Johnelle Hosking, a young New Zealander dreaming of fame and fortune, discovers an unexpected way to make money by giving advice to entrepreneurs, yet struggles to overcome her own doubts and society's perception of success.
"Release the weight of the world from your shoulders and get excited to take the next step forward - it's an adventure!" - Johnelle Hosking
Johnelle Hosking is a confidence coach from New Zealand who has been helping people break up with self-doubt and build successful businesses for the last seven years. Johnelle Hosking was a young girl with a dream of one day becoming famous. After leaving school, she went into radio with a strategic plan of transitioning into TV. After four years of radio, she felt unfulfilled and started looking for other career options. A random opportunity to meet a woman with her own healthy food website sparked an idea within Johnelle. She was inspired to become a coach and invest in a twelve-month qualification to become certified. By believing in her own skills, she was able to overcome her self-doubt and pursue her dreams of coaching and helping others.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
- How To Leverage Transferable Skills To Create A Career Change
- Releasing Self-Doubt & Cultivating Confidence To Pursue Personal Growth
- Exploring The Benefits Of Setting Achievable Goals & Taking Action.