ne da bi ga pajek zgrabil.En: Instinctively, Matej grabbed the artifact and tried to escape, avoiding the spider's grasp.Sl: Lara je kričala, "Matej, beživa!En: Lara screamed, "Matej, let's run!"Sl: " Skupaj sta stekla skozi hodnike, pajek pa ju je lovil.En: Together, they ran through the corridors, the spider chasing them.Sl: Hitro so tekli skozi ruševine, pajek pa je bil vedno bližje.En: They ran quickly through the ruins, but the spider was getting closer.Sl: Na koncu sta prišla do izhoda, kjer je Matej končno padel na kolena.En: Finally, they reached the exit, where Matej fell to his knees.Sl: Pajek je obstal in se umaknil.En: The spider stopped and retreated.Sl: Lara ga je prijela za roko, pomaga mu resti.En: Lara took his hand, helping him up.Sl: "Povej mi resnico," je zahtevala.En: "Tell me the truth," she demanded.Sl: Matej je globoko vdihnil.En: Matej took a deep breath.Sl: "Imam velike dolgove, Lara.En: "I have big debts, Lara.Sl: Potrebujem ta denar.En: I need this money."Sl: "Lara ga je nežno pogledala.En: Lara looked at him gently.Sl: "Naslednjič mi povej.En: "Tell me next time.Sl: Pomagala ti bom.En: I will help you."Sl: "Oba sta s polno hitrostjo stekla iz ruševin, artefakt trdno v Matejevi roki.En: Both of them ran out of the ruins at full speed, the artifact tightly in Matej's hand.Sl: Skupaj sta uspela pobegniti oblasti in pajku.En: Together, they managed to escape the authorities and the ...
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    18 mins
  • Flames of Unity: How Collaboration Saved Triglav National Park
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Flames of Unity: How Collaboration Saved Triglav National Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/flames-of-unity-how-collaboration-saved-triglav-national-park Story Transcript:Sl: V srednjem poletju, ko je sonce visoko nad Triglavskim narodnim parkom, Anže, Tjaša in Alenka stopajo skozi bujno gozdno pot.En: In the midst of summer, when the sun is high above Triglav National Park, Anže, Tjaša, and Alenka walk along a lush forest path.Sl: Gozd je miren, nasičen z vonjem borovcev in petjem ptic.En: The forest is serene, saturated with the scent of pine trees and the song of birds.Sl: Anže, visok in mišičast mladenič s strastjo do okoljevarstva, vodi projekt zaščite ogroženih rastlin.En: Anže, a tall and muscular young man with a passion for environmental protection, leads a project to protect endangered plants.Sl: "Moramo zaščititi to področje pred pretiranim sekanjem," pravi Anže odločno.En: "We must protect this area from excessive logging," Anže says firmly.Sl: Njegov glas odmeva med drevesi.En: His voice echoes among the trees.Sl: Tjaša, praktična gozdarka z dolgimi izkušenjami, ga opazuje s skrbjo.En: Tjaša, a practical forester with extensive experience, watches him with concern.Sl: "Težko bo," reče, "Lokalni gozdarji so proti.En: "It will be difficult," she says, "The local foresters are against it."Sl: "Alenka, mlada in radovedna botaničarka, se sklanja nad neznanim cvetom.En: Alenka, a young and curious botanist, bends over an unknown flower.Sl: "Čudovito je tukaj," reče in se spominja očetovih zgodb o naravnih lepotah.En: "It’s beautiful here," she says, recalling her