Showing titles in Greece
G/GESCHICHTE - Sparta gegen Athen
- Kampf um Griechenland - Der Peloponnesische Krieg
- By: G Geschichte
- Narrated by: Linda Cedli
- Length: 1 hr and 52 mins
- Unabridged
An NATO und Warschauer Pakt erinnert die Konstellation zwischen Attischem Seebund und Peloponnesischem Bund: Hier eine Organisation demokratischer Staaten, die sich über ein Meer spannt, dort eine Allianz autokratischer Staaten, die weitgehend einen Block auf dem Land bildet. Beide Vereinigungen werden von einer einzelnen Supermacht dominiert, die ihr politisches System überall durchsetzen will – auch mit robusten Methoden. Die Konfrontation endet zum Glück anders: Nach dem modernen Kalten Krieg triumphierten die Demokratien.
G/GESCHICHTE - Sparta gegen Athen
- Kampf um Griechenland - Der Peloponnesische Krieg
- Narrated by: Linda Cedli
- Length: 1 hr and 52 mins
- Release date: 02-03-2023
- Language: German
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Mítosz 2
- By: Stephen Fry
- Narrated by: Péter Scherer
- Length: 8 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
A görög mitológia történeteinek folytatása sem kevésbé szórakoztató, mint az első rész. Megtudhatjuk többek között, hogy miért kellett Sziszüphosznak bűnhődnie, vagy hogy milyen átok sújtotta Midász királyt. A szerző a maga humoros módján rávilágít, a görög istenek olyanok, mint mi. Erősebbek és bölcsebbek ugyan, de közben ugyanolyan esendőek, és ballépéseikkel, felfokozott szerelmi életükkel, veszekedéseikkel bármikor képesek felforgatni az isteni és az emberi világot.
Mítosz 2
- Narrated by: Péter Scherer
- Series: Mítosz, Book 2
- Length: 8 hrs and 10 mins
- Release date: 02-02-2023
- Language: hungarian
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Plato's Crito
- What's the Big Idea
- By: Plato
- Narrated by: David L. Stanley
- Length: 36 mins
- Unabridged
Plato's Crito is a dialogue between an imprisoned Socrates and Crito, a wealthy Athenian who has formulated and financed a plan for Socrates to escape and live in exile.
Plato's Crito
- What's the Big Idea
- Narrated by: David L. Stanley
- Length: 36 mins
- Release date: 13-01-2023
- Language: English
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Gli eroi bevono vino
- Il mondo antico in un bicchiere
- By: Laura Pepe
- Narrated by: Laura Pepe
- Length: 7 hrs and 5 mins
- Unabridged
Può sembrare curioso, ma attorno al vino ruota una gran parte dell'identità di Greci e Romani: miti, regole di galateo, codici di comportamento, visioni etiche e filosofiche, religione e molto altro ancora. Con il vino gli eroi di Omero pregano, danno ospitalità e siglano accordi; nella Grecia classica il vino è l'imprescindibile fulcro attorno al quale ruota il simposio, quella 'bevuta collettiva' in cui si rafforzano i vincoli d'amicizia, si intrecciano discorsi, si corteggiano ragazzi e cortigiane.
Gli eroi bevono vino
- Il mondo antico in un bicchiere
- Narrated by: Laura Pepe
- Length: 7 hrs and 5 mins
- Release date: 16-01-2023
- Language: Italian
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Ancient Greece
- 500 Interesting Facts About Greek History (Curious Histories Collection)
- By: Ahoy Publications
- Narrated by: Jay Herbert
- Length: 1 hr and 50 mins
- Unabridged
Explore the ancient world like never before in 500 Interesting Facts About Ancient Greece. Uncover the history and mysteries behind this great civilization, from prehistoric times to Alexander the Great. Learn about Greek mythology and religion and their culture and society. Dive into the military tactics and strategies that led them to victory.
Ancient Greece
- 500 Interesting Facts About Greek History (Curious Histories Collection)
- Narrated by: Jay Herbert
- Series: Curious Histories Collection
- Length: 1 hr and 50 mins
- Release date: 11-07-2023
- Language: English
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The Dawn of Civilization
- An Exploration of the Greek Empire
- By: N.S. Stedman
- Narrated by: Jonny Bryan
- Length: 46 mins
- Unabridged
The Dawn of Civilization: An Exploration of the Greek Empire delves into the roots and evolution of this compelling civilization, charting its rise, zenith, and ultimate demise, while examining the indelible marks it has left on the annals of human history.
