Showing titles in Drama
Guilty Without Guilt [Russian Edition]
- By: Alexander Ostrovsky
- Narrated by: Natalya Rashevskaya, Yury Yuryev, Yakov Malyutin, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 7 mins
- Abridged
Bez viny vinovatye - p'esa A. N. Ostrovskogo (1881 - 1883), klassicheskij obrazec melodramy. V centre vnimanija Ostrovskogo - harakter sil'noj i volevoj zhenshhiny, sposobnoj duhovno voskresnut' posle tjazhjolyh udarov sud'by. Vse jeti gody (a posle 1 akta proshlo 17 let) ona zhila s postojannoj vnutrennej bol'ju. No ona smogla vystojat', nesmotrja na vse napasti, i realizovat' sebja v tvorchestve. Ona stala izvestnoj talantlivoj aktrisoj.
Guilty Without Guilt [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Natalya Rashevskaya, Yury Yuryev, Yakov Malyutin, Elena Karyakina, Nikolay Simonov, Yury Tolubeev
- Length: 2 hrs and 7 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Mad Money [Russian Edition]
- By: Alexander Ostrovsky
- Narrated by: N. Yakovlev, K. Zubov, P. Starkovsky, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 40 mins
- Abridged
Beshenye den'gi (rannie nazvanija "Kosa - na kamen'", "Ne vsjo to zoloto, chto blestit") - komedija v pjati dejstvijah Aleksandra Ostrovskogo. V jetoj p'ese, kak i v bol'shinstve svoih rabot, Ostrovskij razrabatyvaet temu krizisa dvorjanstva. Ostrovskij otmetil v dvorjanstve ego novoe otnoshenie k burzhuazii. Ono prisposablivaetsja k novomu porjadku veshhej, nekotorye ego predstaviteli stanovjatsja prizhival'shhikami burzhuazii, uchatsja u nejo novym metodam vorovstva i grabezha.
Mad Money [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: N. Yakovlev, K. Zubov, P. Starkovsky, E. Velikhov, A. Yablochkina, E. Gogoleva, A. Litvinov
- Length: 2 hrs and 40 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Talents and Admirers [Russian Edition]
- By: Alexander Ostrovsky
- Narrated by: Alla Tarasova, Anastasia Zueva, Vsevolod Verbitsky, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 26 mins
- Abridged
Talanty i poklonniki - komedija v chetyrjoh dejstvijah Aleksandra Nikolaevicha Ostrovskogo. Negina - populjarnaja, no bednaja molodaja aktrisa. Ejo zhenih Meluzov uchit ejo naukam i chestnoj zhizni. Knjaz' Dulebov, nadejas' ispol'zovat' ejo stesnjonnoe polozhenie, predlagaet ej stat' soderzhankoj. Aktrisa rezko otkazyvaet i vyzyvaet u Dulebova jarost' i zhelanie mesti.
Talents and Admirers [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alla Tarasova, Anastasia Zueva, Vsevolod Verbitsky, Vladimir Ershov, Ivan Kudryavtsev, Olga Labzina, Vasily Kachalov
- Length: 1 hr and 26 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Doctor [Russian Edition]
- By: Branislav Nušic
- Narrated by: Victor Khokhryakov, Natalya Belevtseva, Anatoly Toporov, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 18 mins
- Abridged
Imja izvestnogo serbskogo pisatelja i dramaturga Bronislava Nushicha - jeto garantija original'nosti sjuzheta, neozhidannosti intrigi, glubiny izobrazhenija chelovecheskih harakterov. Ego p'esa "Doktor filosofii", ch'ja sostojatel'nost' proverena vremenem, polna ozornogo i mjagkogo jumora. Glavny geroj Zhivota Cvijovich, nedavno razbogatevshij kommersant. On ubezhden, chto v mire, a uzh tem bolee v jugoslavskom korolevstve, vse prodaetsja i pokupaetsja. I on reshaet sdelat' svoego oboltusa-syna Milorada doktorom filosofii.
