Showing titles in 21st Century
Tragedi utan mening
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1986
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Length: 52 mins
- Unabridged
I slutet av 1984 inträffade en uppskakande tragedi i Björneborg. En far dödade sina två söner och deras två hundar. Som sista åtgärd försökte han bränna upp de döda kropparna genom att sätta eld på sin bil. Fadern får nu begrunda sina gärniingar i fängelset och modern har fått djupa och smärtsamma sår. Frågan är om de någonsin kan läkas. Familjens anhöriga sörjer och står undrande: Hur var det möjligt att det kunde inträffa? I Nordisk kriminalkrönika berättar poliser själva om sina mest uppmärksammade, omskakande, och svåra fall. Nordisk Kriminalkrönika är ett historiskt verk.
Tragedi utan mening
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1986
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 52 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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Ensamma kvinnors baneman
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1971
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Length: 42 mins
- Unabridged
Den 10 mars 1969 blir en 74-årig kvinna brutalt misshandlad och därefter våldtagen och strypt. Gärningsmannen grips av polisen nästan omedelbart efter dådet. Domstolen finner honom skyldig och han överförs till sjukhus för sluten psykiatrisk vård. Exakt på dagen ett år efter denna händelse mördas en äldre kvinna i Västerås på ett sätt som i nästan varje detalj är detsamma. Hade polisen hand om samma gärningsman, eller försökte någon vilseledda dom? I Nordisk kriminalkrönika berättar poliser själva om sina mest uppmärksammade, omskakande, och svåra fall.
Ensamma kvinnors baneman
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1971
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 42 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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Non-member price: $2.99 or 1 Credit
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Sexslaveri avslöjat på flyktingförläggning
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 2001
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Length: 1 hr and 50 mins
- Unabridged
Början på slutet för en av Sveriges största traffickingringar blir ett telefonsamtal som kommer till kriminaljouren från en kvinnlig medarbetare vid den tjeckiska ambassaden. Hon hade blivit kontaktad av en kvinna som berättat att hennes dotter hölls inlåst i närheten av Stockholm. Med ambassadtjänstepersonens hjälp lyckas svensk polis finna huset, och de tre unga kvinnorna som fanns inlåsta i ett rum däri. Det före detta motellet Gyllene Ratten, beläget i Fruängen i Stockholm, var en av platserna där den internationella ligan hade fängslat unga kvinnor för att tvinga dem till prostitution.
Sexslaveri avslöjat på flyktingförläggning
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 2001
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 1 hr and 50 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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Non-member price: $4.99 or 1 Credit
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Hotellbranden i Stallheim tog 25 liv
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1999
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Length: 45 mins
- Unabridged
Natten till midsommarafton 1959 har blivit ett av de mörkaste kapitlen i norsk hotellhistoria. Då lades ärevördiga Stalheim Turisthotell i Vossestrand i aska på några timmar i ett inferno av lågor. På hotellet bodde 147 gäster denna natt, samtliga utlänningar. 25 av dem omkom i katastrofen. I Nordisk kriminalkrönika berättar poliser själva om sina mest uppmärksammade, omskakande, och svåra fall. Nordisk Kriminalkrönika är ett historiskt verk. Berättelserna och samlingarna är uttryck för den samtid som de skrevs i, och kan i enstaka fall ha föråldrat eller kontroversiellt innehåll.
Hotellbranden i Stallheim tog 25 liv
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1999
- Narrated by: Joachim Bergström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 45 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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Sale price: $2.99 or 1 Credit
Triangeldrama i Bessinge slutade med mord
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1995
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Ove Ström
- Length: 47 mins
- Unabridged
Måndagen den 28 november 1881 omkring klockan 19 på kvällen avlossades ett skott från gårdsplanen in genom ett fönster till gården Bessinge i Östra Salerups socken i Skåne. Skottet träffade gårdsägaren Ola Månsson i huvudet och han avled omedelbart. Den här ogärningen, som går under namnet Bessingemordet, förövades på en fastighet som numera har beteckningen Guddastad i Hörby kommun. Brottet var ett beställningsmord i ett klassiskt triangeldrama. Sammansvärjningen avslöjades tack vare ett gediget polisarbete, som innefattade ett par tidiga exempel på effektiv kriminalteknisk undersökning.
