• Invitation // All In // Ps Dan Cronin
    Sep 23 2024

    Are we truly embracing our role as witnesses for Christ? This powerful message reminds us that sharing the Gospel isn't just for the gifted few - it's a command for all believers. Drawing from Acts 1:8, we're challenged to recognize that the Holy Spirit empowers each of us to be Christ's ambassadors. The Gospel isn't merely good news; it's the power of God for salvation. As we reflect on the transformative story of creation, fall, and redemption, we're urged to consider the eternal consequences of our witness. Like Andrew bringing his brother Simon Peter to Jesus, or the Samaritan woman at the well sharing her encounter, our simple acts of invitation can have far-reaching impacts. Let's step out in faith, sharing our testimonies and inviting others to experience the life-changing power of Jesus.

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    32 mins
  • Generosity // All In // Ps Dan Cronin
    Sep 16 2024

    In this message from Ps Dan, we're challenged to embrace a posture of generosity as a reflection of God's heart. The parable of the talents in Matthew 25 reminds us that everything we have belongs to God, and we're called to be faithful stewards of His resources. This isn't just about money – it's about our time, talents, and influence too. Ps Dan encourages us to shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, trusting that God will provide for our needs as we give cheerfully and sacrificially. We're reminded that our generosity isn't just about supporting the church, but about investing in the eternal Kingdom of God. As we reflect on this, let's consider how we can open our hands and hearts, allowing God's blessings to flow through us to others.

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    38 mins
  • Prayer // All In // Ps Dan Cronin
    Sep 11 2024
    In our exploration of being 'All In' for prayer, we're reminded that prayer is not just an optional extra, but the very lifeblood of our Christian walk. Drawing from Martin Luther's powerful words, we see that prayer is as essential to our spiritual life as breathing is to our physical existence. The message challenges us to examine our prayer habits and asks: are we truly nourishing our souls through deep, intimate connection with God? By reflecting on Philippians 4:6-7, we're encouraged to bring everything - our anxieties, joys, and requests - before God. This isn't just about personal spiritual health; it's about strengthening the entire body of Christ and advancing God's kingdom. As we commit to persistent, heartfelt prayer, we're not just changing our circumstances - we're allowing God to transform us from the inside out. Let's consider how we can carve out dedicated time for prayer, making it a priority that shapes our perspective and deepens our relationship with our loving heavenly Father.
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    39 mins
  • Audacious Prayer // Ps Dan Cronin
    Sep 3 2024

    This powerful message explores the story of Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18, revealing profound lessons about prayer and God's character. We're challenged to see God as both just and merciful, hating sin but loving righteousness even more. The passage points us to Jesus as the ultimate righteous one, through whom God forgives us all. We're encouraged to pray boldly for our cities and loved ones, asking in Jesus' name for what He has already paid for. This story teaches us to approach God as intercessors, standing in the gap for others and believing for big miracles. Let's embrace persistent prayer, trusting in our loving Father's desire to bless and transform lives.

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    38 mins
  • Integrity // Daniel 1 // Ps Dan Cronin
    Aug 29 2024

    In this powerful message, we're reminded of the importance of integrity and unwavering faith in our Christian walk. Through the story of Daniel and his friends in Babylon, we see how young believers stood firm in their convictions despite intense pressure to conform. Their refusal to defile themselves with the king's food teaches us about making pre-determined decisions to honor God, even when it's difficult. This challenges us to examine our own lives and ask: Are we thermometers merely reflecting our environment, or thermostats changing it for God's glory? The message urges us to be 'all in' for Christ, surrendering every area of our lives to His lordship. It's a call to stand out rather than blend in, recognizing that true devotion to God often means being different from the world around us.

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    35 mins
  • A Call to Choose // Joshua: Courage Over Fear // Ps Dan Cronin
    Aug 22 2024

    In this powerful message, we're called to make a fundamental choice in our spiritual lives. Drawing from Joshua 24, we're reminded of the pivotal moment when Joshua challenged the Israelites to choose whom they would serve. This choice isn't a one-time decision, but a daily commitment to follow God faithfully. We're encouraged to reflect on how our choices shape our character and destiny. The message emphasizes that true faith isn't passive or inherited, but requires active, intentional dedication. It's a stirring reminder that our faith journey involves continual decisions to serve God, even when faced with temptations or cultural pressures. This call to choose resonates deeply with our own lives, prompting us to examine where our loyalties truly lie and how we can recommit ourselves to God's service.

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    33 mins
  • God's Victory // Joshua: Courage over Fear // Ps Dan Cronin
    Aug 12 2024

    In this powerful message, we explore the story of Joshua and the fall of Jericho, uncovering profound lessons about faith, obedience, and God's unconventional methods. We're reminded that God's ways are higher than our own, and His strategy often defies human logic. The Israelites' obedience in following God's unusual battle plan demonstrates the importance of trusting in His promises, even when they seem illogical. This challenges us to examine our own faith journey - are we willing to follow God's instructions, even when they don't align with our expectations? The victory at Jericho serves as a powerful reminder that success in our spiritual lives isn't measured by worldly standards, but by our faithful obedience to God's calling.

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    38 mins
  • Remember // Joshua: Courage Over Fear // Ps Dan Cronin
    Aug 6 2024

    In this powerful message, we explore the importance of remembering God's faithfulness through the story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. Just as God commanded the Israelites to set up memorial stones, we too are called to establish tangible reminders of His goodness in our lives. These 'memorials' serve not only to strengthen our own faith but also to pass on the stories of God's miraculous works to future generations. We're challenged to reflect on how easily we can forget God's past faithfulness in the face of current struggles, and encouraged to actively cultivate gratitude. This practice of remembering isn't about living in the past, but about fueling our faith for present and future challenges, reminding us that our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

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    27 mins