• Rising Junior’s Journey To Space with Michael Tyler Glymph
    Jun 25 2024

    Michael Tyler Glymph is a rising junior at the College of Charleston Honors.

    Tyler combines his studies in geology, astronomy, and biology to forge a unique path in space exploration.

    His passion for understanding the complexities of the universe and human health in space has led him to significant research opportunities, including his work on Spaceflight Associated Neuroocular Syndrome at the Medical University of South Carolina.

    His commitment to bridging diverse fields showcases the evolving nature of space careers and the new frontiers awaiting young scientists.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    Childhood Passions to Academic Pursuits: How space movies influenced Tyler’s career path.

    Research on Spaceflight Associated Neuroocular Syndrome: Insight into his impactful research on astronauts’ vision.

    Opportunities Beyond Traditional Roles: Advocating for diverse careers within the space industry.

    Resilience and Determination: Overcoming personal and academic challenges.

    Vision for Humanity and Space: Tyler’s hopes for space exploration’s unifying role.


    “If you’re willing to work hard, even in the face of challenges and adversity, you’re going to be successful no matter what you do, space-related or not.”

    - Michael Tyler Glymph

    Episode Links:

    • Connect with Michael Tyler Glymph on LinkedIn
    • Medical University of South Carolina
    • College of Charleston


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

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    12 mins
  • Advocating for Space Hipsters with Emily Carney
    Jun 18 2024

    Emily Carney is the founder of Space Hipsters, one of the world’s largest space advocacy groups on Facebook with over 60,000 members.

    Emily’s passion for space history and her initiative in creating a community around space advocacy have significantly contributed to public engagement in space exploration.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    • How a childhood fascination with space led to the creation of Space Hipsters.

    • The memorial spaceflight company sending DNA to space.

    • Emily’s views on the democratization of space and the opportunities in the modern space economy for non-traditional roles, such as writers and artists.

    • How Emily uses her platform to educate and engage people in space history and current space missions.

    • Emily’s projects and aspirations for expanding the community.


    “You can’t have that success, you can’t get what you want if you’re terrified of it. You just have to learn how to embrace it.”

    - Emily Carney

    Episode Links:

    • Memorial Spaceflights: https://www.celestis.com/
    • Connect with Emily Carney
    • LinkedIn
    • X
    • Threads
    • Insta
    • Join the Space Hipsters group on Facebook


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

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    16 mins
  • Ambitions of an Aspiring Astrobiologist with Stella Marcy - Kathy Sullivan Explores
    Jun 14 2024

    This episode was recorded at the Inter Astra Retreat just outside Washington DC last November (2023). I sat down with Stella Marcy, a high school freshman from upstate New York with big dreams of becoming an astrobiologist.

    Stella’s passion for exploring the origins of life on other planets and her curiosity about the universe is truly inspiring. In our conversation, we discussed what it means to be an astrobiologist, the tools scientists use to search for life beyond Earth, and how high school student Stella can prepare for her career.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    • What astrobiologists do.

    • The importance of STEM education in pursuing a career in space science.

    • How young students can get involved in STEM programs and research opportunities.

    • Stella’s inspirations and her goals for the future, including her dream universities.

    • Insights from the Inter Astra Retreat.




    Episode Links:

    • Follow Inter Astra on LinkedIn
    • Discover more about Inter Astra


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Recorded on location on Nomono Sound Capsule

    Explore more episodes at Kathy Sullivan Explores... https://kathysullivaneexplores.com/

    Find even more podcasts on the Inter Astra Podcast Network HERE


    I’m Kathy Sullivan, the only person to have walked in space and gone to the deepest point in the ocean.

    I’m an explorer, and that doesn’t always have to involve going to some remote or exotic place. It simply requires a commitment to put curiosity into action.

    In this podcast, you can explore, reflecting on lessons learned from life so far and from my brilliant and ever-inquisitive guests. We explore together in this very moment from right where you are… spaceship not required.

