
  • Resume Dos and Don'ts
    Apr 6 2022

    There is so much conflicting information on how to write the best resume - it's no wonder people are confused! The truth is, there is no one correct way to write a resume, but there are a few things you can do to strengthen the content and presentation of your resume and make it stand out from others.

    Resume Dos

    •  Include a brief, brand-focused statement or summary
    •  Focus on achievements and impact over duties
    •  Feature relevant and competitive elements 
    •  Highlight what you want to be known for 
    •  Employ strong action verbs tied with the roles you want, at the level that you want
    • Include metrics and numbers 
    • Be specific! 
    • Use a clean, streamlined presentation - focus on content!

    Resume Don’ts

    • Minimize your leadership
    • Exaggerate your contributions
    • Forget to check typos and grammatical errors
    • Use slang, especially if it may not be understood by all readers
    • Make your resume overly long

    Yes, we managed to cover all of these (with whys, examples, and anecdotes) in one episode, but stay tuned for Part II over the coming weeks!

    If you have comments, questions, or ideas, we'd love to connect with you!

    Andy Bowden: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andybowdenz1/

    Jessica Richardson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jnjrichardson/

    C3 Candid Career Convos

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    34 mins
  • How to Build Your Network
    Mar 30 2022

    Todd Gregory joins us today to discuss how you can create a strong network that benefits your career development and job search. Known as a people connector, Todd provides great advice on how to cultivate professional relationships that provide mutual value. We also discuss how to build and engage in mentor/mentee relationships.  


    • How is networking different from job search outreach?
    • How does someone start to build their network?
    • What are the signs of a healthy network that can be leveraged?
    • What does it mean to network for career development vs. job search?
    • What types of engagement should one cultivate in their network?


    • What is the difference between a mentor, coach, and sponsor?
    • The benefits of mentorship for the mentor and mentee.
    • How should one approach mentorship (or menteeship)?
    • How long does a typical mentorship relationship last?  
    • How do mentor/mentee relationships evolve over time?

    Todd Gregory (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jtoddgregory/) is the Vice President of Client Strategy with MMI Agency, a full-service media innovation agency located in Houston, TX.

    If you have comments, questions, or ideas, we'd love to connect with you!

    Andy Bowden: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andybowdenz1/

    Jessica Richardson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jnjrichardson/

    C3 Candid Career Convos

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    31 mins
  • Reasons Qualified Job Seekers Get Passed Over
    Mar 24 2022

    You know you're qualified for the roles you want, but the phone isn't ringing.  When you do get an interview, you have one or two conversations and never hear back. Sound familiar?

    On this episode of Candid Career Convos, we discuss reasons a qualified applicant may be passed over for an opportunity, and what you can do about it.

    Discussion Points:

    1. Your resume doesn't show you're qualified.

    2. You aren't able to demonstrate your qualifications in the interview.

    3. Someone else has more competitive experience.

    4. Someone else has more experience in a particular area.

    5. The role is filled internally.

    6. Many qualified candidates applied before you.

    If you have comments, questions, or ideas, we'd love to connect with you!

    Andy Bowden: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andybowdenz1/

    Jessica Richardson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jnjrichardson/

    C3 Candid Career Convos

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    35 mins
  • Stop Skunking Your Job Search with a Spray and Pray Approach
    Mar 15 2022

    Liz Everett joins us to discuss why the "Spray and Pray" application method may be hurting your job search - and what you should do instead. This episode contains some great insights and inside info on what hiring professionals see when you submit your resume.


    • What happens when you apply to many different roles at the same company?
    • What do recruiters and hiring professionals look for when reviewing a resume?
    • Should you apply to more than one job within the same company?
    • How does a company use its applicant tracking system (ATS) to manage candidates?
    • What do hiring professionals look for when reviewing applications or sourcing through LinkedIn?
    • Should you apply through platforms like Easy Apply and job boards, or directly with the company?

    Liz Everett (https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-orea-everett-cpc-54431843/) recently joined Khoros, a global customer engagement software provider, as their Talent Acquisition Manager. In her previous role as the Director of Talent Acquisition for HR software solutions provider GoCo, she delivered recruitment, team building, and people operations expertise that equipped the organization for rapid growth. Prior to GoCo, Liz was a Senior Recruiting Director for Murray Resources, an award-winning Houston staffing firm.

