Sep 14 2024

    No more shame! Sisters it is time to move on by faith with grace. Welcome to the conversation. Let this episode inspire you to live. You are worthy. You are valuable. I know that life has caused many painful experiences but God can heal and mend your life. His amazing love is beautiful. Write me at uarebetterthanyesterday@gmail.com. Visit me at VickiLynneKemp.com. #NOMORESHAME

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    27 mins
    Sep 9 2024

    Sisters welcome back. Thank you for joining the conversation. Have you ever needed quietness and there is too much noise? Quietness and focus are sweet friends. I want to encourage you to still away and focus in. Life can be tough but you have the power to reset. Let this quick episode bless you. Connect with me at VickiLynneKemp.com. Please share with a sister.

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    10 mins
    Aug 26 2024

    Welcome sisters. Thank you for joining us today. I want to encourage you to keep being you with wisdom. Don't be weary in well doing. I Pray this blessing you. Think about this podcast episode after listening. I invite you to register for FIREPROOF 8 at Harvest1.org. Visit me at VickiLynnekemp.com. Follow me on IG @LadyVickiLKemp.

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    25 mins
    Jul 23 2024

    Welcome sisters. It's a lot going on in the world. We need so many miracles. Prayer is the remedy for direction and change. Allow prayer to be your love language. Stay focused! I pray this episode blesses you. Connect with me on IG @LadyVickiLKemp or website VickiLynneKemp.com. I would love to hear from you. #Savingoursisters

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    19 mins
    Jul 14 2024

    Sisters welcome back. Watch the trap of offense and don't be an offender! Grab a copy of the book, "The Bait of Satan," by John Bevere and journey with us to learn not to bite the bait. Receive powerful tips from Dr. Niesha Davis-Massey on how to deal with offense in the natural. Connect with her on IG @Inspiremecounselingandwellness. Email me at uarebetterthanyesterday@gmail.com and connect at VickiLynneKemp.com. Enjoy this episode.

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    31 mins
  • The Power of Words
    Jun 25 2024

    Welcome To Saving Our Sisters Podcast. Sisters how have your speech been lately? I want to encourage you to watch the words we speak out of your mouth. Our words have creative power in the earth. Allow this episodes to make you think intentionally before you think. The Power of your words is so important. Visit me at VickiLynnekemp.com or email uarebetterthanyesterday@gmail.com

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    28 mins
    May 7 2024

    Welcome back sisters. It is so important to be careful whom we allow in our live. Wisdom! Be careful in the reaching and the wanting. Was it a God connection and what was the motive. I can't wait to hear from you Email me at Uarebetterthanyesterday@gmail.com. Connect at VickiLynneKemp.com. Enjoy this episode.

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    20 mins
  • HAVE A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS! Featuring My Hubby "Vernon R. Kemp"
    Apr 22 2024

    Welcome back sisters. Thank you for joining me for episode 113 "Have a little talk with Jesus." A fun Impromptu morning with my best friend, keeper of my heart who always covers my blind side, my wonderful hubby, Vernon Kemp. "FRUSTRATION!" Let this episode bless you, make you laugh and think. We have the best conversations. Email me at uarebetterthanyesterday@gmail.com, connect on website at VickiLynneKemp.com. I own no rights to this music.

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    29 mins