    Welcome to Kathy Sullivan Explores.

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    17 mins
  • #YBIS Episode 1-5 Recap with Ché Bolden
    Jun 11 2024

    On this episode of ‘Your Business In Space’ podcast, Ché Bolden recaps the first five episodes and his takeaways from each. If you’re yet to listen to our early episodes, here’s your recap.

    Episode 1: Creating Access to The Business of Space with Ché Bolden

    Ché shares his inspiration to help more people find their place in the business of space.

    Episode 2: Health in Space with Dr Dorit Donoviel

    The executive director of the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH). She emphasizes the critical role of partnership and collaboration in space exploration and research.

    Episode 3: Environmental Intelligence in Space with Dr Kathy Sullivan

    3-time shuttle astronaut and former head of NOAA. In this episode, she discusses the importance of environmental intelligence and how space technologies contribute to this field.

    Episode 4: Data and Diplomacy In Space with Renee Wynn

    Former NASA CIO Renee Wynn shares her insights on how small business owners and entrepreneurs can assess if the space industry is right for them.

    Episode 5: From The Arts To Space Law with Catrina Melograna

    Space futurist and lawyer shares her journey from the arts into the niche field of space law and policy.


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

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    5 mins
  • Curating Space: Blending History and Science with Kate Good
    Jun 4 2024

    Meet Kate Good, the Associate Curator of Aerospace at the Intrepid Museum in New York City.

    Kate combines her expertise in history and passion for aerospace to develop engaging exhibits that educate the public about the intertwined narratives of science and history.

    Growing up in upstate New York, Kate was captivated by space exploration from a young age.

    This fascination guided her from dreams of becoming an astronaut to a significant role at the Intrepid Museum, where she curates compelling educational content and interactive programs.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    • Kate’s transformative journey from aspiring astronaut to aerospace curator.
    • How her background in history and passion for science come alive in the museum’s exhibits.
    • The role of the Intrepid Museum in preserving and teaching space and aviation history.
    • The importance of hands-on educational programs in inspiring future generations in STEM.
    • Kate’s insights on the significance of storytelling in making space exploration relatable and inspiring.


    “Space isn’t just rockets and stars and things like that.

    There’s a lot that goes into this with the human aspect of it, technology development, stuff that we ended up with on Earth, like Velcro?

    Velcro’s from space.”

    - Kate Good

    Episode Links:

    • Connect with Kate Good on LinkedIn
    • Explore the Intrepid Museum’s innovative exhibits and educational programs at Intrepid Museum’s official website

    Listen to our other episodes recorded live at the Intrepid:

    • 🎧 From Theater To Space Education with Elysia Segal
    • 🎧 Navigating History and Modern Science with Dr. Lynda Kennedy


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Recorded in NYC on location at the Intrepid on Nomono Sound Capsule

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

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    10 mins
  • Risk In Air & Space with Dr. Charles Justiz
    May 28 2024

    Dr. Charles Justiz is a former research pilot at NASA Johnson Space Center and an aerospace engineering and risk management expert.

    Sharing his remarkable journey from the U.S. Air Force Academy to NASA, you’ll hear about the variety of aircraft he flew, including the Space Shuttle training aircraft, and how he contributed to crucial safety and risk management programs.

    You’ll hear about his most memorable moments working with Astronauts and team members and lessons learned from past missions. He shares why understanding and managing risks in space exploration is crucial. He also highlights the opportunities that come with these risks and how innovative processes can lead to safer and more efficient space operations.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    • Dr. Justiz’s journey from the U.S. Air Force Academy to becoming a research pilot at NASA.

    • The critical role of risk management in space exploration and the lessons learned from NASA’s history.

    • How Dr. Justiz’s work in safety management has influenced current practices in aviation and space industries.

    • Insights into the development of innovative aerospace technologies and the challenges of designing space vehicles.

