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Vale to You, To Me the Heights, The by Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
LibriVox volunteers bring you 10 recordings of The Vale to You, To Me the Heights by Victor Hugo.This was the Weekly Poetry project for November 28, 2021. ------Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside France, his most famous works are the novels Les Misérables, 1862, and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (French: Notre-Dame de Paris), 1831. In France, Hugo is renowned for his poetry collections, such as Les Contemplations (The Contemplations) and La Légende des siècles (The Legend of the Ages). - Summary by Wikipedia
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Bible (Reina Valera) 01: Génesis (version 2) by Reina-Valera
- By: ciesse
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Como su nombre lo indica, Génesis trata sobre los comienzos. El libro de Génesis habla de cómo Dios creó los cielos y la tierra, la humanidad y todo lo que existe. Muestra que Dios es el Creador y el Gobernante de toda la creación. Pero también habla de la trágica caída de la humanidad en el pecado y la muerte, y del plan de redención de Dios por medio de su pacto con Abraham y sus descendientes. Génesis incluye algunas de las historias más memorables de la Biblia, comenzando con Adán y Eva (capítulos 1-4), siguiendo hasta Noé y el diluvio, la torre de Babel, Abraham, Isaac y ...
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Cidade e as Serras, A by José Maria de Eça de Queirós (1845 - 1900)
- By: ciesse
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Numa manhã de Inverno, o cosmopolita Jacinto decide regressar à sua Tormes natal, pacata vila das serras portuguesas, acompanhado por Zé Fernandes, narrador-personagem desta história. A Cidade e as Serras faz um retrato dos contrastes entre a excitação da vida citadina e a genuína beleza da vida no campo.
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Bible (Reina Valera) 10: Segundo Libro de Samuel by Reina-Valera
- By: ciesse
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El segundo libro de Samuel relata el reinado de David como rey de Israel (alrededor de 1010-970 a. C.) Como Dios había prometido a Abraham, durante el reinado de David, las fronteras de Israel se extendieron aproximadamente desde Egipto hasta el Eufrates. David tuvo muchos éxitos, pero después de su pecado contra Bathsheba y Uriah (capítulo 11), tanto su reino como su propia familia cayeron en el caos. Su hijo Absalón lideró una sangrienta rebelión contra él. Sin embargo, David, autor de muchos de los Salmos, fue un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios (1 Samuel 13:14), un modelo de ...
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Mark Twain's Speeches, Part 1 by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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Spanning the time between 1872 and the year before he died, this collection of after-dinner speeches, random thoughts to "the press", etc. clearly documents, once again, the truly eclectic mind of Samuel Clemens. It also demonstrates how he dealt with adulation, compliments and notoriety...head on! This collection is a treasure-trove of Twain sayings, witticisms and pronouncements on a huge galaxy of issues and concerns in his life. (Summary by John Greenman)
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Bible (Reina Valera) 13: 1 Crónicas by Reina-Valera
- By: ciesse
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I Crónicas (hebreo, דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים א, "Divrei Hayamim Álef", «Los anales de los días»), también llamado 1 Crónicas, Primer Libro de las Crónicas y Primer Libro de los Paralipómenos (Παραλειπομένων, Paralipomenōn, «Sobre lo omitido») es un libro bíblico del Antiguo Testamento. En la Biblia cristiana se halla ubicado entre II Reyes y II Crónicas, mientras que en el Tanaj hebreo se encuentra en el penúltimo lugar.El propósito de I Crónicas es dar una lectura del pasado a la vista del presente y así unificar el pueblo de Dios, rastrear las ...
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Mark Twain's Speeches, Part 2 by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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This collection of the 195 known, publicly-printed speeches of Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was compiled by Paul Fatout and published by the University of Iowa Press. The speeches are in the Public Domain, and our thanks go to the University of Iowa for making them available for this Public Domain audio recording. They were compiled in the University of Iowa Press book entitled "Mark Twain Speaking" and are arranged, chronologically, from Twain's first authenticated public speech in 1864, to his last speech, exactly 7 months before he died. Extensive analysis (for instance how other ...
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Bible (Reina Valera) 02: Éxodo by Reina-Valera
- By: ciesse
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Éxodo es la narración de cómo Dios cumplió la promesa que hizo a Abraham de multiplicar sus descendientes y convertirlos en una nación grande, cómo los liberó de la esclavitud en Egipto, los llevó a la tierra prometida, y luego los unió a sí mismo mediante un pacto que hizo con ellos en el Monte Sinaí. Moisés, bajo el mando directo de Dios y como líder de Israel, recibió los Diez Mandamientos de Dios, junto con otras leyes, que rigen la vida diaria y la manera de rendir culto de Israel. También dirigió la nación para la construcción del tabernáculo, un lugar donde la ...
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Bible (Reina Valera) 14: Segundo Libro de Crónicas by Reina-Valera
- By: ciesse
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El Segundo Libro de Crónicas, extiende la historia de Judá, que comenzó en el Primer Libro de Crónicas. Fue escrito después de que la gente comenzara a regresar a Israel del exilio en Babilonia en 538 a. C. Las "crónicas”, quizás tratando de alentar a los exiliados que regresaron, relatan la construcción y dedicación del templo de Salomón y recuerdan la sabiduría y poder de este gran rey. La mayor parte del libro, sin embargo, se enfoca en la realidad de la caída de Judá en el pecado que lo llevó al exilio. Judá tuvo varios reyes fieles a Dios, especialmente Ezequías y ...