Triangeldrama i Bessinge slutade med mord
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1995
- Narrated by: Ove Ström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 47 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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Dubbelmord på norra Öland
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 2016
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Ove Ström
- Length: 51 mins
- Unabridged
- Man kan ringa polisen och de kan köra från fastlandet så fort de kan. Men hur lång tid tar det? 30 minuter? 45? Det är en lång tid att vänta när man hör hur en mördare bryter sig in i huset. Den charmige snickaren delar det lilla samhället i två läger. Halva byn tror att Pierre blivit oskyldigt anklagad för morden på kvinnan och hennes särbo för sex år sen; ett av offren var ju hans egen mamma. Den andra halvan menar att det är just därför de misstänker honom; Pierre stod att ärva, och det hade gått rykten om att han stod i skuld till den ryska maffian.
Dubbelmord på norra Öland
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 2016
- Narrated by: Ove Ström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 51 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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Den bortrövade konfirmanden
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1992
- By: div.
- Narrated by: Ove Ström
- Length: 31 mins
- Unabridged
Det var en helt vanlig dag för Karin. Hon hade sommarlov, och vid lunchtid skulle hon cykla till konfirmationslägret. Det var den 4 juli 1968. Det var en varm sommardag, och Karin började cykla de en och en halv milen till lägret i god tid för att hinna stanna och bada på vägen. På vägen till lägret blir Karin stoppad av en bilförare, som ber om hjälp att läsa en karta. När hon närmar sig honom visar han upp en liten pistol, och beordrar in flickan i bilen, där han sedan drogar henne och placerar henne i bakluckan på fordonet.
Den bortrövade konfirmanden
- Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 1992
- Narrated by: Ove Ström
- Series: Nordisk Kriminalkrönika
- Length: 31 mins
- Release date: 10-10-2019
- Language: Swedish
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21 ting du bør vide om det 21. århundrede
- By: Yuval Noah Harari
- Narrated by: Niels Vedersø
- Length: 12 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
Yuval Noah Harari udforsker i denne nervepirrende bog 21 aktuelle emner. Han undersøger, hvordan man som kollektiv og som individ kan forstå og håndtere nutidens konstante og forvirrende forandringer. Hvordan kan vi beskytte os mod atomkrig, naturkatastrofer og ny teknologi? Hvad kan vi gøre ved fake news-epidemien eller terrortruslen? Hvad bør vi lære vores børn? Er vi overhovedet stadig i stand til at forstå den verden, vi har skabt? 21 ting du bør vide om det 21. århundrede er en udforskning af, hvad det betyder at være menneske i en forvirrende tidsalder. Yuval Noah Harari, ph.d.
21 ting du bør vide om det 21. århundrede
- Narrated by: Niels Vedersø
- Length: 12 hrs and 18 mins
- Release date: 30-09-2019
- Language: Danish
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En tiempos de contagio [How Contagion Works. Science, Awareness and Community in Times of Global Crises]
- By: Paolo Giordano
- Narrated by: Javier Portugués
- Length: 1 hr
- Unabridged
Un nuevo virus irrumpe en un país lejano, aunque no tan lejano. La Tierra se ha vuelto pequeña. Día tras día, billones de impulsos digitales transportan la información a la velocidad de la luz de un punto a otro del planeta; infinidad de aviones surcan los cielos, borrando fronteras a su paso y trasladando sin pausa a millares de personas; y, a menor velocidad, miles de toneladas de mercancías se mueven en todas direcciones en un incesante intercambio mercantil que nutre la economía global.
En tiempos de contagio [How Contagion Works. Science, Awareness and Community in Times of Global Crises]
- Narrated by: Javier Portugués
- Length: 1 hr
- Release date: 31-03-2020
- Language: Spanish
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- A History of Our World Through 60 Years of Conversations & Controversies
- By: Sarah Sands, Nick Robinson, Martha Kearney, and others
- Narrated by: Edward Stourton, Martha Kearney, NIck Robinson, and others
- Length: 20 hrs and 33 mins
- Unabridged
In an era of fake news and new fault lines in global politics, millions of listeners turn to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme each morning to help them make sense of the world around them. The first ever book from the iconic programme marks 60 years of programming with 60 world-changing stories. Covering everything from the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Anti-Apartheid Movement to the emergence of Brit Art and space exploration, artificial intelligence and machine learning, Today explores events as they happened and reveals how they changed the world around us.
