• Unnatural Vegan: Why Everyone Hates Eisel Mazard.
    Jan 2 2025

    You don't choose to be loved or hated: you choose to be known or unknown. And if it is inevitable, in choosing to make yourself known, that you also make yourself hated, then you must decide if you will be hated for reasons shallow or profound —if you will dispute things that are trivial or of great significance —with honesty or deception —with or without wearing a mask. The conflict between myself and "Swayze" (Unnatural Vegan) does in large part explain how I became such a notorious figure in the vegan movement, and it is linked to several different political, philosophical and ethical controversies that have never been resolved.

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Vegans: Beyond Abolitionism (A Critique of Gary Francione, PETA & Peter Singer, too)
    Dec 29 2024

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • This is the End of the World: the Failure of the Vegan Movement.
    Dec 23 2024

    Solar panels and wind farms aren't going to make the necessary difference: if the vegan movement fails, this is the end of the world. Some call it "global warming", some call it "climate change". Some prefer to speak more specifically about carbon PPM (parts per million) in the atmosphere, rising ocean levels, and so on. It's a simple problem with a simple solution, from a vegan perspective, and yet tremendously complex from so many other perspectives that fail to recognize the centrality of meat production (animal agriculture) to the problem and solution both.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

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    2 hrs and 56 mins
  • Alex O'Connor: Vegan Judas, Atheist Antichrist.
    Dec 21 2024

    Formerly known as Cosmic Skeptic, Alex O'Connor was a major, influential leader in the vegan movement, and presented himself as a philosopher, arguing that it was morally obligatory for other atheist philosophers like Matt Dillahunty to be vegan —until, one day, he revealed that he wasn't vegan anymore, and, perhaps, if we just listen to what he said so plainly, he never was vegan at all. Following in the footsteps of Peter Singer, Alex O'Connor preached a doctrine of "the net positive" while having a "net negative" effect: destroying the vegan movement from within.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the new episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Veganism as a Civilizing Mission: a new moral definition for an ancient, aging movement.
    Dec 13 2024

    The end of the era of utilitarianism and its implications.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

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    48 mins
  • On the Idiocy of Extinction Rebellion ~or~ Roger Hallam is in Jail for a Reason.
    Dec 12 2024

    • This is Terrorism: the Nonviolence of Extinction Rebellion. 28 October 2021

    • The Vegan Antichrist: Questioning Extinction Rebellion. 18 January 2022

    • Peaceful Protest Doesn't Work. #NotSatire 19 November 2021

    • Climate change: the vegan perspective is the only perspective. 24 January 2022

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel

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    55 mins
  • Cowspiracy, Seaspiracy, Christspiracy: vegan propaganda's decade-long downward spiral
    Dec 2 2024

    A discussion (and scorching critique!) of three films in one podcast: Cowspiracy, Seaspiracy, Christspiracy —not necessarily in that order. ;-) As the thumbnail image states: "I'm vegan but… this is nuts". ;-)

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

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    1 hr
  • The Critique of DXE: a Decade of Vegan Opposition to "Direct Action Everywhere"
    Nov 26 2024

    One of the most despised (but most influential) movements in veganism's 21st century, DXE was known for public protest "stunts" that earned them momentary notice in newspapers but permanently discredited the movement as a whole. Initially claiming to be "fully horizontal" and "leaderless", the organization later revealed just how narrowly hierarchical it was as the donations poured in, eventually surpassing a budget of one million dollars per year, and sex scandals (amidst rumors of cult-like conditions at their live-in compound) were responded to with bureaucratic red tape. DXE was founded by Wayne Hsiung, with significant leadership roles played by his sister and two of his ex-girlfriends (Priya Sawhney and Cassie King) who continued to control the money after Wayne resigned, ran for mayor, and dealt with the details of world's most boring (and insincerely exaggerated) sex scandal. More than any other organization, DxE has associated vegans with screaming and weeping at random customers on the floor of fast food restaurants, and getting yourself banned from the local grocery store, with their dubious methodology of "disruption" justified by even more dubious "social science research". Despite big budgets, celebrity endorsements, and court cases with (brief) prison sentences keeping their name in the news, the organization has slid into obscurity in recent years —but the damage done to veganism as a movement (and to the lives of hundreds of individual vegans who were foolish enough to join their "network") still endures.

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    3 hrs and 18 mins