
  • S2: E5 Marine Biology high school?
    36 mins
  • S2: E4 These Foos can FIGHT
    Jan 17 2023

    Yetis Brenden and Josh do a duoprov set about two friends discovering psychedelic insights at a singular Foo (just one foo) fighter.

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    45 mins
  • S2: E3 Shattered legs at a double wedding
    Jan 1 2023
    Yetis Brenden, Claire, Josh, and Kurt go full crazy town on an episode filled with a double wedding, terrible pants salesmen, and a dance off to win a father-in-law's (and husband?) love. Still think we script this shit?
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    36 mins
  • S2: E2 We are definitely not putting people in your mouth
    Dec 18 2022

    Yeti's Brenden, Josh, and Claire discuss some airbnb and travel stories, the sex eagle censor makes his show debut, and we do an improv set that includes a luxury experience that DEFINITELY DOES NOT INCLUDE PUTTING TINY PEOPLE IN OTHER PEOPLE'S MOUTHS.

    Players: Brenden Davis, Josh Elstro, Claire Jane

    Edited by: Josh Elstro

    Graphics: Tone Branson

    Executive Producer: Improv Cincinnati

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    39 mins
  • S2: E1 Hat shops, extra marital help, and gas stations
    Dec 11 2022
    Yetis Brenden, Josh, Kurt, and Colette discuss the suggested topic of "Yo mama's house." This leads to some taboo hook-up places, and an improv set filled with hats, extramarital help, and saucy gas stations.
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    30 mins
  • S1: E13 Rock Gods with Flutes
    Jun 4 2021

    Colette, Claire and Kurt improvise a wonderful world of flutes, rock gods, and annoying moms who can't stop interrupting flute practice when you're trying to become the next big thing. UGHHH GOD MOOOOOOOM. 

    CAST MEMBERS: Brenden Davis, Eric Holmes, Colette Lindemann, Kurt Lindeman, Claire Jane

    EDITING: Brenden Davis

    SOUND DESIGN: Zak Roth

    THEME MUSIC: Christian Collins, Brenden Davis


    PRODUCED BY: Improv Cincinnati

    SPONSORS: Oozebear.com , Patreon.com/improvcincinnati, Mazel Tov Cocktail Collective on Youtube

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    33 mins
  • S1: E12 Mayor Smith vs. Mayor Beetle
    May 11 2021

    We paint a fictitious 1928 world of whacky mayors, elongated photo shoots, and insane political candidates in this 'sodes improv set. The living room style discussion sets this improv world up perfectly. S/o to our women voters. 

    CAST MEMBERS: Brenden Davis, Eric Holmes, Colette Lindemann, Kurt Lindeman, Claire Jane

    EDITING: Brenden Davis

    SOUND DESIGN: Zak Roth

    THEME MUSIC: Christian Collins, Brenden Davis


    PRODUCED BY: Improv Cincinnati

    SPONSORS: Oozebear.com , Patreon.com/improvcincinnati, Mazel Tov Cocktail Collective on Youtube

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    40 mins
  • S1: E11 The Chuckee Boy and Bip Bops
    Apr 18 2021

    What's the secret to women? Only Captain Kirk would know. Thankfully we also take a shot at the age old question. It leads to an improv set that takes place in space (don't run just yet) and dives into intergalactic dating amongst other sci-fi tropes. 

    CAST MEMBERS: Brenden Davis, Eric Holmes, Colette Lindemann, Kurt Lindeman, Claire Jane

    EDITING: Brenden Davis

    SOUND DESIGN: Zak Roth

    THEME MUSIC: Christian Collins, Brenden Davis


    PRODUCED BY: Improv Cincinnati

    SPONSORS: Oozebear.com , Patreon.com/improvcincinnati, Mazel Tov Cocktail Collective on Youtube

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    34 mins