• 5 Ways to Calm Your Stress and Find Rest This Festive Season
    Dec 6 2022

    I love the festive season symbolism, the carols, the decorations, the xmas trees and lights. I don’t however love the extensive socialising, the shopping and the preparations for the big day. For many of us we are still adjusting and recovering from the last few years. There has been a lot to navigate and integrate. What many of us may feeling right now is overwhelm, tiredness and exhaustion. If this is you, I invite you to listen to this episode,  as I share five ideas that may help you to calm your stress and find the rest you need.

    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    22 mins
  • Are You Headed Toward Burnout?
    Oct 11 2022

    Right now, there are many issues and priorities that are all competing for our ability to care. It is no wonder so many of us feel exhausted and headed towards burnout. On this episode I share burnout signs, my experience and the latest burnout stats.

    I also review the 4 stages of burnout and questions you can reflect with.

    Do you want to assess if you are headed towards burnout? Try my FREE burnout quiz in section 1 of my Beyond Burnout Program:


    Whether it is the stress of our family life, work, what is happening in the world, we all need to learn and practice strategies that protect us from burnout and support us to recover and thrive.

    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    19 mins
  • Turn Your Stress Into an Opportunity for Growth
    Sep 1 2022

    Complete your FREE stress self-assessment here: https://coachuwellness.learnworlds.com/course/stresssurvey .

    It is normal for stress to be part of our lives. Whilst it can feel like an unwanted visitor, stress can be managed correctly and become a source of growth, performance and wellbeing. It is important however to understand your level of stress and how it may be impacting you.

     How do you know if stress is impacting you? Consider if you have ever noticed the following symptoms of chronic stress: 

    Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, fatigue, sleep disturbance, insomnia, stomach upset, diarrhoea, frequent headaches, muscular aches and pains, weakened immune system, high blood pressure. 

    Psychological symptoms such as worry, fear, anger, tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, helplessness, difficulties with concentration or memory, or feeling overwhelmed.

     After you complete your stress survey and identify your level of stress, take some time to consider the following reflection questions:

     How often during the day do you seek moments of recovery versus “powering through”?

    • What are the biggest sources of stress in your life? 
    • How do you cope with stress? Do your coping mechanisms deplete your energy or restore it? Do they help build awareness around your stress or reduce it?
    • How often do you recognise your stress in the moment versus afterward, or in the reactions of others?
    • How many warning signs of chronic stress have you experienced this week? 
    • What is working well for you right now when you think about your stress score?
    • What do you feel you should be doing more of, to manage your stress more effectively?
    • What do you need to do differently?

     Journaling your reflections to these questions will support your self-awareness and to identify actions that may support you to transform your stress.

     To complete your confidential, free stress self-assessment:

    https://coachuwellness.learnworlds.com/course/stresssurvey .

     Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist and Founder, Coachuwellness


    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    14 mins
  • Redefining the super woman
    Jun 29 2022

    It is time to redefine a new path for women and move away from the notion of being a ‘super woman’.  I am joined on this episode, by Dr. Jenny Liu and we discuss why this is important right now, who needs to pay attention to it and what we can do about it.


    If you are feeling tired, disillusioned, burnt out and have lost touch with matters most to you. If you are feeling guilt or shame about where you focus your time, please listen in as we discuss this matter and our upcoming webinar to support women:





    We will be covering:

    • De-mystifying what it means to be a superwoman 
    • Aligning our values to support our goals and actions 
    • Restoring balance and clarity through evidence-based strategies


    For more information explore the link in the episode notes



    Thanks to the amazing Jessica Ritchie for giving us permission to share her story today. Check her out here:



    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist and Founder, Coachuwellness


    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    16 mins
  • How To Overcome The Great Exhaustion
    May 10 2022
    ‘The Great Exhaustion’: the burnout phenomenon that feels like there is nothing left in your tank.
    Listen to this episode where I discuss the Great Exhaustion. The latest research findings and what is driving our exhaustion.Learn how you can overcome your exhaustion.
    Full episode notes here: https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/podcast/ .
    Interested in exploring Mary’s new book - Finding Your Well-BEing and downloading a free chapter? https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/book/ . Consider purchasing a paperback or digital copy.
    Thanks for listening and BE WELL! Mary Mangos, Psychologist and Founder, Coachuwellness.For further information – https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/ .

    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    21 mins
  • Gratitude Inspiration To BE WELL
    Mar 22 2022
    With our world facing unprecedented challenges, wellbeing matters more than ever.
    On this episode I share some Gratitude inspiration to support you to BE WEll. It is from Chapter 4, Happiness Through Gratitude, from my book Finding Your WellBEing.
    May your gratitude practices build your agency, support you to notice the good around you, and grow your happiness and wellbeing.
    Full episode notes here: https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/podcast/ .Interested in my Gratitude Meditation? Listen on my website here: https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/meditations/ . Or listen on the Insight Timer App: https://insighttimer.com/coachuwellness/guided-meditations/morning-gratitude-intention . Enjoy!
    Interested in exploring Mary’s new book - Finding Your Well-BEing and downloading a free chapter? https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/book/ . I am currently donating all proceeds from my book “Finding Your Well-BEing” to the Red Cross in Australia, who are supporting flood victims in both NSW and Queensland. Consider purchasing a paperback or digital copy.
    Thanks for listening and BE WELL! Mary Mangos, Psychologist and Founder, Coachuwellness.
    For further information – https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/ .

    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    19 mins
  • Ditch the resolutions and set an intention for 2022
    Feb 8 2022
    Did you make a New Year's resolution? Have you ever wondered what the success estimate is of resolutions? The estimate is that less than 10% of New Year's resolutions are actually achieved (University of Scranton Psychology Professor John C. Norcross, Ph.D.).
    Listen in and learn how to identify and action plan your own intention instead, so that you focus on what matters to you with love and positivity for yourself!
    Full episode notes here: https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/podcast/ .
    Interested in exploring Mary’s new book - Finding Your Well-BEing and downloading a free chapter? https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/book/ .
    Thanks for listening, happy holidays and BE WELL! Mary Mangos, Psychologist and Founder, Coachuwellness.For further information – https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/ .

    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    16 mins
  • What to do if you are not feeling festive
    Dec 14 2021
    It's that time of year again and this year is not like any other. We are still living with uncertainty and many of us feeling fatigued and are overwhelmed. We often feel pressured to be festive, this time of year, when we may actually feel the exact opposite. Listen in and learn how to manage your expectations of the season with some wellbeing tips from my book, Finding your wellbeing, so that you can prioritise yourself, and those you love during the holidays.
    Full episode notes here: https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/podcast/ .
    Listen to a gratitude meditation here: https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/meditations/ .
    Interested in exploring Mary’s new book - Finding Your Well-BEing and downloading a free chapter? https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/book/ .
    Thanks for listening, happy holidays and BE WELL! Mary Mangos, Psychologist and Founder, Coachuwellness.
    For further information – https://www.coachuwellness.com.au/ .

    Thanks for listening! Mary Mangos, Psychologist Coachuwellness

    Follow me on:

    Instagram @coachuwellness

    LinkedIn Coachuwellness Mary Mangos

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    12 mins