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Werewolf the Podcast: The discovery of the Fairy conspiracy. (Episode 196)
The Werewolf and the Professor are made aware of what is happening in the Fae and the real world. Behind the scenes, a lot is going on. A lot of bad stuff is happening, and all links point to the Flower Fairy Faction. What Fairies can not be bad, can they? Are werewolves, ogres, and minotaurs walking the worlds, afraid of a bunch of flower fairies? How can that be?
In this episode of Werewolf the Podcast: A Serial (Killer) Drama, we begin to see the light, and that light is small, green, and sparkly.
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Il Lupo
Greg's first Werewolf book. Brilliantly written characters in an incredible story.
A Werewolf's Story
Werewolf the Colouring Book.
What should I do this evening? Why not sit and do some Wonderful Werewolf colouring? Red may be a theme.
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