David Zaritsky is the founder of The Bond Experience, a platform created by James Bond fans for James Bond fans. Focused on the lifestyle, clothing, locations and camaraderie inspired by the iconic franchise, The Bond Experience bridges the gap between branding, product placement, and authentic fan engagement. Through videos, reviews, events, and discussions, David has cultivated a global community of passionate fans who connect over all things Bond. With a mission to share impactful moments and bring people together, David continues to inspire others to live like Bond, one moment at a time. To learn more about The Bond Experience, visit the website http://thebondexperience.com/, and follow on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook @TheBondExperience and on X @ExperienceBond. FOLLOW JACK Instagram - @JackCarrUSA X - @JackCarrUSA Facebook - @JackCarr YouTube - @JackCarrUSA SPONSORS CRY HAVOC – A Tom Reece Thriller https://www.officialjackcarr.com/books/cry-havoc/ Bravo Company Manufacturing Mk15 Timepiece - MOD3: https://bravocompanyusa.com/bcm-mk15-timepiece-mod-3/ and on Instagram @BravoCompanyUSA SIG Sauer P226: https://www.sigsauer.com/firearms/pistols/p226.html and on Instagram @sigsauerinc STACCATO HD: https://staccato2011.com/hd and on Instagram @staccato2011 Jack Carr Gear: Explore the gear here - https://jackcarr.co/gear