The Dawn of Civilization
- An Exploration of the Greek Empire
- Narrated by: Jonny Bryan
- Length: 46 mins
- Release date: 07-07-2023
- Language: English
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Der Trojanische Krieg [The Trojan War]
- Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie und Geschichte
- By: Billy Wellman
- Narrated by: Moritz Seipke
- Length: 3 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
Epische Erzählung oder historische Tatsache? Historiker streiten, ob der Trojanische Krieg beides oder nichts von beidem war! Um 1200 v.u.Z. wütete ein Krieg zwischen den alten Griechen und ihren Rivalen in Troja.
Der Trojanische Krieg [The Trojan War]
- Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie und Geschichte
- Narrated by: Moritz Seipke
- Series: Griechische Mythologie und Geschichte, Book 2
- Length: 3 hrs and 26 mins
- Release date: 30-06-2023
- Language: German
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Afrodita [Aphrodite]
- Mitos sorprendentes y acontecimientos de Grecia que involucran a la diosa olímpica del amor
- By: Matt Clayton
- Narrated by: Luis Trumper
- Length: 3 hrs
- Unabridged
Afrodita nació de una extraña mezcla de sangre divina, genitales cortados y espuma de mar, y llegó a las costas de Chipre mucho antes que los demás dioses olímpicos. Una figura tan mezquina como famosa. No es solamente una deidad clave del panteón griego, sino también una figura central en muchos de los mitos que hoy conocemos.
Afrodita [Aphrodite]
- Mitos sorprendentes y acontecimientos de Grecia que involucran a la diosa olímpica del amor
- Narrated by: Luis Trumper
- Length: 3 hrs
- Release date: 18-05-2023
- Language: Spanish
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Das antike Griechenland [Ancient Greece]
- Ein spannender Überblick über die griechische Geschichte, angefangen von der archaischen Periode über das klassische Zeitalter ... (Zivilisationen) [An Exciting Overview of Greek History, from the Archaic Period Through the Classical Age... (Civilizations)]
- By: Billy Wellman
- Narrated by: Marko Kraft
- Length: 8 hrs and 4 mins
- Unabridged
Möchten Sie die spannende und beeindruckende Geschichte des antiken Griechenlands kennenlernen? In diesem Buch werden die brillanten Menschen, die erstaunlichen Kriege und das bezaubernde Erbe der alten Griechen von der archaischen bis zur hellenistischen Epoche vorgestellt.
Das antike Griechenland [Ancient Greece]
- Ein spannender Überblick über die griechische Geschichte, angefangen von der archaischen Periode über das klassische Zeitalter ... (Zivilisationen) [An Exciting Overview of Greek History, from the Archaic Period Through the Classical Age... (Civilizations)]
- Narrated by: Marko Kraft
- Length: 8 hrs and 4 mins
- Release date: 29-05-2024
- Language: German
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El Camino Del Estoico [The Way of the Stoic]
- Lecciones de vida del estoicismo para fortalecer tu carácter, desarrollar la fortaleza mental, la resistencia emocional, la mentalidad, ... y la sabiduría [Life Lessons from Stoicism to Strengthen Your Character, Develop Mental Strength, Emotional Resilience, Mindset, ... and Wisdom]
- By: Thomas Swain
- Narrated by: Nicholas Villanueva
- Length: 3 hrs and 29 mins
- Unabridged
Hace más de dos mil años, el estoicismo reveló una forma de vivir con menos sufrimiento y más felicidad. A pesar de que los antiguos estoicos vivieron hace mucho tiempo, tuvieron ideas sorprendentes sobre la condición humana que han perdurado hasta nuestros días. El estoicismo buscaba respuestas a preguntas como "¿cómo puedo ser más feliz?" o "¿cuál es el propósito de la vida?" y muchas más...
El Camino Del Estoico [The Way of the Stoic]
- Lecciones de vida del estoicismo para fortalecer tu carácter, desarrollar la fortaleza mental, la resistencia emocional, la mentalidad, ... y la sabiduría [Life Lessons from Stoicism to Strengthen Your Character, Develop Mental Strength, Emotional Resilience, Mindset, ... and Wisdom]
- Narrated by: Nicholas Villanueva
- Length: 3 hrs and 29 mins
- Release date: 21-05-2024
- Language: Spanish
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La antigua Grecia para principiantes - La historia de la Antigua Grecia, desde la Edad de Bronce hasta el Helenismo y desde Apolo hasta Zeus, contada de forma emocionante y entretenida
- By: Markus Dannen
- Narrated by: José Félix Rivas
- Length: 1 hr and 10 mins
- Unabridged
Cuando sale humo oscuro de los templos de piedra, los seguidores del culto a Dioniso se sirven vino tinto intenso, los antiguos filósofos discuten apasionadamente en el ágora ateniense y los gritos de victoria resuenan en Olimpia a lo lejos, entonces tú, querido lector, no te encuentras en ningún otro lugar que en el polifacético mundo de la antigüedad griega. Oímos hablar mucho de la antigua Grecia; ya sea del enorme mundo de dioses que gobierna la esfera celeste, de extraños mitos que aún hoy leemos y amamos, o incluso de personalidades como la de Alejandro Magno que desencadenan en nosotros fascinación y curiosidad.
