Everyone has asked the questions: What is it all for? What am I here? What is the purpose of life? The way we answer these questions strongly influences of states of mind, our happiness, and the way we live our lives. The answers determine what we spend our time thinking about and doing. The answers determine how we value ourselves and others. The answers determine our future. When you find the real truth, you’ll be amazed at the positive effect it has on your life and the transformations that will follow.
In this 10th episode of Season 2, I’ll give you a very satisfying answer to the question on the purpose of life, talk about the joys of living to strive for, and give you a way to verify the truth. These answers will give you hope and the motivation to explore and realize the purpose of your own life. You are child of your loving, Divine Parent who wants you to celebrate the meaning of your life.
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