- A History of Our World Through 60 Years of Conversations & Controversies
- Narrated by: Edward Stourton, Martha Kearney, NIck Robinson, Sarah Sands
- Length: 20 hrs and 33 mins
- Release date: 05-09-2019
- Language: English
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Non-member price: $33.99 or 1 Credit
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The Sea Was in Their Blood
- The Disappearance of the Miss Ally's Five-Man Crew
- By: Quentin Casey
- Narrated by: Costas Halavrezos
- Length: 7 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
It was a frigid night in February 2013 when the five young fishermen vanished. The crew of the Miss Ally - a 12-metre Cape Islander from Woods Harbour, Nova Scotia - was fishing for halibut far off the Nova Scotia coast when their boat’s spotlight malfunctioned. A vicious winter storm was approaching from her south, and all other boats at the fishing grounds were steaming for shore. Unable to locate his longlining gear, the Miss Ally’s young captain decided to stay an extra day to retrieve the gear and, hopefully, a big catch.
The Sea Was in Their Blood
- The Disappearance of the Miss Ally's Five-Man Crew
- Narrated by: Costas Halavrezos
- Length: 7 hrs and 48 mins
- Release date: 13-03-2019
- Language: English
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Non-member price: $24.99 or 1 Credit
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The Evolution of Donald Trump
- The Historic Moments in Speech Series
- By: the Speech Resource Company, Robert Wikstrom - introduction
- Narrated by: Robert Wikstrom
- Length: 8 hrs and 49 mins
- Original Recording
Some refer to Donald Trump as the American success story. While expanding his interests in real estate, sports, and entertainment, he made a decision to run and, ultimately, won the office of president of the United States. Speeches include those made before and after entering politics - announcing his candidacy, on the campaign trail, nomination acceptance, inauguration, and more.
The Evolution of Donald Trump
- The Historic Moments in Speech Series
- Narrated by: Robert Wikstrom
- Length: 8 hrs and 49 mins
- Release date: 02-10-2018
- Language: English
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The Fleet Street Girls
- The Women Who Broke Down the Doors of the Gentleman’s Club
- By: Julie Welch
- Narrated by: Julie Welch
- Length: 8 hrs and 25 mins
- Unabridged
The Fleet Street Girls is the inspiring story of the female journalists who broke down barriers in the 1970s as women arrived on Fleet Street for the first time. Julie Welch was the first ever female football reporter. To achieve this role at the Observer, she had to battle the National Union of Journalists nearly calling a strike when she dared to write an article as a mere secretary; an entire room of men falling silent to listen to her give her first football report over the phone, before pronouncing it passable; and many other battles in-between.
The Fleet Street Girls
- The Women Who Broke Down the Doors of the Gentleman’s Club
- Narrated by: Julie Welch
- Length: 8 hrs and 25 mins
- Release date: 20-08-2020
- Language: English
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- Twenty Ways to Build a Better Country
- By: David Johnston
- Narrated by: David Johnston
- Length: 5 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
Trust is a much-needed manual for the repair and restoration of the social quality on which all democracies rely. One of Canada's most revered governors general, David Johnston mines his long life and varied career to give Canadians 20 ways to make themselves, their institutions, and their country more worthy of trust.
- Twenty Ways to Build a Better Country
- Narrated by: David Johnston
- Length: 5 hrs and 35 mins
- Release date: 09-10-2018
- Language: English
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Non-member price: $21.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $21.99 or 1 Credit
Island Stories
- An Unconventional History of Britain
- By: David Reynolds
- Narrated by: Philip Stevens
- Length: 9 hrs and 50 mins
- Unabridged
What does Brexit do to our sense of history? On the basis that you cannot map the future if you have no sense of the past, Cambridge professor of international history and best-selling author of The Long Shadow sets out his profound, multicultural interpretation of the many Island Stories that make up Britain’s history. On 23 June 2016 the British electorate voted to leave the European Union. The margin was narrow (4 percent) yet decisive. Out meant out, but nobody in the governing class had a clue where the country was actually going: there was no exit strategy.
