• Are we eating to feel good or nourish our body with Sarah Bayliss
    Mar 19 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Sarah Bayliss, author of Do Nourish: How to Eat for Resilience, to explore what we put into our body and why we make those choices.

    How do we nourish our body, our physical being? What do we put into it, and does it actually nourish our health?

    Are we using food to fix the imbalances in our body as a type of medicine for what ails you? Can you look at food through a different lens of nourishment rather than what is pleasing to the mind or memory of what we want in the moment?

    How do you hear what the body is saying through the symptoms that are appearing in your physical being?

    How do you make choices going forward that will nurture the physical vehicle that houses your soul? Can you allow yourself to make a more intentional choice?

    There are cultural differences, access to healthy foods, and habits of eating that direct our choices on a daily basis. Do we need to fit ourselves into a box to fix something in our being?

    If we have been eating for our pleasure and never been in touch with the feelings of our gut or joints, how can we sense what may or may not be great for us?

    Are you in touch with nature and the environment around you to make better eating choices?

    For more information about Sarah visit: https://www.sarahbaylissnutrition.co.uk

    For health support and guidance with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com Dr. Jeanette offers expanded tips, tools, discussions, and support via The Sage on The Corner Supporters Group on a monthly basis. Click below to join.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    37 mins
  • Exploring a guided stream of consciousness with Ann Edgecliff
    Mar 14 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Anne Edgecliff, author of Transmutation and the Human Consciousness, to explore the human evolution unfolding at this time.

    What is a stream of consciousness and how does it filter through our minds as ‘mind chatter’? What is important to keep and what to let go? Where do all these thoughts come from and why are they showing up at times of life challenges? Who or what is speaking to you? Are you using a guide that comes to you in your thoughts to have a kinship to keep you safe and heard?

    What are our beliefs, truths, and validations? How do we expand in our knowing into our consciousness at this time and navigate our world?

    This book is a guide to take you on a journey into the unknown as a spiritual being rather than the old human dogma we have been holding as our truth. We are eternal souls.

    Can you explore the out of body experience and near-death event as an opening up of the consciousness? Can you take the information and then form your own bridge to move forward?

    For more information on Ann visit: www.AnnEdgecliff.com

    For guided support to explore life on a deeper connection through all the challenges of a human story, Dr. Jeanette offers telephone sessions to guide you, www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    52 mins
  • Excavating the great divide in trauma and healing with Neal King
    Mar 12 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Neal King, author of Trauma is a Thief, to explore the experiences in childhood that shape our lives.

    What is the trauma you have experienced in childhood years? What decade did you live in through the 1900’s?

    How have the experiences framed the way you think, the way you look at the world, and the way in which you engage with others?

    Are we now learning to speak out and heal the lineages of our hearts or perhaps we are sequestering the stories and holding them deep inside as they fester?

    Were the experiences a marker of time in history, a time of the collective history, and we may have just been doing the best they can within the era of life?

    Are you willing to excavate the experiences that were so devasting in decades past to move forward in life or are you carrying the badge of suffering forever?

    You are so much more than the story and trauma you have experienced, are you willing to open up and engage within all layers of your being to dance again in the sunset?

    To purchase the book visit: Amazon here.

    For support and help in navigating and healing the trauma you may have experienced in your lifetime, Dr. Jeanette offers sessions via telephone across the globe to those in need. Visit her website for more information: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    43 mins
  • Connecting with horses for guidance through an oracle card deck with Kim McElroy
    Mar 7 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Kim McElroy, co-author of The Council of Horses Oracle: A 40-Card Deck to explore our deep connection with horses.

    Oracle cards bring you into close meditation with the energy of horses and it is almost like you are in the same space of unconditional love radiating.

    Can we use oracle cards to guide our emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a tumultuous world that is ever changing?

    Can you feel the energy of the animals, birds, and other creatures in nature around us that help to heal the heart, touch our soul or allow us to find peace for a moment in time?

    Oracle cards are gentle reminders to perhaps guide you to what may be coming up for you each day. They do not always need to be telling you what to do or how to be, but rather to open the door to possibilities that you may wish to dance with in the day. It is our perception of what we see that will guide us in our thoughts.

    Can you allow the cards to guide you through the light and darkness of your world?

    For more information on the oracle cards visit: https://books.innertraditions.com/the-council-of-horses-oracle/

    For more information on spiritual guidance through life challenges with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    35 mins
  • Communication and Ethics within the Animal Kingdom with Dr. Rebekah Humphreys
    Mar 5 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Dr. Rebekah Humphreys, author of Animals, Ethics, and Language: The Philosophy of Meaningful Communication in the Lives of Animals, to explore the world of non-human beings.

    What are the ethics in how we engage with the animal kingdom? Can the legal system stand up and be the voice of the voiceless? Does this mean that the superior humans are in control of the animal life cycle in how it plays out? Is communication only verbal and must be acknowledged by all or might communication be an innate energy sense of knowing what the being is feeling to be heard?

