Analysis & Theory about the culture, magic, and mythology, of the Rhoynar, the Wars with Valyria, and GREYSCALE!
00:00 Intro
01:06 The Ancient Rhoynar & their Cities
06:30 Religion and Magic
15:12 Rhoynish Wars & the Valyrian Roads
23:00 Spice Wars
25:13 The Sorrows & Garin’s Curse
37:31 The Shrouded Lord
46:00 Medusa & Gargoyle Parallels
48:34 The Rhoynar in Dorne
50:15 Outro
📚 Sources 📚
ASoIaF book series, GoT: Histories and Lore & House of the Dragon HBO TV series, The World of Ice and Fire.
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🖼️ Art Credits 🖼️
The Palace of Sorrow - by Dimitri Bielak
🎶 Music 🎶
Wonderland by Alexander Nakarada (
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
#asoiaf #asongoficeandfire #hotd #houseofthedragon
🔍 Keywords 🔍
ASOIAF, asoiaf, theory, theories, analysis, rhoynar, drone, tyrion targaryen, jon connington, greyscale, sorrows, dance with dragons, adwd, got, game of thrones