• The Intersection of Aesthetic Medicine and Wellness with Dr. Anthony Youn
    Mar 5 2025

    Dr. Anthony Youn is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, anti-aging expert, and the award-winning author of The Age Fix, In Stitches, and Playing God. Known as ‘America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon’, Dr. Youn is recognized as a leader in his field. He is the host of the public television special “The Age Fix”, and also hosts the podcast The Dr. Youn Show, He is the most followed plastic surgeon on social media with close to 15 million followers, and his new book Younger For Life is a bestseller and holistic guide to turning back the clock using the process of auto-juvenation. Dr. Youn is also the founder of The Youn beauty product line. Dr. Youn and I discuss the intersection of aesthetic medicine and wellness, nutrition for beauty, and his experience with business and social media. He shares supplement protocol recommendations to limit post-surgery complications, recommendations for nutrition integration in plastic surgery practices, and key lifestyle factors that affect accelerated skin aging. Dr. Youn also underscores the importance of helping patients avoid surgery and find self-acceptance in the face of aging.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Dr. Anthony Youn - https://www.dryoun.com/

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.


    The Designs for Health Podcast is produced in partnership with Podfly Productions.


    00:00 Intro.

    01:24 Dr. Youn lights up when he interacts with foster dogs.

    4:04 The decision to become a plastic surgeon didn’t come immediately for Dr. Youn.

    6:18 Growing a social media following required Dr. Youn to think outside the influencer box.

    10:10 Creating high-quality, engaging content is a critical component of a successful social media platform.

    13:31 The importance of authenticity for social media success.

    15:22 Dr. Youn’s weekly schedule reflects his attempt at a healthy work-life balance.

    20:15 Forming relationships is a critical component of whole-life success.

    23:05 Dr. Youn’s trailblazing approach to combining nutrition with procedures.

    29:05 Supplement protocol recommendations to limit post-surgery complications.

    32:46 Recommendations for nutrition integration in plastic surgery practices.

    35:20 Key lifestyle factors that affect accelerated skin aging.

    38:10 Supplement recommendations to support collagen.

    43:05 Additional key supplements to support healthy aging including Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc.

    45:08 Incorporating nutrition supplementation for each patient’s post-surgery protocol.

    47:05 The hottest trends in aesthetics and plastic surgery and the ones Dr. Youn wishes would disappear.

    51:50 The importance of avoiding surgery and finding self-acceptance in the face of aging.

    55:35 Dr. Youn’s favorite supplements, favorite health practices, and his evolved opinion of chiropractors.

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    59 mins
  • Empowering Women Throughout Pregnancy with Stella Lizotte Talkie
    Feb 26 2025

    Stella Lizotte Talkie is an Experienced Functional Medicine Consultant and Certified Pregnancy Health Coach who supports women and families through trying to conceive, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. She has a Bachelor's degree in Food & Nutrition Science from Florida State University and works to help women optimize their nutrition, find solutions to health problems, prepare for birth, build their dream birth team, and achieve overall wellness in body, mind, and spirit. Together Stella and I discuss pregnancy complication prevention strategies including metabolomics and acid testing, addressing gaps in traditional OB care, and how functional medicine practitioners can step in to provide better support. We also discuss prenatal and other supplements to support women at each stage of pregnancy, as well as Stella’s unique experience of growing up with parents who started Designs for Health.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Stella Lizotte Talkie - https://www.stellarosewellness.com/

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.


    The Designs for Health Podcast is produced in partnership with Podfly Productions.


    00:00 Intro.

    01:44 Stella is feeling full of love and family as the new year begins.

    2:22 Stella’s personal and professional path was shaped from childhood by parents who started Designs for Health.

    05:15 The decision to work at Designs for Health wasn’t an obvious one for Stella.

    06:26 As a certified pregnancy health coach, Stella once was terrified of pregnancy and birth.

    09:40 Stella’s services as a pregnancy health coach aim to optimize women’s health.

    11:43 Patterns of the findings from the Designs for Health metabolomics spotlight test.

    15:40 Prenatal vitamins that Stella uses and recommends.

    21:52 Probiotics timing and strains and considerations for preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

    26:04 Examples of supplements that have successfully addressed pregnancy insomnia and other sleep problems.

    31:30 The optimal timeline for preparing for pregnancy for both men and women.

    34:27 Addressing the gaps in traditional OB care and assembling a dream birth team.

    38:02 Tools that aid in implementing the advice of a pregnancy health coach.

    40:27 Postpartum care and support from a health coach.