    • The future of space exploration and the opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators in the space industry.


    "We had, 2 massive accidents while I was there, of course, which were devastating to us. But, the whole thing is, you can't make all the mistakes yourself. You have to learn from the mistakes of others."

    - Dr. Charles Justiz

    Episode Links:

    • 🎧 Dr. Justiz in conversation with Kathy Sullivan: ‘The Man Who Carried Space Shuttles’ on Kathy Sullivan Explores…
    • Connect with Dr Justiz via The Charles F. Bolden Group
    • NASA
    • Charles Justiz on LinkedIn


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

    Show More Show Less
    19 mins
  • From Theater To Space Education with Elysia Segal
    May 21 2024

    Elysia Segal is the producer of public programs at the Intrepid Museum in New York City.

    Elysia brings a unique blend of theater and science communication to her role, where she orchestrates large-scale public events and educational programs that bridge the gap between history, science, and entertainment.

    Growing up in Orlando, Florida, Elysia was always enchanted by the sonic booms of space shuttles returning to Earth, sparking her early interest in space.

    Her journey working in museums to support her life in theater has led her to her role at the Intrepid Museum, where she helps illuminate the scientific and historical facets of space exploration for diverse audiences.

    In this episode, you'll discover:In this episode, you'll discover:

    • Elysia's unique career path from acting and theater to leading space education initiatives at the Intrepid Museum.
    • How her programs at the museum make space and science accessible and engaging for all ages, including the annual Fleet Week and monthly Astro Live shows.
    • The impact of storytelling in science education and how Elysia uses her skills to animate the legacies of lesser-known figures in space history.
    • Insights into the Intrepid Museum's role in space history, including its involvement in recovering space capsules and its transformation into a hub for space education.
    • How her role changed during the pandemic
    • Elysia's perspective on the future of space exploration and her role in inspiring the next generation of space enthusiasts through innovative educational approaches.


    "We have a wonderful program here at the Intrepid geared towards young women getting involved in the STEM, field. And, they get to meet mentors who are doing it. They get to have hands-on experience doing it. I think that's the most important thing, for that generation."

    - Elysia Segal

    Episode Links:

    • Connect with Elysia Segal on LinkedIn
    • Visit the Intrepid Museum's official website
    • Discover Kids Week at The Intrepid


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Recorded in NYC on location at the Intrepid on Nomono Sound Capsule

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

    Show More Show Less
    16 mins
  • Cybersecurity and Space with Brandon Karpf
    May 14 2024

    Brandon Karpf, Vice President of Programming at N2K Networks and a former cryptologist in the US Navy, shares his extensive knowledge of cybersecurity’s critical role in space operations.

    In this episode, Brandon explores the symbiotic relationship between cybersecurity and space, providing insights into how robust cyber strategies ensure the success and safety of space missions. He traces his journey from the Naval Academy to his leadership role at N2K Networks, emphasizing the need to professionalize cybersecurity within the space sector.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    • Brandon’s path from the US Naval Academy to becoming a leader in cybersecurity for space operations.
    • How cybersecurity is vital for protecting space missions, from securing telecommunications to safeguarding intelligence operations.
    • The integration challenges and solutions of cybersecurity within the rapidly growing space industry.
    • Future perspectives on how cybersecurity and space operations can co-evolve through strategic collaboration and innovation.


    "Space has to touch cyber and cyber has to touch space.

    We have to do it in a really intentional way to be effective to have these assets for the rest of our lives, in a productive and safe way."

    - Brandon Karpf

    Episode Links:

    • Connect with Brandon Karpf on LinkedIn
    • https://www.thecyberwire.com/
    • https://space.n2k.com/


    Production by CxS Partners LTD

    Executive Producer: Toby Goodman

    Audio & Sound Design: Lee Turner

    Artwork: Ryan Field

    Join our journey into the world of education and space: https://interastra.space

    Show More Show Less
    18 mins