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Mark Twain's Autobiography: With An Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine - Volume II by Mark Twain (
- By: ciesse
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While the Mark Twain Project has created and released a three-volume Mark Twain autobiography with extensive annotations, in the 21st century, this two-volume autobiography was published in 1924 and contains many works never before released. It came 14 years after Twain's death and so, "speaking from the grave", he felt he could be "as frank and free and unembarrassed as a love letter". The autobiographical chapters that he published years earlier in the North American Review, were selected more for their acceptability and potential popularity than for their completely true reflection of his ...
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Bible (Reina Valera) 04: Números by Reina-Valera
- By: ciesse
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El título "Números" proviene de los dos censos que son característicos de este libro. Sin embargo, el título hebreo "en el desierto" es más descriptivo del libro. Números cuenta cómo el pueblo de Dios viajó desde el Monte Sinaí hasta la frontera de la Tierra Prometida. Pero cuando se negaron a tomar posesión de la Tierra, Dios los hizo vagar por el desierto durante casi cuarenta años. A través del libro, Dios es visto como un Dios Santo que no puede permitir la desobediencia, pero quien al mismo tiempo guarda fielmente su pacto y satisface pacientemente las necesidades de su pueblo...
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Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part Four (1900-1906) by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) and The New York
- By: ciesse
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This collection of articles by and about Mark Twain and his family was compiled by Barbara Schmidt, publisher of Included in Part Four of this chronological listing (1900-1906) are some of Twain’s short stories, speeches and letters, as they appeared in the New York Times in that decade. The original microfiche articles are available at the New York Times’ “Times Machine” website: - Summary by John Greenman and Barbara Schmidt
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Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part Five (1907-1909) by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) and The New York
- By: ciesse
- Original Recording
This collection of articles by and about Mark Twain and his family was compiled by Barbara Schmidt, publisher of Included in Part Five of this chronological listing (1907-1909) are some of Twain’s short stories, speeches and letters, as they appeared in the New York Times in that period. The original microfiche articles are available at the New York Times’ “Times Machine” website: - Summary by John Greenman and Barbara Schmidt
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Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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Life on the Mississippi is a memoir by Mark Twain detailing his days as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before the American Civil War. (Summary from Wikipedia)
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Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories, The by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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"The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" is a piece of short fiction by Mark Twain. It first appeared in Harper's Monthly in December 1899, and was subsequently published by Harper Collins in the collection The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories and Sketches (1900). This recording contains all the stories and sketches from the 1900 Harper Collins publication. (Summary from wikipedia and John)
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Lotgevallen van Tom Sawyer, De by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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Uit de inleiding van de schrijver bij de originele Engelstalige uitgave (helaas niet in deze vertaling opgenomen): "Ofschoon mijn boek hoofdzakelijk bedoeld is voor het plezier van jongens en meisjes, hoop ik dat het daarom niet door de ouderen uit de weg wordt gegaan. Het was namelijk gedeeltelijk mijn bedoeling om volwassenen op een plezierige manier er aan te herinneren hoe zij zelf waren en dachten en spraken en welke vreemde zaken zij soms deden." Tom Sawyer is de verpersoonlijking van de Amerikaanse jeugd in de negentiende eeuw. Hij leeft in het fictieve St Petersburg, samen met zijn ...
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Gilded Age, A Tale of Today, The by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) and Charles Dudley Warner (1829 - 1900)
- By: ciesse
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The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today is an 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner that satirizes greed and political corruption in post-Civil War America. The term gilded age, commonly given to the era, comes from the title of this book. Twain and Warner got the name from Shakespeare's King John (1595): "To gild refined gold, to paint the lily... is wasteful and ridiculous excess." Gilding a lily, which is already beautiful and not in need of further adornment, is excessive and wasteful, characteristics of the age Twain and Warner wrote about in their novel. Another interpretation of ...
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Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part Six (1910-1919) by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) and The New York
- By: ciesse
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This collection of articles by and about Mark Twain and his family was compiled by Barbara Schmidt, publisher of Included in Part Six of this chronological listing (1910-1919) are articles concerning his death, some of Twain’s short stories, speeches and letters, as they appeared in the New York Times in that period. The original microfiche articles are available at the New York Times’ “Times Machine” website: - Summary by John Greenman and Barbara Schmidt
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Jumping Frog, The by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is an 1865 short story by Mark Twain. It was also published as "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" and "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog." In it, the narrator retells a story he heard from a bartender, Simon Wheeler, at the Angels Hotel in Angels Camp, California, about the gambler Jim Smiley. Upon discovering a French translation of this story, Twain re-translated the story, word for word and keeping the French grammar structure, back into English. He then published all three versions under the title "The Jumping Frog: In English, ...
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Is Shakespeare Dead? by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
- By: ciesse
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A short, semi-autobiographical work by American humorist Mark Twain. It explores the controversy over the authorship of the Shakespearean literary canon via satire, anecdote, and extensive quotation of contemporary authors on the subject.In the book, Twain expounds the view that Shakespeare of Stratford was not the author of the canon, and lends tentative support to the Baconian theory. The book opens with a scene from his early adulthood, where he was trained to be a steamboat pilot by an elder who often argued with him over the controversy.Twain's arguments include the following points:That ...
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