When visiting friends and family or attending a party, we sometimes have a notion of how much time we want to spend there. We may even arrange a signal with our spouse to avoid staying too long. In our text, Israel had been at Mt. Horeb for some time. They had become comfortable, but God told them it was time to move. There are wilderness times and times of waiting, but these are temporary. God is taking us somewhere that is better than where we are now. God tells them to leave Horeb and to possess the promised land. In other chapters, God goes on to tell them to destroy all the inhabitants of the land and to drive them out entirely. Failing to do this would result in ruin. God warned them about intermarrying and taking on the Canaanite culture. Unfortunately, Israel did not drive the Canaanites out, and as God said, Israel was influenced by their culture. In time, it was hard to differentiate between God's people and the people of Canaan. We cannot live too close to the world without it affecting our thoughts and attitudes. We cannot be complacent. We cannot become comfortable with where we are. It is not that we have left the truth, but we cannot stay when God continues to move. We can't stay long.