father's stories about the natural beauty.Sl: Projekt želi zaščititi redke rastline, vendar se Anže sooča z birokratskimi ovirami in nasprotovanjem krajevnih gozdarjev.En: The project aims to protect rare plants, but Anže faces bureaucratic obstacles and opposition from the local foresters.Sl: "Vidijo nas kot grožnjo svojemu preživetju," opozarja Tjaša, "Ne bo lahko prepričati jih.En: "They see us as a threat to their livelihood," Tjaša warns, "It won’t be easy to convince them."Sl: "Anže ve, da mora ukrepati.En: Anže knows he must act.Sl: Z odločno mislijo na očeta, odide k logarjem.En: With a determined thought of his father, he goes to the loggers.Sl: "Prositi moramo za kompromis," pravi, čeprav Tjaša skomiga z rameni.En: "We must ask for a compromise," he says, though Tjaša shrugs.Sl: "Lahko pride do spora," jo opozarja.En: "It could lead to a conflict," she warns.Sl: V sencah visokih dreves, obkroženih z zvočnimi žagami in hrupom traktorjev, pride do soočenja.En: In the shadows of tall trees, surrounded by the sound of saws and tractor noise, a confrontation unfolds.Sl: "To ni trajnostno!En: "This is not sustainable!"Sl: " vzklika Anže.En: exclaims Anže.Sl: Logarji ga gledajo mrko.En: The loggers look at him grimly.Sl: "Imamo družine, ki jih hranimo," odgovarja eden.En: "We have families to feed," one responds.Sl: Napetost narašča in začne se prepir.En: Tension rises, and an argument ensues.Sl: Naenkrat se v daljavi pojavi plamen.En: Suddenly, a flame appears in the distance.Sl: "Požar!En: "Fire!"Sl: " zakriči Alenka.En: screams Alenka.Sl: Vsi, vključno z logarji, hitro združijo moči.En: Everyone, including the loggers, quickly joins forces.Sl: Voda se zliva iz vedra v vedro, drevesne veje so zarezane, ogenj postopoma ugaša.En: Water is passed from bucket to bucket, tree branches are cut, and the fire gradually extinguishes.Sl: Počasi se plameni zmanjšajo, dokler se končno ne pogasijo.En: Gradually, the flames diminish until they are finally extinguished.Sl: Ob razvalinah uničenega dela gozda se srečejo oči.En: Among the ruins of the destroyed part of the forest, eyes meet.Sl: "Moramo sodelovati," reče eden izmed logarjev trpko.En: "We need to cooperate," says one of the loggers bitterly.Sl: Anže pokima.En: Anže nods.Sl: "S pravilnimi praksami lahko vsi zmagamo," reče.En: "With proper practices, everyone can win," he says.Sl: Tjaša in Alenka se oba strinjata.En: Tjaša and Alenka both agree.Sl: Po požaru se dogovorijo za trajnostno sekanje in zaščito ogroženih rastlin.En: After the fire, they agree on sustainable logging and the protection of endangered plants.Sl: Ko sonce zaide za visokimi gorami, se Anže ozre na obnovljeni gozd.En: As the sun sets behind the high mountains, Anže looks at the restored forest.Sl: Njegovo srce je polno.En: His heart is full.Sl: Spoznal je, da je sodelovanje bolj učinkovito kot boj.En: He realized that cooperation is more effective than conflict.Sl: "Oče bi bil ponosen name," misli in se nasmehne.En: "Father would be proud of me," he thinks and smiles.Sl: Triglavski narodni park je še vedno čudovit.En: Triglav National Park is still beautiful.Sl: S povezanim naporom je ponovno varen in trajnostno gospodarjen.En: Through connected efforts...