Doctor [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Victor Khokhryakov, Natalya Belevtseva, Anatoly Toporov, Ekaterina Elanskaya, Vladimir Vladislavsky, Varvara Obukhova
- Length: 2 hrs and 18 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Scapin's Deceits [Russian Edition]
- By: Jean-Baptiste Molière
- Narrated by: Evgeny Vesnik, Victor Koltsov, Vladimir Etush, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 41 mins
- Original Recording
Radiospektakl' Plutni Skapena po odnoimennoj p'ese Mol'era, napisannoj v 1670 godu. V otsutstvie roditelej, Oktav, syn Arganta, i Leandr, syn Zheronta, vljubilis': pervyj - v Giacintu, bednuju devushku neizvestnogo proishozhdenija, na kotoroj on tol'ko chto zhenilsja, a vtoroj - v moloduju cyganku Zerbinettu. Roditeli vozvrashhajutsja v Neapol', i u kazhdogo svoi brachnye plany otnositel'no svoih synovej. Oktav, opasajas' gneva otca, umoljaet o pomoshhi Skapena, slugu Leandra.
Scapin's Deceits [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Evgeny Vesnik, Victor Koltsov, Vladimir Etush, Mikhail Kozakov, Kleont Protasov, Anatoly Papanov, Margarita Kupriyanova
- Length: 1 hr and 41 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Az and Fert, or Bridal with Monograms [Russian Edition]
- By: Pavel Fiodorov
- Narrated by: Mikhail Yanshin, Maria Kochenovskaya, Inna Prejs, and others
- Length: 44 mins
- Original Recording
Pavel Stepanovich Fjodorov (1803 - 1879) - rossijskij dramaturg, avtor vodevilja Az i Fert, ili Svad'ba s venzeljami. Az i fert - jeto bukvy starogo alfavita kirillicy. Az - sootvetstvuet nyneshnej bukve A. Fert - F. No delo v tom, chto zvuk, sootvetstvujushhij sovremennoj bukve F, proizvodili dva znaka - fert i fita. Vot na jetoj putanice i postroena osnovnaja intriga vodevilja.
Az and Fert, or Bridal with Monograms [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Mikhail Yanshin, Maria Kochenovskaya, Inna Prejs, Boris Levinson, Alexey Verstovsky
- Length: 44 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Enemies [Russian Edition]
- By: Maxim Gorky
- Narrated by: Vasily Sofronov, Elena Granovskaya, Nikolay Korn, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 24 mins
- Abridged
Maksim Gor'kij - literaturnyj psevdonim Alekseja Maksimovicha Peshkova (1868 - 1936) - russkij pisatel', prozaik, dramaturg. Odin iz samyh znachitel'nyh i izvestnyh v mire russkih pisatelej i myslitelej. P'esa "Vragi" byla predstavlena chitateljam v 1906 godu v sbornike tovarishhestva "Znanie" i byla priznana pervym proizvedeniem, napisannym v zhanre socialisticheskogo realizma...
Enemies [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vasily Sofronov, Elena Granovskaya, Nikolay Korn, Olga Kaziko, Nina Olkhina, Anna Nikritina, Alexander Zhukov
- Length: 2 hrs and 24 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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The Wedding [Russian Edition]
- By: Anton Chekhov
- Narrated by: Boris Shukhmin, Tatyana Shukhmina, Larisa Pashkova, and others
- Length: 37 mins
- Original Recording
Vodevil' "Svad'ba" - sozdannyj po odnoimjonnoj p'ese Antona Pavlovicha Chehova, javljaetsja jazvitel'noj satiroj na obyvatel'skie nravy meshhan dorevoljucionnoj Rossii. Meshhane Zhigalovy, u kotoryh na vydan'e doch' Dasha, k uzhasu svoemu uznajut, chto chinovnik Aplombov, ezhednevno obedavshij u nih i zarekomendovavshij sebja zhenihom, zhenit'sja vovse ne sobiraetsja. S bol'shim trudom udalos' otcu Dashen'ki ugovorit' ambicioznogo zheniha sdelat' predlozhenie.
