• Podcast Interview with USMC active duty service member J Marie
    Oct 14 2021
    J Marie, the host of Women With an Effed Up Mind podcast. My platform exposes the truth with sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence and the mental health stigma in our military. Whether it’s survivors sharing their stories, sharing cases, resources and just ruffling as many feathers to change the effed up system and stigmas. We also highlight organizations, nonprofits, etc that are doing the damn thing to help veterans and service members, whether they are victims or just in general. Follow her podcast to learn and hear more: https://linktr.ee/ItsEffedUp My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    47 mins
  • Podcast Interview with USMC Combat Veteran Charles Read
    Sep 30 2021
    Charles J Read is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), U.S Tax Court Practitioner ( USTCP), member of the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC), and the Founder of GetPayroll. In addition to his executive career, Charles is a decorated United States Marine Corps sergeant, a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. While in service, he was trained by IBM as a computer programmer and later a systems engineer. Charles is an accomplished senior executive and entrepreneur with more than fifty years of financial leadership experience in a broad range of industries and the author of four books. His latest book The Payroll Book: A Guide For Small Businesses and Startups is currently #25 in Small Business Books section on Amazon. You can view his previous media appearances here: https://getpayroll.com/payroll-processing/getpayroll/charles-read/ My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    30 mins
  • Podcast Interview with USMC Veteran Shane "Broken Jarhead" Cunningham
    Sep 16 2021
    My name is Shane Cunningham, and I’m the owner of Broken Jarhead. BJH is motivated to bring awareness to mental health in veterans by speaking the quiet parts out loud. I started by making vulgar art to get some cheap laughs and cheer up veteran friends during COVID last year, and evolved into stickers patches, and challenge coins. Currently, BJH is creating an apparel line dedicated to being made in America, by American textiles, and assembled by Americans. Our inaugural line will be the RED Apparel Line which will have red accents and accessories to bring awareness to Remembering Everyone Deployed. We will be donating a pair of socks to deployed military with each sale. PODCAST AWARDS: I learned about use of podcasts as a way to help veterans cope and heal from PTSD and other issues. I really like the idea of encouraging growth through action instead of being just another veteran company that says they want to bring awareness. I looked for an awards ceremony for podcasts and found iHeart obviously, and The People Podcast Awards. I couldn’t find anything for Veterans, so decided to create it – how hard could it be!? BJH is proud to announce the 1st Annual Veterans Podcast Awards which will be held on October 5th! Our custom trophy is made by a female vet owned trophy company locally. It will be a Golden War Hammer with a placard listing the details of the award and the Vet Podcast Award logo. What says Vet Podcasting better than a bludgeoning tool and a microphone? NATIONAL MILITARY PODCAST DAY: We scheduled the awards ceremony on September 30, International Podcast Day – seemed fitting. Then discovered the other award show is the same day. So, being the rational person that I am, I filed the paperwork and paid the fee required to establish National Military Podcast Day! This occurs October 5th. Since Enduring Freedom began October 6/7, we thought we’d have a day of celebration before a day of remembrance. WHY: One of the best ways to deal with PTSD and other issues is to talk! Many veterans use podcasting in a therapeutic way but quit too soon. We want to encourage the discourse by offering a free awards ceremony and celebrating a National Day! We want to encourage active duty and vets alike to keep pushing and never give in to the demons! SPONSORSHIPS: In order to keep our commitment to encouraging growth through action, we recently began sponsoring DV Gaming. They are a great group of veterans that play an array of video games, stream and discuss veteran issues we face, and hold events to raise money for charities that help veterans. We are proud to have the opportunity to be a sponsor! www.veteranpodcastawards.com Follow Shane: FB: Broken Jarhead IG: @brokenjarhead Web: brokenjarhead.com, thebrokenpodcast.live, brokenjarhead.blog My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    47 mins
  • Podcast Interview with USAF Veteran and Congressional candidate Mariela Roca
    Sep 9 2021
    Dr. Mariela Roca is a mother, veteran, and dedicated civil servant. Raised by a strong and independent single mother, Mariela knows all too well how hard work, sacrifice, and dedication are key to living a meaningful and successful life. Mariela was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and at an early age moved to Queens, NY with her mother and older brother. She obtained a public school education, which continued when her family moved back to Puerto Rico at the age of 13. There, she finished middle and high school and attended the University of Puerto Rico for her first year of college. Inspired by her older brother’s military service within the United States Marine Corps, she decided to herself enlist in the United States Air Force. During her time in the Air Force, Mariela served as a Medical Logistician providing lifesaving Medical Logistics support to military warfighters across all services both stateside, and while deployed overseas. While on her second deployment, tragedy struck when her mother, Lydia, was unexpectedly diagnosed with Stage-4 Glioblastoma Multiforme, a fast-growing and aggressive brain tumor. Mariela quickly became her primary caregiver and knows firsthand how the stress and burden of caring for a sick loved one can take on someone. In addition, Mariela understands the importance of making prescription drugs affordable, especially for life-saving drugs. After her military service, Mariela relocated to the Frederick area and continued her Medical Logistics career as a Federal Employee working for the United States Army at Fort Detrick. Mariela holds a Master of Business Administration from Mount Saint Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD and a Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Maryland Global Campus. Mariela currently lives in Frederick, MD with her two children. They also have a rescue Chihuahua dog named Annie. In her free time, Mariela enjoys spending time at home and also enjoys camping and traveling with her family Follow Mariela: https://rocaforcongress.com/ FB: Mariela Roca, Mariela Roca for Congress IG: @rocaforcongress Follow me: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    1 hr
