
  • episode 10 | ex-momfluencer
    Mar 2 2022

    **ignore me saying episode 9**  ALSO i said 2007, obvi meant 2017** (wtf katy lol?) sorry guys too lazy to edit the audio but you will get the point :) 

    if you follow me on instagram, you might have seen my recent story of the 'ex-momfluencer'.  this episode is bascially an audiobook version of those seven posts combined.  figured it should have a permanent spot here on the pod as i continrue to navigate this ex-momfluencer life and figure out what's ahead.  while i've been on a break (or multiple little breaks) i am noticeably less addicted and starting to come up with a comfortable less-attached plan that i'll be sharing sometime soon.  excited about staying in touch but in a healther way.  hope you all are finding ways to do the same and taking great care of yourselves.  as i alwasy say, stay rooted; keep blooming.


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    24 mins
  • episode 09 | touching base
    Feb 16 2022

    just a little life update, wanted to say hello and share what i've been up to lately and why i've been a bit 'inactive'.  hope everyone is doing well! xx 

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    30 mins
  • episode 08 | michael zenn
    Feb 5 2022

    this episode is all about the most powerful anti-aging, multi-correction, anti-viral serum on the market.  always a great time chatting with michael zenn, author/creator/founder of herbal face food.  if you follow my IG account, you know how obsessed i am with my skincare rouitine by HFF.  michael explains his inspiration behind developing this line many years ago and what makes the 100% plant powered regimen unique and beneficial.

    if you're ready to see what the hype is about, my code KATY20 will save 20% on all first time orders! :) 

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    41 mins
  • episode 07 | rae dohar
    Jan 19 2022

    what a RAE of sunshine, we all need right now in the rocky start of the new year.  amiright?!  i am so thankful to have crossed paths with this lovely human a have this great convo.  rae dohar is a life coach, specifcially for entrepenuers (which is SO broad btw!) and we're going to disuss the benifits of thier services, the importance of BOUNDARIES in all types of situations/relationships and some *priceless* self-love tips for all. :))) 

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    53 mins
  • episode 06 | the dad challenge podcast
    Jan 12 2022

    doing things a little differently today by sharing an interview i did with josh (the dad challenge podcast).  we crossed paths online after my viral post on instagram.  josh is notorious for his snarky attitude and sense of humor but has a mission of ending child exploitation with big-name vloggers and influencers.  needless to say, we had a great, intersting convo.  don't forget to check out his youtube channel, the dad challenge podcast as well as the 'burnt out pastor' series which is SO wild (when you have time for another rabbit hole). 

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    53 mins
  • episode 05 | ash bell
    Jan 5 2022

    ash is a non-binary person, parent, speaker, personal coach, and writer i actually met though the 'gram a couple of years aho.  they’re originally from texas, but now lives in Massachusetts.  they host LGBTQ+ cultural responsiveness trainings for schools, theatre and nonprofits.  ash vulnerably explains some of the highs and lows in their professional background and self-discovery. 

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    52 mins
  • episode 04 | violated
    Dec 29 2021

    sharing my unfornate encounter with 'role playing' on instagram where other accounts had essentially stolen photos of myself and children pretneding to be us... kinda.  they were given new names, hobbies and perosanlities.  they were inviting folks to 'come chat in dms' etc.  this sickening cyber fetish is new to me but has actually been around for YEARS!!  on the surface it can seem rather harmless, but after piecing together many disturbing (and sexual) clues, it is absolutely terrifying.  in this episode, i explain more about what happened and actions i'm taking for the future when it comes to sharing my kids online.

    see my IG page (@katyroseprichard) for more details- saved in the 'violated' highlight reel

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    47 mins
  • episode 03 | holiday magic
    Dec 22 2021

    it's the most wonderful time of the year... so they say!  with christmas just a few short days away i thought i'd talk about santa claus.  in this laid-back episode i also share some childhood traditions i no longer do (and why) as well as some that are now passed down to our babies.

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    38 mins