Island Stories
- An Unconventional History of Britain
- Narrated by: Philip Stevens
- Length: 9 hrs and 50 mins
- Release date: 31-10-2019
- Language: English
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The School I Deserve
- Six Young Refugees and Their Fight for Equality in America
- By: Jo Napolitano
- Narrated by: Dani Cervone
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
Journalist Jo Napolitano delves into the landmark case in which the School District of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was sued for refusing to admit older, non-English speaking refugees and sending them to a high-discipline alternative school. In a legal battle that mirrors that of the Little Rock Nine and Brown v. Board of Education, 6 brave refugee students fought alongside the ACLU and Education Law Center to demand equal access.
The School I Deserve
- Six Young Refugees and Their Fight for Equality in America
- Narrated by: Dani Cervone
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 20-04-2021
- Language: English
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Un manager del Terzo Reich
- Il caso Hans Biebow
- By: Anna Veronica Pobbe
- Narrated by: Valentina Mari
- Length: 5 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
Łódź, primavera del 1947. Sul banco degli imputati della Corte Distrettuale siede Hans Biebow, nato a Brema nel 1902 e che, durante la guerra, era stato amministratore (Amtsleiter) del ghetto di Łódź. Lo stato polacco considera quest’uomo, alto, biondo e dagli occhi azzurri, come uno dei dieci peggiori criminali nazisti ancora in circolazione, al pari di Rudolf Höß (capo di Auschwitz), Arthur Greiser (Gauleiter del Warthegau) o Hans Frank (governatore del Governatorato Generale). Ma Biebow non era un militare e nemmeno un alto esponente del partito nazionalsocialista.
Un manager del Terzo Reich
- Il caso Hans Biebow
- Narrated by: Valentina Mari
- Length: 5 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 29-07-2024
- Language: Italian
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Storia del conflitto israelo-palestinese
- By: Claudio Vercelli
- Narrated by: Oliviero Cappellini
- Length: 11 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
"Il conflitto tra israeliani e palestinesi in questi ultimi anni è di nuovo andato avvitandosi su di sé, dopo gli spiragli degli anni Novanta. Delle speranze trascorse rimane ben poco mentre delle antiche diffidenze tutto sembra essere stato riconfermato. Alla radice rimane il mancato riconoscimento reciproco, la tragica finzione per cui, affinché l'uno possa esistere, l'altro debba scomparire una volta per sempre". Una terra, due popoli, ma non ancora due Stati.
Storia del conflitto israelo-palestinese
- Narrated by: Oliviero Cappellini
- Length: 11 hrs and 48 mins
- Release date: 25-07-2024
- Language: Italian
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Il buon tedesco
- By: Carlo Greppi
- Narrated by: Jesus Emiliano Coltorti
- Length: 6 hrs and 55 mins
- Unabridged
Sui monti di Sarzana, proprio lungo la Linea Gotica, dove nel 1944 i combattimenti infuriavano con maggiore ferocia, il capitano della marina tedesca Rudolf Jacobs, ottimo soldato, abbandonò le proprie fila. Non lo fece per fuggire da una guerra ormai persa, ma per unirsi ai partigiani garibaldini, fino a morire eroicamente durante l'assalto a una caserma delle Brigate nere fasciste. Apparentemente la sua sembra la storia di un'eccezione, commovente e coraggiosa, ma pur sempre un'eccezione rispetto alla nostra idea dei tedeschi zelanti combattenti della Germania nazista, fedeli fino al suo crollo.
Il buon tedesco
- Narrated by: Jesus Emiliano Coltorti
- Length: 6 hrs and 55 mins
- Release date: 22-07-2024
- Language: Italian
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Turbulent Empires
- A History of Global Capitalism Since 1945
- By: Mike Mason
- Narrated by: Kevin Moriarty
- Length: 10 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
As Europe rebuilt after the devastation of the Second World War, the former colonies of the major imperial powers sought their independence at the same time the US extended its economic and political power globally. In Turbulent Empires, Mike Mason analyzes the struggles for postcolonial sovereignty and economic domination and how these competing forces led to conflicts and shifting alliances around the postwar world.
Missed opportunity: Partisan and lacking in detailed knowledge
- By Miloshka on 15-04-2024
Turbulent Empires
- A History of Global Capitalism Since 1945
- Narrated by: Kevin Moriarty
- Length: 10 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 28-12-2018
- Language: English
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