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Accommodation - The best place to rest your head. Amongst other things?
Your trip planning is going well and you have your preferred dates and locations in mind of where you want to go - It's time to book accommodation. This is the exciting part of trip planning because if you are like me, this is when you really feel like "THIS IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN". I'm going!
Listen up to my 5 golden rules - to ensure you get the type of stay, and value for money you are always hearing about in Vietnam. It's available. Let me show you where.
It's not always written in the detail, or reviews of the hotel or stay you are viewing. You take those on face value, but does it fit that picture in your head of your perfect stay?
Let me give you my hard-earned truths about finding the right kind of accommodation for your visit.
Why pay more for less?
In this episode I will give you some insights into the kinds of accommodations available and answer that age-old question of "What is a homestay?" Or, does Vietnam have Villa's like they have in Bali?
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