    If you have comments, questions, or ideas, we'd love to connect with you!

    Andy Bowden: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andybowdenz1/

    Jessica Richardson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jnjrichardson/

    C3 Candid Career Convos

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    34 mins
  • Flags Aren't Always Red: How to spot GREEN FLAGS in the hiring process
    Mar 8 2022

    There's a lot of advice out there on red flags in the hiring process. Instead, let's talk about green flags (and a few yellow ones). The hiring process is a sneak peek at the employee experience - so what are the markers of a great one?

    Spoiler: It's less about the length of the process, and more about communication and transparency throughout.

    Green Flags

    • Recruiters show understanding and guidance on the thoughts, needs, and feedback of the hiring manager.
    • Recruiters, HR contacts, and the hiring team show investment and enthusiasm about you as a candidate.
    • You are able to contact the hiring manager directly after the first or second interview.
    • You receive a quick response to typical communication/questions about the role or process.
    • The process moves swiftly from interview through offer letter with no bottleneck at the hiring manager or HR levels.

    Yellow Flags

    • There is little transparency in the process and/or significant delays between interviews, with no communication. 
    • The hiring manager is unable to explain how the role interacts within the organization or seems uncertain about the central needs of the role. 
    • Information on growth opportunities, raises, and promotions isn't shared, and related questions aren't adequately answered within the interview process.

    C3 Candid Career Convos

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    36 mins
  • Seizing the opportunity for an unposted role!
    Mar 2 2022

    Listen to Jessica's great example of securing a "hidden" job.  Note that it took networking and advanced research of a targeted role/company she had.  She seized the opportunity when talking with one of the organization's leaders to "tap into a hidden job".

    In reality, the job was a need the organization needed - she recognized it and got the job!

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    3 mins
  • The Hidden Job Market and How to Tap Into it!
    Mar 1 2022

    "Yes, Virginia, there is a Hidden Job Market!"

    But, it may look a little different than you think.

    Larger employers are often legally required to publicly post all available jobs, but small to medium businesses (SMBs) generaly have more leeway. There are several reasons a job might not be posted, and several ways you can take advantage of it. This is the topic of today's discussion with Andy Bowden and Jessica Richardson.


    Most jobs are posted 

    • FAANG companies and others follow regulations like OFCCP that require them to post all jobs
    • All employers want to tap into the best talent and so it's generally in their best interest to post the jobs they have

    Why would jobs not be posted?

    • They may be posted and filled internally prior to public posting
    • The role was approved for the next fiscal year but is not yet released 
    • The division may source and hire from within their network
    • Some companies have more bureaucratic channels than others
    • The company recognizes the need, but the role hasn't yet been created

    How can job seekers tap into these unposted roles?

      (and not just when you're job hunting)
    • Stay connected to emerging needs within your market
    • Identify opportunities and engage in direct outreach

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    33 mins
  • Liven Up Your LinkedIn Presence with Your Own Brand - Tips from the Experts
    Feb 22 2022

    Kamara Toffolo and Anthony Jones join us this week for a discussion on how to liven up your LinkedIn profile!


    • How is a LinkedIn profile different from a resume?
    • What does it mean to "build your brand" on LinkedIn?
    • What profile sections give you the most ROI on LinkedIn?
    • How can you use your profile to build a network and engage
      with your community?
    • How can you use LinkedIn to support your side gig or build a business?
    • What are the biggest don'ts or red flags on LinkedIn?
    • Even if you're not looking for a job, how can you use LinkedIn to establish
      thought leadership?

    Kamara Toffolo (kamaratoffolo.com) is a LinkedIn consultant, resume writer, and job search strategist who’s been featured in media like Forbes, Business Insider, Inc., and The Muse. Her corporate background in financial services and technology provides her with the unique ability to help professionals sell their value to businesses of all size. Kamara was recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice in 2020 and named by Jobscan as the #1 Job Search Expert to Follow on LinkedIn in 2019.

    Anthony Jones (linkedinonepercentclub.com) spent 19 years leading digital marketing strategy for the iconic Duck’s Unlimited brand through record gains in online supporters, memberships, and revenue. In 2021, he launched the LinkedIn One Percent Club in 2021 to help leaders transform their profiles into powerful personal brands. Anthony is a regular speaker and presenter on personal brand development and social engagement.

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    44 mins