Jennifer Bird,PhD, knows a lot about the Christian Bible--including what's in it and also what isn't in it. This eye-opening conversation covers both ends of that spectrum, using Bird's book "Permission Granted: Take the Bible Into Your Own Hands" as a launching off point about what she discovered about the Bible, how our reading of the Bible impacts so many aspects of our culture, and why Biblical literacy is so important. We also dig in deeper on the subjects of "Biblical marriage" and women in Christianity, two subjects about which she is passionate, which she addresses head-on in her most recent book, "Marriage in the Bible: What DO the Texts Say?"
From her bio at Her background within the United Methodist Church, education in a Presbyterian affiliated institution, more than a decade spent in several ministerial contexts, six years of graduate work in biblical studies, and more than 25 years of teaching in classrooms of all kinds all inform her approach to having quite honest, and sometimes difficult, conversations about what is actually to be found in the scriptures of the Christian Bible. You can also hear Jennifer regularly on the Wild Olive podcast (with Jeanne Petrolle,) as well as many other podcasts, lectures, videos, and more!
Find Jennifer at:
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