The Wedding [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Boris Shukhmin, Tatyana Shukhmina, Larisa Pashkova, Nikolay Plotnikov, Ruben Simonov, Iosif Tolchanov, Elizaveta Alekseyeva
- Length: 37 mins
- Release date: 07-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Dear Madam and Gentlemen
- By: Anton Chekhov
- Narrated by: Vera Tsaryova, Fiodor Seleznyov
- Length: 44 mins
- Abridged
"Milostivye gosudaryni i milostivye gosudari" - radiopostanovka po jumoristicheskim rasskazam Antona Pavlovicha Chehova. Za 26 let tvorchestva Chehov sozdal okolo 900 razlichnyh proizvedenij (korotkih jumoristicheskih rasskazov, ser'joznyh povestej, p'es), mnogie iz kotoryh stali klassikoj mirovoj literatury.
Dear Madam and Gentlemen
- Narrated by: Vera Tsaryova, Fiodor Seleznyov
- Length: 44 mins
- Release date: 07-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Month at the Village
- By: Ivan Turgenev
- Narrated by: Sofia Giatsintova, Elena Fadeyeva, Oleg Frelikh, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 4 mins
- Abridged
Radiokompozicija spektaklja "Mesjac v derevne" po odnoimennoj p'ese I. S. Turgeneva. P'esa dvazhdy menjala nazvanie (prezhnie - "Student", "Dve zhenshhiny"). Opublikovana v 1855 godu. V osnove p'esy lezhit ljubovnyj chetyrjohugol'nik. Natal'ja Petrovna, zhena bogatogo pomeshhika Arkadija Sergeicha Islaeva, vljubljaetsja v Alekseja Nikolaevicha Beljaeva (21 god) - studenta, uchitelja Koli Islaeva. Mihail Aleksandrovich Rakitin - drug sem'i, uzhe davno ljubit Natal'ju Petrovnu.
Month at the Village
- Narrated by: Sofia Giatsintova, Elena Fadeyeva, Oleg Frelikh, Vladimir Vsevolodov
- Length: 1 hr and 4 mins
- Release date: 07-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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The Wood Demon
- By: Anton Chekhov
- Narrated by: Lazar Petrejkov, Konstantin Mikhajlov, Vera Maretskaya, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 22 mins
- Abridged
"Leshij" - komedija v 4 dejstvijah Antona Pavlovicha Chehova. Napisana v 1889 godu. V "Leshem", kak i vo vseh proizvedenija Chehova nashli otrazhenie vse cherty nacional'nogo russkogo haraktera i priznak vremeni - utrata duhovnyh cennostej, sposobnost' k sochuvstviju, gotovnost' soperezhivat' gore i radost'.
The Wood Demon
- Narrated by: Lazar Petrejkov, Konstantin Mikhajlov, Vera Maretskaya, Lyudmila Shaposhnikova, Serafima Birman, Rostislav Plyatt
- Length: 2 hrs and 22 mins
- Release date: 07-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Indian Summer [Russian Edition]
- By: Alexander Ostrovsky
- Narrated by: O. Vysotskaya, M. Yanshin, A. Stepanova, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 6 mins
- Original Recording
"Pozdnjaja ljubov'" - p'esa Aleksandra Ostrovskogo (1823 - 1886), napisana v 1873 godu. Kogda-to Margaritov byl odnim iz samyh izvestnyh moskovskih advokatov, vel bol'shie dela. No pisar' vykral u nego dokument na dvadcat' tysjach, prodal dolzhniku, i Gerasim Porfir'ich obnishhal. Zhena umerla ot gorja, on i sam mechtal o smerti, no tol'ko iz zhalosti k malen'koj docheri Ljudmile ne zatjanul petlju. Proshli gody. Margaritov s vzrosloj docher'ju snimaet komnatu v bednom dome.
