• User Generated America: Benny via TikTok Live
    Oct 28 2024

    Benny hails from The Pocono Mountains region of Pennsylvania. His diverse background speaks to the great strengths of the United States. I was fortunate enough to have the fates behind the TikTok Live algorithm send him into my stream. You and I are even more fortunate that Benny agreed to stick around for nearly an hour while I interviewed him.

    As we do here at We Unite We Win’s User Generated America Podcast, Benny and I had a wide-ranging discussion covering philosophy, religion, culture, billionaire oligarchs, justice, taxes and government. Central to Benny’s approach to life is his belief that each of us knows what it takes to be a good person. He recognizes many of us fail to make the good person mark; however, within each of us is the ability to be good to ourselves and to be good to everyone around us.

    Benny is a gamer and creator. He shares some amazing metaphors about what makes a game great over time—fairness, competitiveness, clear rules that everyone has to play by—and how these ideas relate to real life. Most strikingly to me, Benny spells out how game makers absolutely intervene in games to ensure that no one is taking advantage of others and that no one is being taken advantage of over the long-run. He believes there are clear lessons from gaming that we can apply to our economy, government and politics where everyone has a different result while always being in the game.

    I know I learned a lot from speaking with Benny. I’m excited to hear what your takeaways are. Enjoy the pod!

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    49 mins
  • User Generated America: Wylene Jowers via TikTok Live
    Oct 24 2024

    There is no lack of opportunity in the world with the media that we have to hear from famous people, semi-famous people, experts, reporters or influencers sitting down with other famous people, semi-famous people, experts, reporters or influencers to share with us what they believe. Or as often as not, they tell us what we are supposed to believe. This has more or less been the state of media since the the advent of the printing press.

    The stories that come from Hollywood, from Washington, D.C., from New York, I'm not too interested in. I know where to find these stories and I do consume them; however, we are not really hearing the stories of America from everyday Americans.

    There is not a history of hearing directly in-depth from the people what we believe, why we believe it and what motivates us in life. I think now is the time to change that.

    I have always had a soft spot in my heart for everyday Americans and our user generated content. The jokes we make, the insights we offer, the dreams we share.

    My goal is to make a regular event of sitting down with you and hearing your insights on what you think and why you think it. We will discuss anything and everything: philosophy, ethics, religion, culture, politics, government, the economy and more.

    Here, you and I have a conversation. The conversation is just that. I am not, in this series at least, here to debate you. I am here to hear from you. I will always be honest with my perspectives, but this is not about me. This is about you.

    I am excited to dive in to the very first of these interviews with Miss Wylene Jowers of Augusta, Georgia. Take a listen.

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    28 mins
  • New Name. Same Mission. Welcome to We Unite We Win.
    Oct 3 2024

    This is We Unite We Win. Our goal and our belief is that we need to change our culture in order to change our politics.

    That culture change is truly a liberal vision. And that liberal vision is one that starts with the individual, where each and every one of us has dignity simply from the fact that we are a living human being. That dignity extends to each of us being able to pursue our own happiness in any manner that we see fit.

    In this episode, we explore why self-interest is not selfishness. We discuss that in a liberal commercial society with competitive markets that there absolutely is a powerful and important role for government to play. Additionally, government should exist to protect our individual rights in society and from society. That is true liberty.

    There is also an examination of the fact that no one is going to save us, except ourselves. Not the Democratic Party. Not the Republican Party. While there are no doubt real differences between the parties, especially when it comes to individual liberty, at the end of the day they both serve the same Empire and the same Oligarchs. Our only chance at real liberty is to become a nation of 336 million independent people with an allegiance to each other and not to party.

    We Unite We Win is about dialogue. And I look forward to having one with you. Please enjoy this episode.

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    10 mins
  • The March Toward Individual Liberty Starts with You
    Sep 3 2024

    This podcast includes three segments:

    * Meaning and Purpose

    * Ending Whiteness and the Universal Fulfillment of Liberal Ideals

    * A Practical Critique of the US Government and Political Party Philosophy

    As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and continue the dialogue with you on the march to individual liberty.

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    24 mins
  • Liberty Project: Episode 2
    Jul 11 2024

    As hoped for, traveling to Huntington Beach Pier brought new perspectives to the Liberty Project. Six Americans—John, Kara, Mark Anthony, Carlos, Nancy and John— were kind enough to spend a few minutes with Revolution Today and speak with us about liberty.

    Between the six participants, all interviewed on July 3, 2024, we heard from moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, native born and immigrants. We asked them our five questions:

    * Do you think about liberty daily, yearly, or not much at all?

    * How do you define liberty?

    * Putting aside culture, religion and politics, or including them, when you wake up each day, how do you want to be able to live your life?

    * How do you think liberty applies to your friends and family?

    * How do you think liberty should apply to all Americans?

    I hope you enjoy their responses and that it gets you thinking about liberty, too. As always, we would love to hear your thoughts.

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    21 mins
  • Liberty Project: Episode 1
    Jul 2 2024

    The first Liberty Project interviews took place on June 26, 2024 at Echo Park Lake in Los Angeles, CA. I want to start by thanking the first five people who agreed to be interviewed and who you will hear here: Joey, Julio, Larry, Mara and Holden.

    I asked them each five questions:

    * Do you think about liberty daily, yearly, or not much at all?

    * How do you define liberty?

    * Putting aside culture, religion and politics, or including them, when you wake up each day, how do you want to be able to live your life?

    * How do you think liberty applies to your friends and family?

    * How do you think liberty should apply to all Americans?

    Other than some minor edits at the beginning and end of each segment, you will hear the complete answers from each interview.

    My aim with this project is to ignite a national discussion on liberty, one American at a time. I’m not sure when I’ll reach all 336 million of you, but I do hope that by bringing you the voices of fellow Americans from all walks of life each week that it spurs your interest in having this dialogue with your friends, family and acquaintances.

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    30 mins
  • Let's talk culture and economics and Maximum Liberty
    May 1 2024

    With this podcast, we enter the realm of reviewing events through the lens of how they either hinder or help the cause of Maximum Liberty. While event watching makes for great entertainment, we are more interested in the themes that tie these events together. For it is those themes that are the actual insight into the hows and whys of our current circumstance. And the themes offer the lessons for us to choose new paths and new ways to finally live up, or at least ever more closely approach, the ideals on which the United States was founded.

    We discuss a nation’s wealth and how that’s tied to birth rate. With the birth rate in the US continuing its downward trend well below the replacement rate, we discuss how culture and policy affect that rate. Specifically, we examine how health care, abortion, immigration and dangerous ideas around masculinity come to play in expanding our country’s wealth.

    There’s also a discussion of fear of crime and how it does not match the reality of just how safe we are today. The answer is to understand why fear drives people and how we can replace fear with love, or at least a clear-eyed view of just how safe you really are.

    And we touch on the dangers of selling and believing in flat out lies. It might be comforting to believe a lie, but doing so damages the soul and the country. Truth is never something to fear.

    Enjoy the podcast and listen on your favorite podcast platform.

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    1 hr and 56 mins
  • Policies and Positions
    Apr 27 2024

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    1 hr and 57 mins