    46:07 Stella’s personal favorite supplements, favorite health practices, and the changing fad diets that she has changed her mind about in her childbearing years.

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    53 mins
  • Aligning Gut Health and Aesthetics with Jenna Hilton
    Feb 19 2025

    Jenna Hilton is a Certified Physician Assistant, specializing in Family, Internal Medicine, and Medical Aesthetics. She co-founded Vibrant EDU courses at Vibrant Skin Bar and regularly performs one-on-one training with fellow injectors. She teaches Aesthetic and Advanced Injectable Courses at the National Laser Institute, has been named Preceptor of the Year, and is an Adjunct Faculty Member at Midwestern University. In our conversation, Jenna and I discussed all things aesthetics, from detox and gut health to the importance of nutrient therapy in aesthetics. Jenna shares nutrients and supplements for treating acne, her systemic approach to patient healing, and the protein, nutrient deficiencies, and hormonal changes that affect aging patients. She also covers topical and stimulating treatments for hair loss patients, menopause-induced hormone imbalance changes that can be treated with bioidentical hormones, and the critical role of functional medicine in the constant evolution of the aesthetics industry.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Jenna Hilton - https://vibrantskinbar.com/meet-the-staff/jenna-hilton/

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.


    The Designs for Health Podcast is produced in partnership with Podfly Productions.


    00:00 Intro.

    01:32 Detox and gut health conversations are lighting Jenna up in the new year.

    1:56 Jenna’s skin health journey as a passionate PA began in college with a roommate's fatal rash.

    5:02 The importance of nutrient therapy in aesthetics.

    6:18 Nutrients and supplements for treating acne at different stages of a patient’s life.

    9:21 Liposomal glutathione dosing for skin brightening and insights into melasma treatments and procedures.

    14:00 Jenna’s systemic approach to patient healing.

    16:12 The ‘skintelligent’ patient wants to age gracefully and focuses on gut and hormonal health in addition to outer aesthetics.

    18:38 Protein, nutrient deficiencies, and hormonal changes that affect aging patients.

    22:52 Lifestyle coaching in Jenna’s office is supported in-house.

    24:54 Post-procedure nutrient standard protocol for biostimulation and hair loss patients.

    27:49 Topical and stimulating treatments for hair loss patients.

    29:13 Hormone imbalance changes that are common in perimenopause and menopause that can be treated with bioidentical hormones.

    32:25 Jenna’s success story of pairing an aesthetic treatment with supplements for an incredible outcome.

    33:51 The role of functional medicine in the constant evolution of the aesthetics industry.

    35:50 Jenna’s personal favorite supplements, current health practices, and the gut health/skin link that she has changed her mind about.

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    44 mins
  • Advancements in Fibromyalgia Diagnostics and Treatment with Dr. David Brady
    Feb 12 2025

    Dr. David Brady is the Chief Medical Officer for Designs for Health, Inc. and Diagnostic Solutions Labs, LLC and an expert consultant for nutritional supplements and clinical laboratory industries. He has over 30 years of experience as an integrative practitioner and more than 25 years in health sciences academia. He is a licensed naturopathic medical physician in Connecticut and Vermont; he is board certified in functional medicine and clinical nutrition; and he is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. He held the long-time position as Vice President for Health Sciences and Director of the Human Nutrition Institute at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, where he continues to serve as an Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences, and he maintains a private practice, Whole Body Medicine, in Fairfield, CT, USA.

    Dr. Brady has returned to the podcast for a discussion about fibromyalgia and offers a variety of clinical pearls throughout our conversation. He highlights the differentiating features between fibro and pseudo-fibromyalgia, explains the evolution of our understanding of fibro diagnostic markers and subsequent treatments, and details the environmental triggers, predisposition and trauma that tend to lead to the onset of fibromyalgia. He also offers potential solutions that utilize supplements for mitochondrial support and deficiencies and offers an update on long COVID and increased autoimmunity in the population at large.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Dr. David Brady - https://dss.designsforhealth.com/blogs/faculty-member/david-m-brady

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.


    The Designs for Health Podcast is produced in partnership with Podfly Productions.


    00:00 Intro.

    01:50 Dr. Brady is looking forward to the future of Designs for Health.

    3:00 A definition of fibromyalgia and the parts of the body that are widely affected by it.

    7:33 Differentiating features between fibro and pseudo-fibromyalgia.

    9:32 The evolution of our understanding of fibro diagnostic markers and subsequent treatments.

    15:25 Common nervous system set up that leads to fibromyalgia later in life.

