• Ep. 39 |The Inner Peace that Lives Beyond the Resistance: with Helen Hamilton
    Aug 31 2022

    In this podcast episode, David enjoys his second podcast conversation with Helen Hamilton. Helen is a spiritual teacher based in the UK, who's life goal is to demystify spiritual awakening and make it accessible for everyone, which she does through her weekly satsangs and teachings on how to dissolve the ego and step into our Real and Infinite selves. Helen and David discuss how to define and find inner peace by accepting ourselves in each NOW moment. They explore the role of the mind and how to stop labeling emotions as good or bad, so that we don't get stuck in its limitations and labels. They also lay out how a regular meditation practice helps us to observe our thoughts objectively, without attachment and how this practice helps us see both the futile nature of resistance while also giving us the ability to differentiate between the higher and lower mind (also known as the Ego vs the Higher Self or God). This knowing eventually leads us to weed out the illusion of separateness and replace it with the truth of our boundless essence within the oneness we all share.  They go over how resistance creates suffering while radical acceptance creates space for infinite possibilities. And finally, David and Helen discuss the joy of discovering–through direct experience–how simple mindfulness can evolve an awakening into a fully embodied knowingness of our individual intuition and essence.

    To learn more about Helen’s work, visit www.helenhamilton.org.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Ep. 38 | Sharing Transformation and Wisdom in Community
    Aug 15 2022

    In this special episode, David and Staci chat with members of their mastermind coaching program, The Inner Sangha, to discuss what makes the program so unique and impactful in their daily lives, and how they have transformed. 

    The six-month Inner Sangha Mastermind, co-facilitated by David and Staci Mehas-Lewanski, brings curious, introspective people like you together in an intimate community that’s all about getting real, raw and vulnerable.  With daily interaction that includes discussion, reflection and accountability practices designed to help you go DEEP within, the Inner Sangha teaches you to embody the practices of conscious living amidst the real ups and downs of daily life. If you yearn for a deeper experience in community with others who can help you take your gifts to the next level of service, the Inner Sangha is definitely for you.  Participating in this immersive experience will connect to your innate wisdom, help you break out of old patterns that no longer serve you, give you the freedom to discover your unique gifts, and foster greater clarity and ease.

    If you are interested in learning more about the group, and how to join, please visit David's website at https://www.davidkrichards.com




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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Can You Be With the Light AND the Dark?
    Dec 15 2021

    In Part Two of a Three-Part holiday short series, David invites listeners to lean into both the light and the dark during the darkest, most receptive time of year in the Northern Hemisphere. He discusses the irony of nature asking us to slow down during these cold winter months even as we are culturally conditioned to be active and on-the-go in preparation for yet another busy holiday season. Ultimately, shares David, bringing the light into the dark, small though the crack of light may be, can cultivate ease in the midst of the hustle and bustle of this year.

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    15 mins
  • Relaxing into the Waves of Life
    Dec 8 2021

    This is Part One of a Three-Part holiday short series on navigating the holidays with grace and ease. In this episode, David offers insights on staying out of resistance, accepting the "as is" and finding inner stillness as we move into what for many is a complicated and exhausting time of year. 

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    15 mins
  • Suzi Lula on Inner Spaciousness and Finding Your Mountaintop
    Oct 27 2021

    In this open-hearted episode, David and his wife Julie co-host an interview with wisdom teacher Suzi Lula. Suzi reminds listeners that there are no ceilings, walls or floors to stop us from reaching our highest potential when we find the courage to step into the realm of infinite possibility.

    Suzi’s ease in the “beingness” of who she is, together with more than two decades spent deepening her coaching and spiritual psychology practice, make for a magical conversation. So if you are ready to turn away from the external to tune into your soul’s inner calling, this episode with Suzi is the one for you.

    You can find Suzi Lula at www.suzilula.com.

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    58 mins
  • Authenticity and the Path to What Really Matters
    Oct 13 2021

    In this step-back solo episode, David reflects on the A Conscious Way Forward podcast at the one-year anniversary of its launch. He urges listeners to forget the age-old question, "What are we doing with our lives?" and instead ask, "What are we BEING with our lives?" This short episode is a call for honesty, authenticity, sovereignty, and community in the midst of the reality that there will always be another pandemic to distract us from our True North. 

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    21 mins
  • The Surprising Truth About The Four-Letter Word: PLAY!
    Sep 29 2021

    Kim McIntyre is a Joyful Living Teacher who shows people how to laugh more and stress less, so they can enjoy life NOW.  For 20 years, she has shared her mission of joy and laughter, and today runs a Joyful Being® Academy. In this conversation with David, Kim shares how to generate authentic joy from the inside out.

    Learn more about Kim's work at: https://joyfulbeing.com/.

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    46 mins
  • The Unraveling of the Personal Self with Terrence Stephens
    Sep 16 2021

    Hold onto your hats! In this episode, David sits down for a mind-blowing conversation with an Australian born teacher and guide of Non-Duality.

    Non-Duality is based on the belief that beneath the diverse experiences of every human, there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality, the nature of which is pure consciousness. According to the Non-Dual teachings, all human actions result from a false belief that they are operating independently from this single reality, this single consciousness. Special guest Terrence Stephens sees his life as a radical fact-finding mission to discover what IS and explores this in-depth with David. 

    If you are interested in inquiring more deeply into your relationship to the mind and the illusion of separation the mind overlays onto every aspect of our lives, this is the episode for you.

    Learn more about Terrence at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/  

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    58 mins