Indian Summer [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: O. Vysotskaya, M. Yanshin, A. Stepanova, V. Dementyeva, P. Massalsky, V. Gribkov, O. Androvskaya
- Length: 2 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 06-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Woman Is the Devil [Russian Edition]
- By: Prosper Mérimée
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Vitaly Politsejmako
- Length: 33 mins
- Original Recording
Prosper Merime (1803 - 1870) - francuzskij pisatel' i perevodchik, odin iz pervyh vo Francii masterov novelly. P'esa "Zhenshhina-d'javol, ili Iskushenie Svjatogo Antonija" vhodit v sbornik "Teatr Klary Gazul'", prinesshego pervuju izvestnost' Prosperu Merime. Jeto proizvedenie molodogo pisatelja bylo svjazano s mistifikaciej, vyzvavshej nemalo tolkov. Merime vydal svoj sbornik za sochinenie nekoej - pridumannoj im - ispanskoj aktrisy i obshhestvennoj dejatel'nicy Klary Gazul'.
Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Woman Is the Devil [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Vitaly Politsejmako
- Length: 33 mins
- Release date: 06-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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The Blue Bird [Russian Edition]
- By: Maurice Maeterlinck
- Narrated by: Vera Bendina, Evgeniya Mores, Lidiya Koreneva, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 27 mins
- Original Recording
Moris Meterlink ( 29 avgusta 1862, Gent - 6 maja (po nekotorym istochnikam - 5-go maja) 1949, Nicca) - bel'gijskij pisatel', dramaturg i filosof. Laureat Nobelevskoj premii po literature za 1911. Avtor filosofskoj skazki-pritchi "Sinjaja ptica", posvjashhennoj vechnomu poisku chelovekom neprehodjashhego simvola schast'ja i poznanija bytija - Sinej pticy.
The Blue Bird [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Vera Bendina, Evgeniya Mores, Lidiya Koreneva, Faina Shevchenko, Alexander Komissarov, Vasily Markov
- Length: 1 hr and 27 mins
- Release date: 05-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Heaven and Hell [Russian Edition]
- By: Prosper Mérimée
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Yury Tolubeev
- Length: 38 mins
- Original Recording
Prosper Merime (1803 - 1870) - francuzskij pisatel' i perevodchik, odin iz pervyh vo Francii masterov novelly. P'esa "Nebo i ad" vhodit v sbornik "Teatr Klary Gazul'", prinesshego pervuju izvestnost' Prosperu Merime. Jeto proizvedenie molodogo pisatelja bylo svjazano s mistifikaciej, vyzvavshej nemalo tolkov. Merime vydal svoj sbornik za sochinenie nekoej - pridumannoj im - ispanskoj aktrisy i obshhestvennoj dejatel'nicy Klary Gazul'.
Le Théâtre de Clara Gazul: Heaven and Hell [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Tatyana Doronina, Yury Tolubeev
- Length: 38 mins
- Release date: 05-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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- By: Arcady Gaydar
- Narrated by: Boris Tolmazov, Valentina Sperantova, Anastasiya Zueva, and others
- Length: 33 mins
- Original Recording
Radiopostanovka "Bumbarash" po odnoimjonnoj povesti Arkadija Petrovicha Gajdara (nastojashhaja familija - Golikov,1904 - 1941) - russkij sovetskij detskij pisatel', uchastnik Grazhdanskoj i Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojn. 1918-j god, smutnye vremena Grazhdanskoj vojny. Podrostok Irtysh okazyvaetsja v samoj gushhe revoljucionnyh sobytij, proishodjashhih v sele.
- Narrated by: Boris Tolmazov, Valentina Sperantova, Anastasiya Zueva, Zinaida Bokareva, Alexander Morozov, Arcady Vovsi, Vladimir Gorelov
- Length: 33 mins
- Release date: 05-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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Gardeners [Russian Edition]
- By: Maxim Gorky
- Narrated by: Leonid Gallis, Maria Volkova, Elena Kononenko, and others
- Length: 3 hrs and 20 mins
- Original Recording
Spektakl' "Dachniki" po odnoimjonnoj p'ese Maksima Gor'kogo, literaturnyj psevdonim Alekseja Maksimovicha Peshkova (1868 - 1936), napisannoj im v 1904 godu. Spektakl' o russkoj intelligencii, besedujushhej na filosofskie temy za chashkoj chaja na dache nakanune revoljucii 1905 goda. Vneshnjaja legkost' poludennyh progulok i besed skryvaet vpolne sebe tragediju russkogo obshhestva.
