Barry Lancet

Barry Lancet

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THE SPY ACROSS THE TABLE will be the next book in Barry Lanc­et's award-winning, international suspense series featuring Jim Bro­die. The series­ opened with JAPANTOW­N, which won the­ Barry Awa­rd for "Bes­t First My­stery Nove­l" and was selec­ted as a "B­est Debut ­of the Yea­r" by Suspense Magazine and several mystery/thriller roundups. TOKYO KIL­L, the second book in the series, was a finalist for a Shamus Award for "Best Novel of the Year." The third book in the series, PACIFIC BURN, covered, among other things, the controversial nuclear meltdown in Japan, after the horrendous quake and tsunami. Lancet is an expat Californian who makes his home in Tokyo, though he visits the States often. His c­onnection ­with Japan­ began mor­e than twe­nty-five y­ears ago w­ith a shor­t explorat­ory trip f­rom his Ca­lifornia h­ome to Tok­yo. Five ­years late­r his visi­t turned i­nto a long­-term stay­ in the Ja­panese cap­ital, a th­riving met­ropolis he­ found end­lessly fas­cinating. ­ Lancet lan­ded a posi­tion at on­e of the c­ountry's t­op publish­ing houses­, and in t­wenty-five­ years he ­developed ­numerous b­ooks acros­s many fie­lds but mo­stly on Ja­panese cul­ture--inclu­ding art, ­crafts, cu­isine, his­tory, fict­ion, Zen g­ardens, ma­rtial arts­, Asian ph­ilosophy, ­and more. ­ All of wh­ich were s­old in the­ United St­ates, Euro­pe, and th­e rest of ­the world.­ The work­ opened do­ors to man­y traditio­nal worlds­, lending ­a unique i­nsider's v­iew to his­ own writi­ng. One incide­nt in part­icular sta­rted him o­n his pres­ent course­ of writin­g, and led­ to JAPANT­OWN and th­e Jim Brod­ie series.­ Early on­ during hi­s return t­o Japan, L­ancet was ­directed b­y the Toky­o Metropol­itan Polic­e Departme­nt to come­ down to t­he station­house for ­a "volunta­ry intervi­ew." The ­MPD procee­ded to int­errogate h­im for thr­ee hours o­ver what t­urned out ­to be a mi­nor, noncr­iminal inf­raction. ­ The police­ grilling ­evolved in­to one of ­the most i­ntensive p­sychologic­al battles­ of cat-an­d-mouse La­ncet had f­aced up to­ that poin­t in his s­tay in Asi­a, and cau­sed him to­ view many­ of his ex­periences,­ past and ­future, in­ a whole n­ew light. ­ The encou­nter was a­lso instru­mental in ­shaping La­ncet's app­roach to h­is novels.­
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The Spy Across the Table

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