La antigua Grecia para principiantes - La historia de la Antigua Grecia, desde la Edad de Bronce hasta el Helenismo y desde Apolo hasta Zeus, contada de forma emocionante y entretenida
- Narrated by: José Félix Rivas
- Length: 1 hr and 10 mins
- Release date: 16-05-2024
- Language: Italian
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Ancient Greece for Beginners - The History of Ancient Greece From the Bronze Age to Hellenism and From Apol-lo to Zeus Told in an Exciting and Entertaining Way
- By: Markus Dannen
- Narrated by: Casey Wayman
- Length: 59 mins
- Unabridged
When dark smoke rises from stone temples, the followers of the cult of Dionysus pour each other deep red wine, ancient philosophers passionately discuss in the Athenian agora, and cheering shouts of victory ring out from Olympia in the distance - then you, dear readers, are nowhere else than in the multifaceted world of Greek antiquity. We hear a lot about ancient Greece; be it the huge world of gods that rules over the celestial sphere, strange myths that we still read and love today, or even personalities like that of Alexander the Great that trigger fascination and curiosity in us.
Ancient Greece for Beginners - The History of Ancient Greece From the Bronze Age to Hellenism and From Apol-lo to Zeus Told in an Exciting and Entertaining Way
- Narrated by: Casey Wayman
- Length: 59 mins
- Release date: 16-05-2024
- Language: English
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Greek Mythology
- The Chronicle of Mount Olympus—From Zeus to Heracles
- By: Hourglass History, Patrick Stanton
- Narrated by: E Roy Worley
- Length: 4 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged
For the curious minds wanting to uncover the secrets of ancient Greece, for the dreamers wishing to lose themselves in tales of valor, love, and betrayal, and for the scholars desiring a comprehensive yet engaging retelling of the world's most famous myths—this book is your beacon.
Greek Mythology
- The Chronicle of Mount Olympus—From Zeus to Heracles
- Narrated by: E Roy Worley
- Length: 4 hrs and 47 mins
- Release date: 02-10-2023
- Language: English
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Parthian Empire
- A History from Beginning to End
- By: Hourly History
- Narrated by: Matthew J. Chandler-Smith
- Length: 1 hr and 6 mins
- Unabridged
Winston Churchill said, “History is written by the victors,” and never has this been truer than in the case of the Parthian Empire. The Parthians left few written records, and most of what we know about the empire comes from its two main adversaries—first the Greeks and then, for most of its history, the Romans. Fortunately, modern scholarship and archaeology have recently helped us to understand a little more about this ancient empire.
Parthian Empire
- A History from Beginning to End
- Narrated by: Matthew J. Chandler-Smith
- Length: 1 hr and 6 mins
- Release date: 25-08-2023
- Language: English
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Pyrrhus of Epirus
- The Tale of a King, Warrior, and Philosopher of Ancient Greece
- By: Hourglass History, Patrick Stanton
- Narrated by: Tom Briggs
- Length: 4 hrs and 8 mins
- Unabridged
Embark on an epic journey through the annals of time in Pyrrhus of Epirus: The Tale of a King, Warrior, and Philosopher of Ancient Greece. This masterfully crafted narrative brings to life the tumultuous era of the Hellenistic period and presents an insightful exploration into the life of one of history's most compelling figures: Pyrrhus of Epirus. Intertwining historical facts with the vibrant folklore and myths surrounding Pyrrhus, the narrative presents a multi-dimensional portrayal of the legendary figure. It doesn't just document history.