Gardeners [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Leonid Gallis, Maria Volkova, Elena Kononenko, Anatoly Ignatyev, Vladimir Lekarev, Olga Nikolaeva, Semen Gushansky
- Length: 3 hrs and 20 mins
- Release date: 05-05-2014
- Language: Russian
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An Ardent Heart
- By: Alexander Ostrovsky
- Narrated by: V. Stanicyn, F. Shevchenko, K. Elanskaya, and others
- Length: 3 hrs and 13 mins
- Original Recording
"Gorjachee serdce" - odna iz samyh znamenityh p'es A.N.Ostrovskogo, govorja o kotoroj specialisty, prezhde vsego, otmechajut ostrotu ee satiricheskogo zvuchanija. Zhizn' imenitogo kupca Kuroslepova prohodit v besprobudnom p'janstve. Ego vtoraja zhena Matrena izmenjaet emu s prikazchikom, voruet muzhniny den'gi i vsjacheski pritesnjaet doch' Kuroslepova ot pervogo braka Parashu. Sjuzhet zakruchivaetsja vokrug propazhi krupnoj summy deneg.
An Ardent Heart
- Narrated by: V. Stanicyn, F. Shevchenko, K. Elanskaya, A. Zhiltsov, V. Orlov, S. Butyugin, S. Kalinin
- Length: 3 hrs and 13 mins
- Release date: 08-04-2014
- Language: Russian
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The School for Scandal [Russian Edition]
- By: Richard Brinsley Sheridan
- Narrated by: Mikhail Yanshin, Olga Androvskaya, Vladimir Ershov, and others
- Length: 1 hr and 47 mins
- Original Recording
Blistatel'naja komedija velikogo anglo-irlandskogo pisatelja Richarda Brinsli Sheridana (1751 - 1816) v ispolnenii zvezd teatra. Salon velikosvetskoj intriganki ledi Snirujel, kotoraja kotoraja obsuzhdaet so svoim napersnikom Snejkom poslednie dostizhenija na poprishhe aristokraticheskih koznej. Jeti dostizhenija izmerjajutsja chislom pogublennyh reputacij, rasstroennyh svadeb, zapushhennyh v obrashhenie neverojatnyh sluhov…
The School for Scandal [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Mikhail Yanshin, Olga Androvskaya, Vladimir Ershov, Anatoly Ktorov, Pavel Massalsky, Tamara Mikheeva, Maria Durasova
- Length: 1 hr and 47 mins
- Release date: 08-04-2014
- Language: Russian
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The Power of Darkness [Russian Edition]
- By: Lev Tolstoy
- Narrated by: Boris Gorbatov, Olga Chuvaeva, Electra Dalmatova, and others
- Length: 2 hrs and 46 mins
- Original Recording
Spektakl' po ostrosjuzhetnoj drame velikogo russkogo pisatelja L'va Nikolaevich Tolstogo (1828-1910), "Vlast' t'my, ili Kogotok uvjaz, vsej ptichke propast'" (1886). Osen'. V prostornoj izbe zazhitochnogo, boleznennogo muzhika Petra - zhena Anis'ja, Akulina, ego doch' ot pervogo braka, pojut pesni. Sam hozjain v kotoryj raz zovet i rugaet, grozjas' rasschitat' Nikitu, shhegolevatogo parnja let dvadcati pjati, rabotnika lenivogo i guljashhego.
The Power of Darkness [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Boris Gorbatov, Olga Chuvaeva, Electra Dalmatova, Klavdia Blokhina, Vitaly Doronin, Igor Ilyinsky, Elena Shatrova
- Length: 2 hrs and 46 mins
- Release date: 08-04-2014
- Language: Russian
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