• Archive 38 Poltergeist
    Jun 29 2024
    Archive 38 Poltergeist

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-if-it-s-true-podcast--5445587/support.
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    6 mins
  • West Virginia Bigfoots Annoy Residents
    Jun 28 2024
    West Virginia Bigfoots ResidentsI was divorced after 30 years of marriage and raising 3 children. It was difficult living alone in a big house that backed up to the woods. All bedrooms are on the 2nd level. The exterior windowless wall of my bedroom that was near the woods is above and to the side of the cellar. The cellar sits a couple of feet lower than the floor of my bedroom. One Fall in the early morning hours around 3 a.m., I was sleeping soundly. I was awakened by a sound no more than 3-4 feet to the exterior wall of my bedroom. I couldn’t wrap my head around the sound of something pulling up from what I knew to be the cement top of the cellar 2 feet below the floor and some 9 feet up to the top of the metal roof over my bedroom ceiling. That’s a reach of about 11 plus feet! I could hear what I guessed was the underbelly of the animal scraping on the metal edge of the roof. After pulling itself up, it stood and proceeded to take large widely spaced bipedal steps to the other end of my house which is 42 feet from where it pulled up. I’m lying in bed cowering under my bed covers, listening; hardly breathing. Then it walked back over my bed, but did not jump the 11’ down onto the cellar the way it came up. Instead, it walked directly over my bed and apparently pushed off the edge over the only window in my bedroom, dropping some 20’ to what I call the “pebble patio”. The headboard of my bed sat directly under this window above the pebble patio. My window shook so violently that I feared it would break and fall inwardly on me, still lying in bed. Even worse, that the “animal” would somehow gain access to me all the time my heart raced inside my chest because of the extreme fear I felt! I lay awake, but heard nothing more. I waited for daylight so I could leave my house to go down the hill to my Mom’s house to let family know what had happened to me and see if we could make sense of it all. My brother just laughed when I demonstrated the gait of the animal when I spread my legs apart as far as I could to take a step but it was not far enough! From that night I began searching online for “what kind of animal walks on your roof?” That’s when I discovered that I was not alone in my experience. I can not prove that Bigfoot walked on my roof, but given how it happened, I can’t explain it any other way. Thus began my armchair campaign to become educated about Bigfoot.A few years after the roof walking experience, my son and daughter were on top of the roof installing a new antennae. When my son came into the kitchen he said I must have “Big Bird” leaving droppings on my roof. I asked what he meant, he said there was a big pile of animal feces near the fireplace chimney. I couldn’t get much more information from my son, so I instructed my daughter to pay attention and to give me a detailed report when she came down. She told me that there was a pile of feces white and desiccated the size of a large dinner plate. When I asked the shape, she said it was circular like a big cinnamon roll. I immediately thought of the creature that had walked to the fireplace end of the house and back and sprang so far down to the “pebble patio!” When I expressed that to my kids, they had a good laugh at my expense. There have been many over the years.I had remembered the old TV show “In Search Of” with Leonard Nimoy. My only awareness of the possible existence of the animal known as Bigfoot was that show. I believed it was possible, but it didn’t affect me, or so I thought, since it was a West Coast possibility. That was some 40 years prior to my experience. I began listening to everything I could about Bigfoot. That’s when I began to put together things that had happened here over the years. For example. A number of years prior to my experience, my ex husband and I were helping my brother’s family build an addition onto their house. In the evenings we would hear a peculiar noise far up into the hollow that was a dead end above his property. It was some type of moaning, bellowing cry. I had never heard anything like it before, nor since those days spent there. Although both myself and my brother have both heard very strange calls, yells and noises since then.After the walking on my roof episode I recalled some things that had happened over the years in my hollow. I am now convinced that the Bigfoot were in this hollow before we ever called it home. It had been many years prior to our moving onto this land that humans had lived here. My Mom and stepdad always raised large gardens. On two separate occasions and summers, my stepdad went out to harvest his crop for canning, and it was gone, taken during the night. Once it was fresh corn. Another time it was his ripe tomatoes. It was all stripped clean. We had an above ground swimming pool for our kids while they were growing up. I was standing by the window looking out at the pool, and I couldn’t understand why I didn’t see any ...
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    25 mins
  • Archive 37 Bigfoot Encounters
    Jun 28 2024
    Archive 37 Bigfoot Encounters

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    12 mins
  • Archive 36 Bigfoot Encounter
    Jun 27 2024
    Archive 36 Bigfoot Encounter

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    10 mins
  • Bigfoot is Always Watching You
    Jun 26 2024
    Bigfoot is Always Watching You and two more stories from the land of the weird.

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    27 mins
  • Archive 35 Bigfoot
    Jun 26 2024
    Archive 35 Bigfoot

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-if-it-s-true-podcast--5445587/support.
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    15 mins
  • Bigfoot Attacked a Fire Tower
    Jun 25 2024
    Bigfoot Attacked a Fire Tower is One of six stories in this podcast that reports a Bigfoot attacking a Fire Lookout Tower in the Mid_South. This podcast is jamb packed with weird stories. What if the stories are true?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-if-it-s-true-podcast--5445587/support.
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    38 mins
  • Archive 34 Alien Spacecraft
    Jun 25 2024
    Archive 34 Alien Spacecraft

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/what-if-it-s-true-podcast--5445587/support.
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    11 mins