• A Mile Deep - Impossible Goals
    Jul 4 2024

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    An impossible goal is a goal that acts like a North Star in the sky, that keeps you moving forwards towards who you're capable of becoming.

    In this Micro Podcast I share some thinking around Impossible Goals and how they are related to Vision.

    If you want to assess your ability to create a clear vision head on over to this scorecard here: https://benjamin-ux8pslnm.scoreapp.com/

    In the podcast I talk about:

    100:00 Have an impossible goal as a North star to guide you towards becoming who you're capable of being.

    🌟01:28 Having an impossible goal, or a "North Star", helps guide you forward and make uncomfortable decisions that lead to long-term psychological wellness.

    🎯 02:53 Setting impossible goals is about becoming the person capable of achieving them, whether it's in business or personal life.

    🎯04:13 Overcoming betrayal, hurt, and shame to achieve seemingly impossible goals, such as finding true love and getting married, is a transformative journey.

    🎯04:57 Achieving an impossible goal requires a shift in mindset and letting go of previous identities and thinking patterns. Expand

    🎯06:57 Set B type goals that will stretch you, not just A type goals that you've achieved before.

    🎯08:14 Aim for impossible goals to push yourself to think and operate at your highest capability, forcing you to rethink strategies and feel empowered in the process.

    🌟09:41 Shed your current strategy and identity to pursue an impossible goal, and join the school Group for free worksheets to help you find your North star.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    11 mins
  • A Mile Deep With Hina Khan
    Jul 3 2024

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    Hina Khan is a Peak Performance Coach. She helps her clients make their annual income, their monthly income and if that's not a 10X I don't know what is.

    Hina embodies so much of the work that she teaches on her daily calls with her clients. In this podcast we talk about transformation.

    Listen to Hina. She has lived and breathed personal and professional transformation and has helped hundreds if not thousands of powerful people do the same.

    She is a world class coach and her results speak for themself.

    If you would like to get a worksheet for the 50 want list head on over to:


    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    43 mins
  • A Mile Deep With Ankush Jain
    Jun 23 2024

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    Ankush Jain is a Professional Coach, A Husband, Father and an agent of transformation.

    I invited him to come speak on the Mile Deep Podcast as I believe he is an embodiment of Transformational living.

    Ankush helps his clients become better leaders, coaches and people by not only coaching them powerfully in his 1-2-1 practice, but he also teaches how to become a great coach in his school.

    Transformation is all about letting go of who you were and stepping into who you are capable of being. Making your decisions from a future self and changing the way you and others see you. Ankush is the poster man for this.

    In this interview we have a conversation about his journey and his way of showing up in the world.

    I'm proud to have been coached by Ankush and will definitely be working with him again in the future.

    At the end of this episode, we talk about Ankush's Brochure for the school. Which you can get alongside other resources in the 10X Tribe school platfrom here:


    Enjoy the episode and if you wand the resources mentioned head on over to the free group.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    47 mins
  • What support is necessary to go 10X?
    May 18 2024

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    If you're looking to create a 10X shift in your work and your life there are 5 steps.
    In this episode of the podcast Coach Benjamin Owen talks about the final step which is support.

    Support is the part of the process that helps you not only take action, but keep taking action.

    Without support when trying to go 10X you'll struggle to reach your full potential in the other steps. So creating a strong social support network is imperative to going 10X this year and beyond.

    If you watch this video and want to take the scorecard mentioned in the video head on over to the link in the page bio.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    51 mins
  • How to take more action when going10X
    May 18 2024

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    If you're looking to create a 10X shift in your work and your life there are 5 steps.

    In this episode of the podcast Coach Benjamin Owen talks about Implementation.

    Implementation is the part of the process that helps you take MASSIVE action.

    Without effective implementation skills when trying to go 10X you'll struggle to actually build whatever it is that will help you reach your goals.

    Creating a strong social structures for implementation is vital for going 10X.

    If you watch this video and want to take the scorecard mentioned in the video head on over to the link in the page Bio.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    35 mins
  • The 80/20 principle when going 10X
    May 18 2024

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    For you to go 10X in your work and life you'll have to go all in on the 20% of the actions that help you grow, change and move forwards.

    This also means you'll have to let go of 80% of the actions in your days, weeks and calendar that aren't helping you go 10X.

    The 80/20 principle is a key component of creating a 10X future vs a 2X future.

    In this video Coach Benjamin Owen talks about transformation.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    48 mins
  • What are the obstacles to going 10X?
    May 18 2024

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    If you're trying to create a 10X shift in your work and life, there will inevitably be some obstacles along the way.

    In this podcast Coach Benjamin Owen talks about the internal and external obstacles in going 10X.

    Part of the internal obstacles are what I like to call PART X a concept I learned from @TheToolsBook which learning have changed my life.

    Listening to this podcast will give you an insight into the steps necessary to overcome the internal and external obstacles that show up on your way to going 10X.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    47 mins
  • Why vision is the First step to going 10X!
    May 18 2024

    Drop me a message with any insights

    Going 10X isn't about doing 10X more of what you're already doing.

    It's about having a 10X bigger vision of you, your life, your results, impact or income.

    Having a 10X vision is vital in the 5 steps process as it what informs all of the other steps.

    In this session I walk you through creating a 10X Vision.

    Thank you for listening:

    To Access the Free resources mentioned in this podcast CLICK HERE

    Click here to take the scorecard: TAKE THE 5 STEPS TO GO 10X SCORECARD

    Connect with me on Instagram here: CLICK HERE

    Connect with me on Facebook here: CLICK HERE

    Feel free to connect with me directly here at: info@coachbenjaminowen.com

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    45 mins