How was your body image when you were pregnant? For some, it's freedom. For others, it's terrifying. Today, the Compared to Who? team: Heather, Tara, Presli, Jackie, and Rachel have a group chat about how they felt during pregnancy. They talk about their approaches to gaining weight, trying to do everything "right" by the doctors, the pressures they felt around how much weight to gain (or not gain), and everything in between. This conversation is real talk around the struggles, trials, and frustrations of being pregnant when you have body image issues or when you struggle with food, disordered eating, or have an eating disorder. For some women, body image issues start at pregnancy. No matter where you're at on your journey to heal your body image (how you feel and think about your body), this episode will encourage you. Both Heather and Tara share how their both more than a decade post-partum, but how healing it felt just to go back and think about these issues and what they walked through.
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Other episodes mentioned today:
What is Health (discussion of BMI chart origins):
Pregnancy and Body Image:
Blog post on the topic:
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