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    17 mins
  • Victory at Lake Bled: Anja's Triumphant Return to Rowing Glory
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Victory at Lake Bled: Anja's Triumphant Return to Rowing Glory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/victory-at-lake-bled-anjas-triumphant-return-to-rowing-glory Story Transcript:Sl: Ob sončnem vzhodu nad Blejskim jezerom se je Anja pripravljala na letno veslaško tekmo.En: At sunrise over Lake Bled, Anja was preparing for the annual rowing competition.Sl: Jezero je bilo čudovito, obdano z zelenimi hribi, in voda je sijala kot kristal.En: The lake was beautiful, surrounded by green hills, and the water shimmered like crystal.Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti vznemirjenje, saj so tekmovalci iz vse države prihajali na dogodek.En: The air was filled with excitement as competitors from all over the country arrived for the event.Sl: Anja je stala ob obali in se spominjala svojega očeta.En: Anja stood by the shore, remembering her father.Sl: Bil je prava legenda na Bledu.En: He was a true legend in Bled.Sl: Vsako poletje je zmagoval in še danes so ljudje govorili o njegovih uspehih.En: Every summer he would win, and even today people still spoke of his achievements.Sl: Po njegovi smrti je Anja čutila dolžnost, da nadaljuje njegovo zapuščino.En: After his death, Anja felt obliged to continue his legacy.Sl: Toda letos se je soočala z dvomi.En: But this year, she faced doubts.Sl: Po poškodbi je njen trening trpel.En: After an injury, her training had suffered.Sl: Skrbelo jo je, da morda ne bo mogla tekmovati.En: She worried that she might not be able to compete.Sl: Tekmeci so že čakali na startu.En: The competitors were already waiting at the starting line.Sl: Med njimi je bila tudi Petra, favoritinja za zmago.En: Among them was Petra, the favorite to win.Sl: Bila je hitra in močna.En: She was fast and strong.Sl: Anja je vedela, da bo to težek boj.En: Anja knew it would be a tough battle.Sl: Srce ji je močno razbijalo, a pogled na očetovo staro veslo, ki ga je prinesla s seboj, ji je dal moč.En: Her heart was pounding, but looking at her father's old oar that she brought with her gave her strength.Sl: „Gremo, Anja,“ si je rekla tiho.En: "Let's go, Anja," she whispered to herself.Sl: Ko je zazvenel piščal, so veslači zagnali čolne v vodo.En: When the whistle blew, the rowers launched their boats into the water.Sl: Anja je veslala močno.En: Anja rowed hard.Sl: Sprva ji je šlo dobro, a bolečina v rami ji je začela povzročati težave.En: At first, she did well, but the pain in her shoulder began to cause problems.Sl: Z vsakim zamahom je bila bolj utrujena.En: With each stroke, she grew more tired.Sl: Sredi tekme je Petra prevzela vodstvo.En: Midway through the race, Petra took the lead.Sl: Anja je začutila val obupa.En: Anja felt a wave of despair.Sl: Toda spomnila se je očetovih besed: „Najtežje bitke se bijejo v glavi.En: But she remembered her father's words: "The toughest battles are fought in the mind."Sl: “ Znova je zbrala moč in nadaljevala.En: She gathered her strength again and continued.Sl: Zadnji del proge je bil najtežji.En: The final part of the course was the hardest.Sl: Petra je bila že skoraj na cilju, a Anja ni popustila.En: Petra was almost at the finish line, but Anja did not give up.Sl: Z naporom, ki ga še nikoli ni čutila, je pospešila ritem.En: With an effort she had never felt before, she picked up the pace.Sl: Bil je to boj iz oči v oči.En: It was a head-to-head battle.Sl: Anja proti Petri.En: Anja against Petra.Sl: Vater je pljuskala okoli njiju.En: The water splashed around them.Sl: Anja je čutila, kako se meje zmožnosti premikajo naprej.En: Anja felt the limits of her abilities being pushed further.Sl: Bilo je neverjetno.En: It was incredible.Sl: V zadnjih metrih je Anja izbruhnila z novo energijo.En: In the last meters, Anja surged with new energy.Sl: Rdeč trak cilja se je bližal.En: The red finish line tape was approaching.Sl: Petra je bila samo korak pred njo.En: Petra was just a step ahead of her.Sl: Anja je še enkrat močno zamahnila in s čolnom presekala ciljno črto ravno pred Petro.En: Anja gave one final, powerful stroke and crossed the finish line just ahead of Petra.Sl: Dihala je globoko in padla v čoln od izčrpanosti.En: She breathed deeply and collapsed into the boat from exhaustion.Sl: Ljudje so ji ploskali in vzklikali.En: People clapped and cheered for her.Sl: Zmage ni mogla verjeti.En: She couldn't believe she had won.Sl: Solze so ji tekle po licih.En: Tears streamed down her cheeks.Sl: Čutila je, kako se njen oče široko smeji z neba.En: She felt her father smiling broadly from the sky.Sl: Zmagala je.En: She had won.Sl: Anja je sedla ob obali s svojim očetovim veslom v roki.En: Anja sat by the shore with her father's oar in hand.Sl: Počutila se je povezano z njim, bolj kot kadarkoli prej.En: She felt more connected to him than ever before.Sl: Vedela je, da je izpolnila njegovo zapuščino in odkrila svojo moč.En: She knew she had fulfilled his legacy ...
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    17 mins

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