What can you do to keep your voice in tip-top shape? As podcasters, we use our voices a lot. Chances are, that essential instrument of yours has temporarily abandoned you in the past. Whether the symptom stems from getting sick or from overuse, waking up to croaks, rasps, or silence is an awful feeling, especially if deadlines or interviews are looming. In this timely episode, Mary returns to the mic on the heels of her own voice loss to talk swollen vocal folds and slug tongue with Nic Redman, a vocal coach and voiceover artist who has spent almost 20 years helping professional speakers hone their voices.
Nic is a font of healthy voice inspiration, sharing everything from the importance of hydration (and the truth about which beverages count) to warmups that will get your tongue trilling, your lips flapping, and your vocal cords folding. Come to terms with what you can and can’t control about your listener’s reaction to your unique voice and be reminded about what a privilege it is, literally and figuratively, to have a voice. This episode is packed with light science and exaggerated facial expressions you can practically see, all in the interest of keeping you talking for years to come.
Join Nic and Mary for interactive vocal warmups and other voice health tips:
- Silly faces and weird noises that can help your voice even when you’re sick
- Why you need to get out of your own head and stop self-editing your voice
- How to sound just as energized at the top of your episode as you do at the end
- The benefit of vocal warmups beyond just keeping your voice healthy
Links worth mentioning from the episode:
- Podcasting For Business Conference - https://pfbcon.com/
- Enter to win a ticket to the conference by sending your voice note - http://www.VisibleVoicePodcast.com/
- Listen to Episode 70, How to Use Research and Reports to Guide Your Podcast with Megan Dougherty - https://www.organizedsound.ca/how-to-use-research-and-reports-to-guide-your-podcast-with-megan-dougherty-episode-70/
Engage with Nic:
- Learn more about Nic’s work on her website - https://nicolaredman.com/
- Listen to the Voice Coach podcast - https://nicolaredman.com/voice-coach-podcast/
- Get your copy of Nic’s book at www.onthemicbook.com
- Connect with her on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nicredvoice/
Connect with Mary!
- Leave a voicemail with your feedback at https://www.speakpipe.com/VisibleVoice or email visiblevoicepodcast@gmail.com
- Get the full transcript of the episode at http://www.visiblevoicepodcast.com
- Read up on more secrets with the Visible Voice Insights Newsletter https://www.organizedsound.ca/newsletter
- To learn more or work with Mary, check out https://www.organizedsound.ca
- Link up on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/marychan-organizedsound/
- Engage on Instagram @OrganizedSoundProductions https://www.instagram.com/organizedsoundproductions
Show Credits:
- Podcast audio design, engineering, and edited by Mary Chan of Organized Sound Productions
- Podcast cover art by Emily Johnston of Artio Design Co.
- Show notes written by Shannon Kirk of Right Words Studio
- Post-production support by Kristalee Forre of Forre You VA