• Purpose, Community, and Helping Others: Life Lessons from wise elders, Birch and Diana
    Jan 30 2024

    Join us as we continue Season 5 on Life Purpose and Calling by speaking with two friends that I consider mentors in my community. Birch and Diana Cannon are what I would consider true elders.

    When we can let go of our own need for everything to be as we want it, and our own need to succeed, we can then encourage the independent journey and the success of others. The [elder] is able to relinquish center stage and to stand on the sidelines, and thus be in solidarity with those who need their support.’ (Father Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation)

    In our discussion, we look at what life purpose means to them overall and through different seasons in their lives. We also talk about the importance of community and how the community mindset has changed over time. We touch what kindness looks like and how to pay it forward to others.

    This episode (Episode 4) is a call to action. Less thinking and more doing. I was personally convicted by several things they said, so I can’t wait for you to hear it and expand your mindset to incorporate perspectives from other generations.

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    50 mins
  • Embracing Purpose: Christa Hardin, an Enneagram 7, Shares Her Inspiring Calling
    Nov 28 2023

    As we continue in the life purpose/calling series, we are joined by former marriage and family therapist turned relationship coach, Christa Hardin, MA, who is also an author and podcaster of the hit show, the Enneagram and Marriage Podcast. Christa is an Enneagram Seven who enthusiastically encourages, bringing hope, peace, and compassion to couples as a relationship helper. She talks about how she identified her calling early on, steps she took to embrace and evolve the calling, where she is now, and what she plans to offer in the future. Join us for this fun chat if you’re on the journey to find your calling, are interested in the marriage work she is doing, are in search of marital support, or are just curious as to what we’re up to. There is something in this episode for everyone. She even manages to weave in several literary references as they were an integral part in her personal development and who she is today.

    There are several ways to connect with Christa:


    (Lots of freebies to start with)


    (The Enneagram and Marriage Podcast)


    (Christa's Instagram)


    (The Enneagram in Marriage new book)


    (The Overflowing Life workbook)

    As always, thanks for listening!

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Introduction to Finding Your Life Purpose with Katy, Enneagram 5
    Nov 15 2023

    If you are at a place in life where you are wondering what your purpose is, this episode is a good place to start your journey. I have also been on this journey for about four years and came here to share with you the resources I have found so far that are pertinent. Season 5 marks an entire collection of episodes devoted to this topic. I open the season in this episode by sharing resources that I've gathered, specifically important takeaways that may be helpful for those that are on this journey with me. Join me here!

    Links and other resources mentioned in the episode:
    Link to Judi's episode on Youtube

    Books mentioned:
    The Path Made Clear - Discovering your life’s direction and Purpose - Oprah
    You Be You: Why Satisfaction & Success Are Closer Than You Think- Jamie Ivey
    The Story of You & Workbook - Ian Morgan Cron
    Let Your Life Speak - Parker Palmer
    Falling Upward - Father Richard Rohr
    7 Keys to Unlocking your Life Purpose - Stuart Simpson
    Talents Parable (Bible) Matthew 25:14-30

    Follow the podcast on the new YouTube Channel where all episodes from 2023 can be watched. Remastered older episodes are also finding their way on the channel as they become available. http://www.youtube.com/@weareallhumanpodcast

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Stephanie Smith Enneagram 8 Uses Her Strength to Find Stillness (Part 2)
    Sep 17 2023

    Refreshingly honest, poised, and unapologetically herself, Stephanie Smith appeared on the podcast to talk about many things, but particularly how life has changed her. She delved into her past, identifying old wounds with both candor and composure, allowing us a peek inside of what it’s like to be her. While lamenting the past she also illustrated just how those experiences shaped her into the confident person that she is today. Typing herself as an Enneagram 8, Stephanie shares how she sees the world through that lens as well as how she is perceived by others. I was so captivated by her that the conversation flowed longer than a typical episode and will be broken into two parts. 

    Stephanie is a self-taught, bold, and incredibly talented photographer at Southern Stitched Photography. She has a passion for capturing unconventional genuine moments between families, couples, expectant mothers, and many others to serve as lasting memories for those who come after in this life. Stephanie was featured on the Today show and Good Morning America when her facebook post of an adult swaddled like a baby went viral.


    This was also picked up by several local news stations and blogs including WISTV10, WYFF4, the Southern Thing blog, and Little Things.com. She takes all the fanfare in stride as she continues to hone her craft, while also making time for rest and fun. Those listening will be enamored with her interesting take on life and her deep love for music. Stay tuned for the release of Part 2 to continue the conversation with Stephanie.

    Connect with Stephanie: 

    Southern Stitched on Instagram

    Southern Stitched Website

    **Starting this month, We Are All Human Podcast is not only able to be heard but can now be seen on our YouTube channel for those curious to see faces and body language during the conversation.

