• Thirsty For Living Water
    Mar 3 2025

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    In John 4, we see an encounter Jesus has with the Samaritan woman at the well. In this encounter, there is a point at which Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah. In response to this, the woman rushes back to her village with the big news: “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4:29. Many villagers respond and see for themselves this Jesus; discovering that He truly is the Savior.

    As we dive into this passage today, we see that there is no one too far gone for Jesus to reach. We also discover that in our worship, the Lord desires worshippers in spirit and in truth. Finally, the news of the Gospel should compel us to go and tell others, just as this woman did. Many are thirsty for Living Water. Are we willing to share Jesus with them?

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    39 mins
  • Behold, The Lamb Of God!
    Feb 10 2025

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    In John 1, we see a handoff taking place of disciples. More specifically, the disciples of John the Baptist see Jesus ("the Lamb of God") and follow after Him. The way John recounts this in his Gospel, we see no effort on the part of John the Baptist to take away from or keep his followers from seeking the Lord. And really, that was his mission: to prepare the way for the Lord. This episode examines the call of these first disciples and asks some questions to ourselves: is there anything in our lives that we follow greater than Jesus, are we telling others about Him, and are we allowing Jesus to do "even greater things" in our lives as He speaks to Nathanael in John 1:51. This podcast is an extension to the Wild Faith series; a call to continue seeking after Christ in all we do.

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    40 mins
  • What does WILD FAITH look like in our homes?
    Jan 27 2025

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    But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

    Continuing on talking about "Wild Faith," the home is ground zero for where a bold faith is shaped and put on display. Homes that exhibit wild faith will look different than others on the block. Jesus will be the center and foundation of such homes. And a generational inheritance of Christ will be the mark of the sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters of homes built upon wild faith. Today's episode dives into this discussion and the importance of covenanting with the Lord to make Him the reason for everything we do. This faith will then shape our interaction with the world, making us bold to share the Promise that we have!

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    37 mins
  • What does it mean to have a WILD FAITH?
    Jan 20 2025

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    Whenever we put the word "wild" in front of something, we can have a certain impression because of what we perceive wild to mean. In this episode, consider a definition of wild which means "passionately eager or enthusiastic, going beyond normal or conventional bonds, and deviating from the intended or expected course." When considering all of these meanings and then applying it to our faith, we can see how God would use us in ways that take us from living in the status quo or just as a cookie-cutter Christian. In this episode, we get an idea of what Derek means when he says the phrase "wild faith" and how to apply it as Christians. Ideally, it means moving closer to God and further from this world, seeing that God is exactly Who He says He is, and that the patterns we see the faithful display in the Bible are the same patterns that we should expect today. It's a wild faith and we are called to live it!

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    44 mins
  • Honey From The Rock
    Jan 6 2025

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    But He would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you. Psalm 81:16

    With this first episode of 2025, we are looking at this concept of honey from the rock: an idea which comes to us from Psalm 81. We see that honey signifies God's abundant blessings upon our lives. From the Psalm we also see that in order to truly taste of these blessings, God desires obedience from us. Finally, the phrase "honey from the rock" truly points us to Jesus; that He is the Rock and honey is the grace and salvation imparted to us by Him. This entire concept is eye-opening and something that can and should transform our faith. It's a great place to start out the New Year: considering how we can taste the honey that God has for us this year and ultimately pursue Him more deeply.

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    31 mins
  • The Year That Was
    Dec 30 2024

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    This episode is a bit of retrospection...looking back at 2024 and highlighting a few words that encompass the year. This year had its moments where we didn't know what was coming next; especially in terms of political events. It was also a time of growth, especially within the church (locally and on a national/global scale). And it was a year that showed promise: God was faithful and remains faithful even through what 2025 will bring. Take a moment to listen and reflect back upon the year that was. Through this, allow yourself to see how God was there each step along the way. Let that guide you into what the next year will bring!

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    40 mins
  • Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming (Hymns That I Love - Christmas Edition)
    Dec 16 2024

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    This episode is a "Christmas Edition" episode that is part of the Hymns That I Love series and also accompanies the Songs Of The Season series (from 2021). Join me as we again dive into the background, context, and timeless truths of a beloved hymn.


    Watch Derek's recording here:

    Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming

    Author unknown (German origins), translated by Theodore Baker with harmonization melody by Michael Praetorius.

    Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming
    From tender stem hath sprung!
    Of Jesse's lineage coming
    As men of old have sung.
    It came, a flower bright,
    Amid the cold of winter
    When half-gone was the night.

    Isaiah 'twas foretold it,
    The Rose I have in mind:
    With Mary we behold it,
    The virgin mother kind.
    To show God's love aright
    She bore to men a Savior
    When half-gone was the night.

    This Flower, whose fragrance tender
    With sweetness fills the air,
    Dispels with glorious splendor
    The darkness everywhere.
    True man, yet very God,
    From sin and death He saves us
    And lightens every load
    From sin and death He saves us
    And lightens every load

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    37 mins