  • Podcast Interview with USMC Veteran Jason Burds
    Jul 1 2021
    My name is Jason Burds and I am the host of the Military Bottom Line Podcast. I enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 years old in 2010. Shipped out Jan 3, 2011 and spent four years on active duty in CA. I inadvertently stayed in the reserves for 5 years until I pursued an opportunity within the National Guard. I am now in the National Guard and am working to help others find opportunities, programs and other means of leveraging the military to ensure a successful career and transition. Follow Jason: Instagram: @militarybottomline Website: linktr.ee/militarybottomline My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    48 mins
  • Podcast Interview with USMC Combat Veteran Tim Swiger
    May 28 2021
    I joined the U.S. Marines in July of 2006 as rifleman. At first, I was attached to MARSOC and cross-trained as a machine gunner. I completed my first deployment with MARSOC in 2007-2008 in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan. After returning from my first deployment, I, again, deployed with 3rd Battalion 8th Marines back to the Helmand River Valley from 2008-2009. In 2010, I left the Marine Corps and for the following decade I pursued my doctorate in psychology at West Virginia University. My academic and clinical practice has focused on Veterans issues of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Moral Injury. Specifically, my dissertation for my doctorate program was on Morally Injurious experiences of combat exposed Veterans. During my academic studies, I have received multiple awards in the area of research/presentation on Veterans issues and combat related trauma. My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    1 hr
  • Podcast Interview with USMC Combat Veteran Matt Jimenez
    May 13 2021
    I grew up in Southern California, before becoming homeless at the age of and turn to crime to feed myself at the age of 18. I join the US military one year later. I served with 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine division from 2008-2012. During that time I did 3 deployments overseas including a MEU, operation unified response, and operation enduring freedom. I exited the Marine Corps in early 2012, and spent two years denying seeking a diagnosis for poor mental health due to my time in the military. After receiving a diagnosis of PTSD in 2014, I spent years trying to understand how to deal with the symptoms. In July of last year I started doing social media to teach people civilians about what combat is like and what PTSD is like for veterans. Follow Matt: Instagram: @matts_alright Website: linktr.ee/Matts_alright My Firebase: solo.to/wm2podcast
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    1 hr
  • Podcast Interview with Army Veteran & CEO Carrie Beavers
    May 8 2021
    It happened one night while sleeping in an open bay at Army AIT. If you didn’t want yelled at by a drill sargeant the whole time you were making your bed you slept on top of the covers. I also slept in PT uniform of a tshirt and shorts on the top bunk. I was woke up by a man’s (drill sargeant) hand slowly moving up my leg up over my body, and down my arm. I opened my eyes and when I saw him standing I immediately closed my eyes and froze. I could not move. The events that happened that night changed my life forever at age 18. I was afraid to report it at the time. I was one way a happy, trusting, PTSD free mindset. After I was depressed, rolled up in a ball on the floor crying, not knowing why. I was in complete denial. The moment I left I suppressed the incident ever happened. Germany was my first duty station in 1991 during the Gulf War. I went from not drinking and never trying drugs to drinking excessively and doing a variety of drugs. Anything I could do to numb my feelings, and not face the pain. I did not know that I had PTSD. I just knew something was wrong. I dated my future husband in Germany and we had a very on and off again relationship. It was hard for me to trust, or respect a man. We married in 1993 and I transitioned out of the Army to Ft. Bragg where he was stationed. I had a very hard time transitioning to civilian life. I joined the Army Reserves and was assigned with the 82nd Aviation as support. I got a civilian job in sales. I was fired because I could not make the sales quota. It felt like being thrown into another world and being expected to know how to do the job. After only 4 months out of active duty I reenlisted active duty Army as a Combat medic. I was assigned to Womack Army Medical Center. I went from being the soldier that was picked for having the best uniform to escort the Generals around to not getting along with my chain of command. I was demoted and later on earned back the rank. I was the medic that the Army nurses came to do things because I was great at my job. I was assigned to Smoke Bomb Hill Family Practice to take care of Special Forces family Members. I helped manage the clinic. I struggled with getting along with my chain of command once again. I had separated from my husband at the time multiple times. Still not knowing I had PTSD or what PTSD was. I just knew that I was would self sabotage my life off and on. I worked in stressful jobs as a nurse in the ER and other areas of healthcare. I felt drawn to the stress. Fast forward to 2019 I was really struggling. I was tired of my own shit for the last 30 years. I was considering suicide and was in a very low place and felt stuck there. I reached out to a veteran group for help. I started to notice that multiple vets were expressing they wanted to end their life. I reached out to them as a good listener and someone they could relate to. I started working with a Veterans crisis team and I saw that I was making a difference in other veterans lives and giving them hope. I was still struggling myself with suicidal thoughts. I decided to go to the VA for help. I put in a claim for PTSD related to MST and after 2 years and much frustration I was awarded 100 percent. The counseling at the VA helped me, combined with networking with other veteran groups online. I networked with other veteran businesses online and found a community of support that I has really changed my life. My advice would be to get help early on. I let PTSD control my life for too long. I started my own business Soldier Girl Coffee and affiliate program to help inspire other veterans that you can have PTSD and still find healthy coping mechanisms, and do anything you want to do in this life as long as you don’t give up. I found that CBD oil is a tool that has helped my PTSD. I am offering a 100% THC Free CBD infused coffee in the hopes others will find it can help them also. Https://sgcoffee.co; FB- Soldier Girl Coffee; IG- @soldiergirlcoffeecompany
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    59 mins