    18:25 Findings and actions resulting from cytokine testing, heightened neural inflammation, and glial cell activation.

    23:00 Updates on the link between fibromyalgia and long-haul COVID 19.

    26:14 The use of 5-HTP in regulating limbic system dysfunction, neurotransmitters and heightened pain receptors.

    31:55 Utilizing botanicals in calming adaptogens and those that are not stimulating.

    33:05 5-HTP use for those with SNPs in MAO-A or -B for brain retraining in calming and relaxation.

    36:36 Fibromyalgia pain is presented in constant and regular symptomatology.

    38:45 Environmental triggers that bring on fibromyalgia, in addition to the intersection of predisposition and trauma.

    44:06 Gender and hormonal differences in the onset and presentation of fibromyalgia.

    45:50 Potential solutions that utilize supplements for mitochondrial support and deficiencies.

    51:56 Managing inflammatory and joint pain in fibromyalgia.

    54:42 Dietary patterns and food sensitivities that are common in patients with fibromyalgia.

    56:48 Peptide therapy options for patients with fibromyalgia.

    59:29 An update on long Covid and increased autoimmunity in the population at large.

    1:02:48 Dr. Brady’s latest intrigue supplements, current health practices, and the need to be right all of the time that he has changed his mind about.

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • The Intersection of Cardiovascular Health and Gut Wellness with Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi
    Feb 5 2025

    Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Holistic Nutritionist specializing in Functional Medicine, practicing at Oasis Health and Medicine in San Diego. After earning his undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto, Dr. Pedi earned his Master of Science in Kinesiology at York University and became a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. He graduated as a Naturopathic Doctor at Bastyr University California and has received training from leaders in functional medicine, the Institute of Functional Medicine and is an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. In our discussion, Dr. Pedi and I explore gut health, cardiometabolic health, and some business talk about his large social media following. He highlights common stress patterns that are negatively impacting digestive health, the connection between cardiovascular health and GI health, and tests, lab markers, and other considerations for Dr. Pedi’s personalized nutrition plans. He answers some of the questions he hears most frequently, including what makes a good diet, why people are sicker than ever, and the biggest overlooked issues in cardiovascular health. He also highlights the power of social media in educating the public and reaching millions of potential patients and clients daily.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi - https://drpedinaturalhealth.com/about/

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.


    The Designs for Health Podcast is produced in partnership with Podfly Productions.


    00:00 Intro.

    01:24 Rebuilding his health has been lighting Dr. Pedi up in the new year.

    2:32 Pedi journey toward practicing functional medicine began as a personal trainer.

    4:41 Common stress patterns that are negatively impacting digestive health.

    5:46 Lab findings regularly show an increasing presence of H. pylori. Dr. Pedi offers natural treatment options.

    9:27 People seem to be sicker than ever before. Is it caused by a weakened GI or weakened immune issues?

    11:15 Dr. Pedi’s favorite gut health nutrients to target whole health and healing.

    13:50 Applications for post biotics including addressing leaky gut.

    14:30 The connection between cardiovascular health and GI health, and TMAO considerations.

    19:20 What does a good diet include? The answer can be both personalized and generalized.

    22:07 Lab markers and other considerations for Dr. Pedi’s personalized nutrition plans.

    24:36 Addressing histamine intolerance and stabilizing mast cell response.

    26:55 Dr. Pedi’s interactions with Dr. Mimi Guarneri greatly shaped his journey as a doctor.

    33:15 Clinical patterns that are found in stool testing for the GI and cardiology connection.

    34:05 Sleep apnea is one of the biggest overlooked issues in cardiovascular health.

    40:43 The connection between oral health and cardiovascular health.

    41:46 Supplement recommendations for increased cardiovascular health.

    42:16 Dr. Pedi highlights all that social media has allowed naturopathic doctors to accomplish.

    46:00 The power of consistently posting helpful marketing information on social media.

    50:08 Key lessons learned in building a business.

    52:25 Pedi’s personal favorite supplements, favorite health practices, and the approach to healing that he has changed his mind about in recent years.