    How are we proposing control, beliefs, and rules on the animal kingdom? We are part of the animal kingdom, not just the four-legged animals across the earth.

    Are we taking the rules we apply as humans to animals and to take over control of how their life existence plays out per our definition?

    Are we talking about human and non-human life? Where did this word arise and how do we apply it to the beings in this world? Are humans the center of the universe just because they believe there is a higher level of intelligence?

    There is a growing awareness of the treatment of animals for trade, food, entertainment, and supporting human needs in existence. How have we come into this time in the world where animals are so abused, and we have allowed this process to expand and continue?

    Ethics is how we treat humans and non-humans; what is right and wrong is left up to the ones who are superior in form and control. Are ethics the filters by which we experience the world and treat everything in our life with these filters?

    Dr. Humphreys is available here: (11) Rebekah Humphreys (researchgate.net)

    The Suffering Animal is part of the Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series, totaling more than forty volumes in the series, which is co-edited by Professor Andrew Linzey and Dr Clair Linzey, from the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is an independent Centre devoted to pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through research, teaching, and publication. For full information see www.oxfordanimalethics.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    54 mins
  • The Suffering Animal Paradigm with Simone Ghelli
    Feb 28 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Simone Ghelli, author of The Suffering Animal: Life Between Weakness and Power, to explore the concept of the animal in consciousness.

    Are we becoming more aware of our existence as humans and can we start to be better people in the way in which we treat animals in this world?

    The philosophical exploration of the non-human and human worlds is something that has not been spoken in the past. What are the similarities and differences within the animal kingdom, such as consciousness, reality, rational living, superiority, control, and survival.

    There are two paradigms within one existence and that is called the animal kingdom. When we are asking ‘How do we know when an animal is suffering’, does consciousness also exist in the animals and we perhaps do not know the communication language that all are speaking. What we see is the human using the common ground of a human consciousness to evaluate, control, direct, and command the life cycle survival of a non-human.

    Have we created a construct of the human for superiority? Do we regulate the animal kingdom with the fears of survival, death, and mortality? Can you come to the concept that we are more than human story, and open to the eternal energy of all that brings us to the point of non-human and human are one?

    What truly is important in our existence; our presence and our intuitive sense that allows our life story to unfold?

    More info: The Suffering Animal is part of the Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series, totaling more than forty volumes in the series, which is co-edited by Professor Andrew Linzey and Dr Clair Linzey, from the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is an independent Centre devoted to pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through research, teaching, and publication. For full information see www.oxfordanimalethics.com.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    55 mins
  • Animal rights and preservation with Attorney Kimberly Moore
    Feb 26 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes attorney Kimberly Moore, author of The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals, Humanity’s Shared Destiny with the Animal Kingdom [Palgrave 2023], to explore the legal rights of animals.

    What is the quality of life that we wish to give to support the animals? What animals do you connect with; those who are for entertainment, food, survival, or those who we don’t even see who are part of the life cycle? Do animals have a long history of oppression and abuse? Are we on the brink of a global movement to start standing up for animals through our legal system?

    How have humans been caretaking animals and how have they been able to exist in the world? Who is protecting and regulating the non-human beings in this world?

    The humans and animals have been in this control thing for eons: push and pull, life and death, survival, security, domination, and subservience. Is it going to change and who is it up to? Who is protecting the animals and by what rules are they regulated by? Who is vested in care of animals and what is the rank of superiority that is bringing forth the questions we ask today?

    Are we controlling animals for our own existence? How do we view animals in the chain of existence?

    Are human fears the controlling factor of how we treat animals? What if what we believe through history and experience are the filters by which we regulate our story of animals? Are we fighting for our own preservation as it reflects in the animal kingdom and how we interact with them?

    What is the value of an animal? Who sets the value of an animal? Might a human not see another human as of value? Is the law of the land the controller who enforces the value of existence?

    More info: The Suffering Animal is part of the Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series, totaling more than forty volumes in the series, which is co-edited by Professor Andrew Linzey and Dr Clair Linzey, from the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is an independent Centre devoted to pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through research, teaching, and publication. For full information see www.oxfordanimalethics.com.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    45 mins
  • Finding our true being is within our reach with Cathleen Beerkens
    Feb 21 2025
    Dr. Jeanette Gallagher welcomes Cathleen Beerkens, author of Your Creator Matrix, to share with us how we are expanding in physical and spiritual forms in 2025.

    Why is this happening, where are we going, and what is evolving at this time? What has shifted in human existence and all of a sudden, we are looking at a spiritual life or the changing in energy frequency?

    Are you feeling like life is in a spin cycle with a lot of chaos and destruction of old paradigms and beliefs?

    What is the awakening and shift of the matrix all about?

    We are all given a thread to weave the matrix of where we are, but we are not given the same thread, as we are to find our own self in space and time.

    Everyone’s story is a different part of the spectrum and that is what constructs the rainbow of the cosmos with our story.

    For more information on Cathleen visit: www.AWellnessRevolution.com

    For more information and guidance with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wellness-radio-with-dr-j--4618136/support.
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    55 mins