Did you know 61% of the U.S. population (men and women) say they view pornography and 54% of practicing Christians (men and women) say they view pornography—only a 7% difference—according to the latest research. Additionally, only 11% of practicing Christians say they feel comfortable talking to their pastor about this struggle. Pornography is pervasive among our culture, even those with a Christian worldview. On today’s episode of The WinShape Marriage Podcast, Rob Philo talks with Nick Stumbo, executive director of Pure Desire, an organization dedicated to providing resources for those struggling with sexual brokenness, addiction, and betrayal. Nick shares his personal testimony with sexual brokenness and redemption. He also breaks down the latest research Pure Desire conducted with Barna Group regarding pornography use. The data is surprising. Tune into this fascinating conversation!
Note: This conversation is focused on building a healthy, thriving marriage. If you are experiencing abuse in your marriage, or someone you know is, contact the National Hotline for Domestic Abuse. If someone is monitoring your device, call the hotline 24/7 at 1−800−799−7233. Learn more about what defines an abusive relationship.
Time Stamps:
(1:58) What first inspired Nick to step into the sexual brokenness and redemption space
(11:50) Understanding the inspiration behind the research study Pure Desire conducted with Barna Group
(19:41) Why people may be afraid to share their struggle with pornography with their community
(22:58) The impact of pornography on mental health and well-being
(25:40) How pornography use affects marriage
(31:17) Taking the first step towards recovery
(37:08) What advice Nick would give to someone as a first starting point who is struggling with a pornography addiction
(46:06) Resources for those interested
Pure Desire https://puredesire.org/
Beyond the Porn Phenomenon https://marriage.winshape.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2025/02/BTPP-Media-Fact-Sheet.pdf
5 Steps to Freedom from Porn https://puredesire.org/5-steps-to-freedom-from-porn/
7 Keys to Understanding Betrayal Trauma https://puredesire.org/free-ebook-7-keys-to-understanding-betrayal-trauma/
Genesis 1:27 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201%3A27&version=ESV
James 5:16 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=james%205%3A16&version=ESV
WinShape Marriage Website https://marriage.winshape.org/
WinShape Marriage Instagram https://www.instagram.com/winshapemarriage/
100 Date Ideas for Couples https://marriage.winshape.org/resource/100-date-ideas-for-couples/
The Journey https://marriage.winshape.org/journey/
Relevant Resources:
"How To Find a Marriage Counselor” https://marriage.winshape.org/resource/how-to-find-a-marriage-counselor/