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Stephanie Smith Enneagram 8 Uses Her Strength to Find Stillness (Part 1)
    Sep 8 2023

    Refreshingly honest, poised, and unapologetically herself, Stephanie Smith appeared on the podcast to talk about many things, but particularly how life has changed her. She delved into her past, identifying old wounds with both candor and composure, allowing us a peek inside of what it’s like to be her. While lamenting the past she also illustrated just how those experiences shaped her into the confident person that she is today. Typing herself as an Enneagram 8, Stephanie shares how she sees the world through that lens as well as how she is perceived by others. I was so captivated by her that the conversation flowed longer than a typical episode and will be broken into two parts. 

    Stephanie is a self-taught, bold, and incredibly talented photographer at Southern Stitched Photography. She has a passion for capturing unconventional genuine moments between families, couples, expectant mothers, and many others to serve as lasting memories for those who come after in this life. Stephanie was featured on the Today show and Good Morning America when her facebook post of an adult swaddled like a baby went viral.


    This was also picked up by several local news stations and blogs including WISTV10, WYFF4, the Southern Thing blog, and Little Things.com. She takes all the fanfare in stride as she continues to hone her craft, while also making time for rest and fun. Those listening will be enamored with her interesting take on life and her deep love for music. Stay tuned for the release of Part 2 to continue the conversation with Stephanie.

    Connect with Stephanie: 

    Southern Stitched on Instagram

    Southern Stitched Website

    **Starting this month, We Are All Human Podcast is not only able to be heard but can now be seen on our YouTube channel for those curious to see faces and body language during the conversation.

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Beekeeping with Larissa: Making Honey While Tending the Soul
    Dec 16 2022

    In this episode we discuss the ancient art of beekeeping as it looks in the present day. To teach us, we have my older sister, Larissa, who has been partaking in the hobby for many years and recently a became certified beekeeper in South Carolina. We go into not only the basics of beekeeping, tools you need, how to get started, facts about bee biology, but deeper still into what beekeeping can do for your soul and mental health. We discuss how the practice can be used as one of the many therapeutics for PTSD and how it plays a role for Veterans and others who have experienced traumas in their lives.

    There is something in this episode for everyone! If you're interested in beekeeping, now is a great time to delve into the episode and give yourself some background knowledge and motivation to get in gear before Spring. If you are into the Enneagram like many of my listeners are, Larissa is an Enneagram 8w9 (SP). You may relate and benefit on hearing how a nature-based solitary activity can help with self-regulation when you're out of alignment and not feeling like yourself. If you're a veteran, you might click on the link below to find out how to get in touch with a local chapter of Heroes to Hives.

    Connect with Larissa and if you're local grab some honey:

    More info on Heroes to Hives program we mentioned. It's a collaborative program that addresses the personal and financial wellness of veterans through professional training in beekeeping. Find them on Instagram:

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Enneagram 7, Adrienne Sanders Kaye Shows Us How to Access the Heart
    Aug 23 2022

    In this episode, we speak to communications coach, Adrienne Sanders Kaye, about what it's like to be an Enneagram 7 (SP 7w6), how knowing the Enneagram has changed her life, and how to tap into the heart center. Adrienne gives examples of trials she has endured along the way and how she has coped in the past, versus the beneficial ways she has learned to cope now. She describes how she teaches others to use the Enneagram in their communications, taking knowledge that is bookish and parlaying that into an individual's personal life for the better. Come join us for this enthusiastic conversation if you are an Enneagram 7, know and love a 7, or just want to understand 7's, or need help tapping into emotions and the heart.

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    52 mins
  • The Power of Vulnerability: Tiffany Doyle Steps Out of Shame Into Her Purpose
    Jun 25 2022

    Welcome to Season 3 Episode 6 of the We Are All Human Podcast! I am very excited about this episode because it features connection made through vulnerability. Our guest is Tiffany Doyle, Enneagram 2 . Tiffany is involved in the ministry and is the wife of Evan Doyle of EnneagramGift who was featured in the previous episode. She will explain how we came to be connected, how she stepped into her vulnerability, as well as sharing her story of shame and how she overcomes this to live in her purpose. We incorporate thought work using the thought model to illustrate how Tiffany showed up in life while in the cycle of shame versus after she was transformed by her faith.

    As was mentioned in the episode, both Tiffany and I are here for you if you are walking through this or something similar and need support. Connect with Tiffany and her ministry on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/doyleflower/.

    I am equipped as a coach to help bring clarity to your thoughts and guide you to proactive choices in life. Reach out to me on Instagram as well at:  https://instagram.com/weareallhumanpodcast 

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Be Still Ministries

    Katy's episode on Shame

    The Thought Model - An Explanation

    Tiffany's husband, Evan Doyle of Enneagram Gift,  episode

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    1 hr and 9 mins