30+ of the best quotes from "The Hunger Games"
Power, hope, love, and survival—these themes all come alive in "The Hunger Games." Explore 30+ memorable quotes from Suzanne Collins's bestselling sensation.
Power, hope, love, and survival—these themes all come alive in "The Hunger Games." Explore 30+ memorable quotes from Suzanne Collins's bestselling sensation.
Inspire your personal legend with these 40 quotes from Paulo Coelho's timeless novel about love, adventure, and dreams.
His way with words can be lusciously seductive, even enlightening. Women adore him, fall in love with him...and he loves them to death.
From its earliest proponents in ancient Greece and Rome, these quotes shed light on why the philosophy of Stoicism endures and how it applies to 21st-century challenges.
You're sure to find strength in these powerful words from the author of "Can't Hurt Me" and one of the world's top endurance athletes.
"Ready Player One" is a fun and out-of-this-world sci-fi adventure laden with many real and relevant themes. Here are some of the best quotes from Ernest Cline's wild epic.
This collection of quotes about books, politics, ideas, oppression, and happiness captures why Ray Bradbury's groundbreaking novel remains riveting and relevant.
Feeling down and unsure of yourself? These wise and rousing words will give you a much-needed jolt of self-affirmation and the strength of mind to soar.
Malcolm Gladwell has a unique way of challenging common assumptions about the world, other people, and ourselves. Here are some quotes from his best-selling audiobooks that are sure to leave you thinking.
Prepare for your next big adventure with these funny, touching, and inspirational Lord of the Rings quotes.
Find the perfect rules to live by in our list of The Witcher quotes about courage, good and evil, and humanity.
Check out these Pride and Prejudice quotes when you need a reminder that integrity matters, vanity can be overcome, and love is real.