Humans have not universally hired performers to entertain the crowd during professional sports throughout all of human history... which means that it had to start somewhere! What evolved out of this coordinated crowd engagement is a highly athletic and dangerous gymnastics competition that is thing unto itself. Did you know it was entirely male at first? We didn't. We'll talk all about the history and modern sport of cheerleading. Recommendations:Abraham: Salem’s Lot ( Trap ( Holidays (11/06/24)Basketball DayButton DayInternational Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed ConflictInternational Stress Awareness DayMarooned Without a Compass DayNational Block It Out DayNational Eating Healthy DayNational Nachos DaySaxophone DayDrowsy Driving Prevention WeekGive Wildlife a Brake WeekKey Club International WeekMedical-Surgical Nurses WeekNational Diabetes Education WeekNational Cat WeekNational Pet Cancer Awareness MonthNational Hospice and Palliative Care MonthWorld Vegan MonthLinks and References:,of%20clapping%20together%20in%20admiration.!/,%2C%20tosses%2C%20and%20gymnastic%20moves.,0.8%20per%201000%20athlete%2Dexposures.&text=Although%20all%2Dstar%20cheerleading%20is,are%20other%20types%20of%20cheerleaders.,that%20can%20result%20in%20high a supporter of this podcast: