• 35 | What Does It Mean to Be ‘In Alignment’ or ‘Empowered?’ A Biblical Perspective
    Feb 14 2024

    Hey Friend!

    I don't doubt that, like me, you have heard these two words frequently over the past few years: Alignment and Empowerment.

    They sound like good words, don't they? It even feels good to say them!

    But in this episode I'd like to talk about what the world means when using these words and what is actually biblical.

    It's important for us to be discerning and differentiate meanings from a biblical perspective rather than to be led astray through crafty ideas that sound a lot like truth but are peppered with lies that lead us into ungodly living.

    God Bless!


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    18 mins
  • 34 | Grace or Condemnation | Which One Are You Living In?
    Feb 7 2024

    Hey Friend! Are you living in a constant state of self-condemnation? Do you find yourself beating yourself up over what you said or didn't say, what you did or didn't do? Do you feel like you can never get it right, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't feel good about yourself? Living in a place of condemnation is exhausting, and it’s not the way we’re meant to live.

    There’s freedom in Christ, and He gives us grace! He is tender towards us. He intends for us to live with peace and rest in our hearts. I want to encourage you today with the truth of who you are and what the Word of God says about you, and I hope you believe it!

    God Bless!


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    17 mins
  • 33 | God Is Everything You Need Right Now
    Jan 24 2024

    Hey Friend!

    Wherever you are, right in this very moment, God can meet you there! We know that God is all we need, in the general sense, but do we understand that He is exactly what we need in each moment? He is the I AM. But I think we don't always realize what that means.

    Today, I want to encourage you by going through many of the different names for God, so that you can truly see that He is what you need, no matter what you are going through.

    Are you running to Him? Do you lean on Him and trust Him? He is waiting. He is able. In Him, you have no lack.

    God Bless! Helen

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    11 mins
  • 32 | Moving Out of Mediocrity & Into Excellence
    Jan 17 2024

    Hey Friend!

    It's not only about what you do, but also the attitude with which you do it. Are you doing everything with excellence and as unto the Lord, or are you doing the bare minimum? Do you have a bad attitude about the work you do, or towards the people closest to you?

    Let us keep in mind why we're here and Who we are doing all of this for. Let's move past the "bare minimum," or "Fine! I'll do it, but only because I have to" mindset and do all things heartily for our heavenly Father.

    He will reward us accordingly.

    God Bless! Helen

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    12 mins
  • 31 | The Bondage of Unforgiveness & How to Overcome
    Jan 10 2024

    Hey Friend!

    Today's episode is really a heart to heart about the real difficulties of forgiving someone who has hurt you. It can be extremely hard when you've been hurt so very deeply. I've been there more times than I like to admit. Hurt, and especially when there's betrayal, can leave us vulnerable and doubting ourselves in ways that feel completely crushing. Sometimes, forgiveness seems impossible.

    But God.

    He makes a way. We don't have to do it in our own strength, and He can make beauty from ashes, though it usually doesn't happen overnight. Let me share with you the things that have helped me to step out of the bondage of unforgiveness and find freedom.

    God Bless! Helen

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    25 mins
  • 30 | An Invitation to Do a 100 Day Challenge With Me
    Jan 3 2024

    Hey Friend!


    There is, in actuality, nothing magical about January 1, and yet, we do feel a sense of newness and renewed hope that we can do better. That we can change and grow and improve our lives somehow. And that is what makes this a great time to start a 100 Day Challenge!

    If you've never done one before, let me tell you, this can be a truly life-changing thing, and I don't say that to sound dramatic. I say it because it's made such a huge impact on my life and my faith, and I've heard many others say it's done great things for them as well.

    I'd be so happy for you to join me! The start date is next Wednesday, January 10! Please come into my Facebook group and tell me what one thing you'd like to work on for 100 days.

    I can't wait to do this with you!

    God Bless!


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    9 mins
  • 29 | No More New Year’s Resolutions - What I Do Instead
    Dec 27 2023

    Hey Friend!

    It's that time! Time to sit down, think about the coming year, and make some plans. But if you're anything like me, New Year's resolutions just don't work for you. They may be fun to write down and sound great, but only in theory, and that's where they often tend to stay.

    As someone who used to be completely unorganized and rather lazy, I can assure you that change is possible for all of us, no matter where we've come from or where we start.

    In this episode, I'm sharing with you the things that have actually worked for me to see change and growth, and I'm confident they can help you too.

    God Bless!


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    19 mins
  • 28 | Please Do This Before You Start Planning for the New Year
    Dec 20 2023

    Hey Friend!

    I get so. super. excited. when I start thinking about the New Year! It's always a time of a clean slate, fresh start kind of feeling and I absolutely love it!

    But! Before we rush into that, there are a few things we can do first to help better set ourselves up for a great next year!

    I've learned this the hard way and it's taken me many years to finally be able to look back on a year gone by and actually see some of the growth I was hoping for.

    I want that for you too. For you to feel like you've made progress and are becoming more like the person you truly long to be. Let's start together. Right here. Right now. Today.

    Orrrr right after the Christmas festivities are all cleaned up. I get it;)

    God Bless,


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    13 mins