Have you ever experienced a covert narcissist trying to make peace? How did that go? Did you walk away feeling better? Or did you walk away feeling like you had just been through hand to hand combat? When a covert narcissist tries to make peace with you, you go through yet another level of destructive interactions. This destruction centers around a facade of sympathy, backwards apologies, intense blame shifting, minimizing their bad behavior, and entitlement in the form of expectations of your forgiveness and "return" to them.
We often talk about intimate relationships here. But today I share a story of someone dealing with a covert narcissist at her place of work. In the work environment, dealing with a covert narcissist is extremely difficult and complex. Setting your own boundaries for yourself becomes absolutely necessary. I am Renee Swanson, and I help people recover from covert narcissistic abuse.
- Are you tired of feeling isolated and alone?
- Are you searching for people who get it?
- Are you confused, reactive and unsure what to do?
- Are you running in circles in your mind?
- Are you worried for your kids and the effect this is having on them?
- Do you want to know how not to raise another narcissist in this world?
I can help you! I offer both group and individual coaching, which you can find at www.covertnarcissism.com
Renee Swanson, Certified Coach and Advocate for Victims of Covert Narcissistic Abuse
#Trauma #abuse #gaslighting #narcissism #narcissist #CovertNarcissism #podcast