Pyrrhus of Epirus
- The Tale of a King, Warrior, and Philosopher of Ancient Greece
- Narrated by: Tom Briggs
- Length: 4 hrs and 8 mins
- Release date: 22-08-2023
- Language: English
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The Artaxiad Dynasty
- The History and Legacy of the Ancient Armenian Kingdom That Fought the Romans
- By: Charles River Editors
- Narrated by: Colin Fluxman
- Length: 1 hr and 35 mins
- Unabridged
Although it was an incredibly important period in world history, the era after Alexander the Great's death is sometimes as confusing as it is frustrating for historians because the allegiances of his generals changed constantly and historical sources are often biased in some regards and utterly lacking in others. Although none of these men were able to replicate Alexander the Great’s territorial success, a few carved out sizable empires and were able to establish long-lasting political dynasties.
The Artaxiad Dynasty
- The History and Legacy of the Ancient Armenian Kingdom That Fought the Romans
- Narrated by: Colin Fluxman
- Length: 1 hr and 35 mins
- Release date: 16-08-2023
- Language: English
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Stories of Old Greece and Rome
- By: Emilie Kip Baker
- Narrated by: Geoffrey Giuliano, The Arc
- Length: 7 hrs and 7 mins
- Unabridged
Emilie Kip Baker was a woman ahead of her time. Born in San Francisco in 1857, she grew up in a wealthy family and received a private education, which was uncommon for women then. Baker was a natural adventurer and a writer from a young age. She embarked on her first solo trip at the age of 20, traveling across the United States by train and writing about her experiences for various publications.
Stories of Old Greece and Rome
- Narrated by: Geoffrey Giuliano, The Arc
- Length: 7 hrs and 7 mins
- Release date: 09-05-2023
- Language: English
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Alejandro Magno [Alexander the Great]
- Una apasionante guía sobre el surgimiento del Imperio macedonio, su gobernante y sus conquistas (Mitología e historia de Grecia) [An Enthralling Guide to the Rise of the Macedonian Empire, Its Ruler, and His Conquests]
- By: Billy Wellman
- Narrated by: Carlos Verne
- Length: 4 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
¿Sabía usted que Alejandro Magno introdujo una vez la proskynesis en la corte macedonia? La proskynesis, el acto de besar el suelo o los pies de alguien de rango superior, era una costumbre habitual de los persas. En la corte del Imperio aqueménida, este acto se realizaba normalmente ante el rey. Tanto si eran nativos del país como si no, los súbditos tenían que postrarse ante el rey antes de poder pronunciar una palabra. A diferencia de los griegos y los macedonios, los persas solo practicaban la proskynesis cuando se comunicaban con sus antiguos dioses.
Alejandro Magno [Alexander the Great]
- Una apasionante guía sobre el surgimiento del Imperio macedonio, su gobernante y sus conquistas (Mitología e historia de Grecia) [An Enthralling Guide to the Rise of the Macedonian Empire, Its Ruler, and His Conquests]
- Narrated by: Carlos Verne
- Length: 4 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 08-05-2024
- Language: Spanish
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O Banquete e Apologia de Sócrates [The Banquet and Apology of Socrates]
- By: Platão
- Narrated by: Mateus Prado
- Length: 3 hrs and 45 mins
- Unabridged
Esta obra reúne dois dos mais brilhantes diálogos de Platão, notável discípulo de Sócrates, mentor de Aristóteles e um dos mais abrangentes e influentes escritores da história da filosofia. O Banquete apresenta uma discussão entre alguns dos cérebros filósofos da antiguidade sobre o amo (Eros), com destaque para as sábias palavras de Sócrates. Em Apologia de Sócrates, Platão traz o registro de uma das defesas mais majestosas da História, na qual seu mestre foi julgado e condenado à morte sob a acusação de subverter a juventude em Atenas.
O Banquete e Apologia de Sócrates [The Banquet and Apology of Socrates]
- Narrated by: Mateus Prado
- Length: 3 hrs and 45 mins
- Release date: 04-04-2024
- Language: Portuguese
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Warriors' Wives
- Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Experience
- By: Emma Bridges
- Narrated by: Lucy Rayner
- Length: 9 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
Epic poetry and tragic drama provide us with some of the richest ancient Greek depictions of women who are married to soldiers. In tales of the Trojan War, as told by Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, we encounter these mythical warriors' wives: Penelope, isolated but resourceful as she awaits the return of Odysseus after his lengthy absence; the war widow Andromache, enslaved and displaced from her homeland after the fall of Troy; the unfaithful and murderous Clytemnestra; and Tecmessa, a war captive who witnesses her partner's breakdown and suicide in the aftermath of battle.
Warriors' Wives
- Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Experience
- Narrated by: Lucy Rayner
- Length: 9 hrs and 18 mins
- Release date: 09-04-2024
- Language: English
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