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    57 mins
  • Maximizing Brain Health and Longevity with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
    Jan 29 2025

    Austin Perlmutter, M.D., is a board-certified internal medicine physician and New York Times bestselling author. He is an expert in brain health, neuroinflammation, immunometabolism, and neuroplasticity. He received his medical degree from the University of Miami and completed his internal medicine residency at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon. His focus is in helping others to improve decision-making and quality of life. He is also interested in methods of understanding and reducing burnout in the medical field. He is the co-author of Brain Wash. He is the host of the podcast Get The STUCK Out, where he examines things that keep us stuck through open minded questions and conversations. In our conversation, Dr. Perlmutter and I examine various reasons that a person’s decision making can be biased by their biology in unhealthy ways, and what can be done about it. Practitioners who are facing clients who are noncompliant will benefit from listening to his explanation of the mechanisms of the connection between brain and systemic inflammation and the pathways that are involved in the blood-brain barrier, systemic immunity and the brain. We also explore common triggers and solutions of neuroinflammation, especially sleep deprivation, the effects of polyphenols in the context of immunometabolism, and the effects of smoke and air pollution, sedentary behavior, alcohol and sugar consumption on brain health. Dr. Perlmutter’s insights clearly highlight his passion for educating people about the reasons that lifestyle medicine not only matters, but is critical to brain health and longevity.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Dr. Austin Perlmutter - https://www.austinperlmutter.com/

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.


    The Designs for Health Podcast is produced in partnership with Podfly Productions


    00:00 Intro.

    01:50 Dr. Perlmutter is passionate about the substantial preventions and improvements breakthroughs in preventive health.

    4:34 Austin’s father Dr. David Perlmutter’s career influenced, but didn’t entirely dictate his writing and medical career path.

    10:01 Is decision making based on psychology or biology? Dr. Perlmutter explains.

    14:30 Sleep is the number one action that can positively or negatively impact brain function.

    17:40 The mechanisms of the connection between brain and systemic inflammation.

    23:02 Pathways that are involved in the blood-brain barrier, systemic immunity and the brain.

    29:51 Common triggers and solutions of neuroinflammation, especially sleep deprivation.

    36:06 Dedicated stress relief practices including meditation, movement, decreased screen time seeking professional health, and dietary changes.

    42:20 The benefits of utilizing a continuous glucose monitor.

    43:20 The effects of polyphenols in the context of immunometabolism.

    51:30 Overt signals that alcohol consumption is creating a risk for brain health.

    54:24 Sedentary behavior dramatically increases the risk for brain issues, these tactics will counter its effects.

    58:10 Smoke and air pollutants as a driver of microglial activation and needed action steps.

    1:10:45 Tactics for improving air quality in the home.

    1:12:40 Top personal supplements, top health practices, and the muscle health priority that Dr. Perlmutter has changed his mind about.

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Optimizing Gut Health and Healing with Dr. Vince Pedre
    Jan 22 2025

    Dr. Vincent Pedre, medical director of Pedre Integrative Health, is a board-certified internist and a Functional Medicine–certified practitioner in private practice in New York City. Dr. Pedre’s integrative medical approach combines both Western and Eastern traditions. He is a clinical instructor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and is also certified in yoga and medical acupuncture. His holistic philosophy is patient-centered and focuses on uncovering the root causes of illness to create long-term wellness. He is also the founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness, which offers health-enhancing programs, content and lifestyle products, dietary supplements, and weight loss programs. In our conversation, Dr. Pedre and I explore the critical role of gut health in overall wellness, the personalized approach outlined in his books, and strategies for optimizing gut health. He underscores the critical intersection of gut health and a productive immune system, highlights the danger of claiming that one health plan will fix all gut problems, and shares the sequence of his personalized patient protocol. He also shares his approach to dosings for prebiotics and gut healing nutrients, and shares his enthusiasm for meeting patients wherever they are in their journey toward optimal gut health.

    I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us.

    Episode Resources:

    Dr. Vincent Pedre - https://pedremd.com/

    The GutSMART Protocol: Revitalize Your Health, Boost Your Energy, and Lose Weight in Just 14 Days with Your Personalized Gut-Healing Plan

    Happy Gut: The Cleansing Program to Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Eliminate Pain

    Happy Gut Coffee

    Design for Health Resources:

    Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/

    Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/

    Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog.



    00:00 Intro

    01:40 Dr. Pedre is finding gratitude amidst the fires in California.

    2:35 The power of a practitioner's ability to impact on a patient’s overall life and health.

    06:55 Dr. Pedre’s journey with gut healing began in childhood and shaped his career.

    10:35 The critical intersection of gut health and a productive immune system.

    14:28 Dr. Pedre’s books were inspired by his becoming an accidental gut expert.

    19:48 The danger of claiming that one health plan will fix all gut problems.

    24:04 Recommended Vagus nerve techniques including breathing and humming to counter depression.

    28:16 The sequence of Dr. Pedre’s patient protocol starts with a thorough interview and a personalized diet protocol.

    33:54 Dosings for prebiotics, gut healing nutrients and serum bovine immunoglobulin.

    37:48 Microplastics and the microhabits that are endangering gut health including K-cups and espresso machines.

    45:27 Recommendations for minimizing exposures and increasing detox practices.

    48:38 Emerging research and health trends surrounding gut health and the microbiome.

    52:03 Top personal supplements, top health practices, and the stress-management priority that Dr. Pedre has changed his mind about.

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    56 mins
  • Marketing Longevity and Achieving Business Growth with Lexi Yoo
    Dec 4 2024
    Lexi Yoo is the Founder and Director of Yoo Direct Health in Indiana and is a double-board-certified nurse practitioner in the areas of family and pediatric medicine. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Purdue University and a Master’s from IUPUI as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Lexi has a particular interest in anti-aging medicine, integrative health, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and a focus on peptide therapy. She is certified through BioTE Medical, where she is a mentor as well as a proctor. Lexi has completed all her functional medicine coursework through The Institute for Functional Medicine and has completed an Aesthetic Fellowship through the American Academy of Antiaging. She is a national speaker as well as a trainer in her areas of specialty. Lexi is also a GAIN trainer for Galderma Aesthetics. In 2022, she developed the Integrative Residency Program, where she created a virtual learning opportunity for other providers to learn about Thyroid Health, Hormone Optimization in Men and Women, Gut Health management, Peptide Therapy, and Aesthetic Medicine. In 2023 she developed the Yoo Direct Training Academy, a virtual-based platform for the like-minded provider. Lexi and I have a candid conversation about marketing longevity and achieving business growth in lasting ways. She shares key lessons she has learned about staffing, vision, creating a culture of growth and the importance of maintaining integrity in the face of success. She offers insights into her holistic approach to weight loss and longevity, details about GLP-1 receptor antagonists and other high demand treatment options that Lexi’s patients regularly ask about, and steps practitioners need to take to keep their patients healthy and happy as they navigate the journey toward longevity. I’m your host, Evelyne Lambrecht, thank you for designing a well world with us. Episode Resources: Lexi Yoo - https://www.yoodirecthealth.com/ Design for Health Resources: Designs for Health - https://www.designsforhealth.com/ Designs for Health Practitioner Exclusive Drug Nutrient Depletion and Interaction Checker - https://www.designsforhealth.com/drug-nutrient-interaction/ Visit the Designs for Health Research and Education Library which houses medical journals, protocols, webinars, and our blog. https://www.designsforhealth.com/research-and-education/education Chapters: 00:00 Intro 02:45 Lexi’s latest focus on neurotherapy offers valuable integrative therapies to her patients. 03:20 The journey of Lexi’s business growth was both unexpected and incredibly rewarding – and included Crossfit. 7:48 The why behind the Yoo Academy has benefitted Lexi as well as her like minded practitioner community. 09:39 Key lessons Lexi has learned about staffing, vision, creating a culture of growth and maintaining integrity in the face of success. 12:30 Longevity refers to both long life as well as high quality of life. Lexi works to help patients meet both of these goals. 15:25 Key biomarkers of longevity that Lexi looks to in the total health panel. 16:15 An overview of the standard intake visit at Yoo Direct Health. 20:55 GLP-1 receptor antagonists and other high demand treatment options that Lexi’s patients regularly ask about. 28:00 Considerations for patients regarding tirzepatide, semaglutide, fatty liver disease, and optimized hormones for longevity. 29:04 Pregnancy and increased fertility warnings and options for patients. 30:32 Cycling GLP-1, refills, insulin resistance, menstrual cycles, and musical loss are all taken into consideration when optimizing patient health for longevity. 35:24 Recommendations for carb, fat, and protein dietary intake starts with meeting the patient where they are. 36:40 Appetite control and healthy weight loss is a matter of dosing semaglutide responsibility. 38:27 Details about injectable growth hormones and peptides. 40:23 A holistic approach to managing the side effects of commercially available GLP-1s. 44:15 The future of GLP-1 includes stacked peptides and improved maintenance dosing. 46:30 A supplemental approach to maintaining weight loss. 47:49 Aesthetic offerings that can be added on in addition to GLP-1s, including stimulating collagen, hair restoration and acne recommendations. 53:27 Top nutrients for healthy skin, hair and nails. 53:53 Top personal supplements, top health practices, the idea that Lexi has changed her mind about over her years of practice, and her 5-year vision for the future of her practice.
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    59 mins